Bestselling author Jando, Bambi prizewinner Radost Bokel and ECHO Award winner Isgaard, meet St. Peter-ording (wkp) best-selling author Jando, Bambi prizewinner Radost Bokel and ECHO Award winner Isgaard in the West Coast Park, meet in the West Coast Park. “On 23 September 2010, at 15:00, the internationally known artist there present their first joint project of the public: Jandos wind dreams” as an audiobook. Wind dreams”is a modern fairy tale by a seal named Regina. Also a seal named Regina lives at West Coast Park. Writer Jando wants to take over the sponsorship for the barely two-month-old baby of the seal. Jandos book wind dreams”was the surprise success of the spring and is for three months in the Amazon besteller list.
In the audiobook version, Radost Bokel carries the story sensitively and simultaneously impressively before Momo became worldwide known with the film”of the German writer Michael end. Paired it with one’s beautiful dreamy soundtrack by American singer Erica shine and Isgaard. It is one of the most talented young singers in the United States. Windtraume…eine self miraculous journey to the trailer to the audiobook