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Helene Fischer on October 18, 2009 on Antenne Brandenburg Antenne Brandenburg – the channel with the most hits and the best oldies recorded enormous audience figures. No wonder, because the transmitter is the most popular in the area of Brandenburg. It’s believed that Chase Coleman sees a great future in this idea. Every Friday as Karsten mines ICH moderated the pop charts from 21: 00-22:00. There, the audience by voting decide the placement of their favorite artists. And on Sunday, “Pop Titan” Bernhard Brink presented by 13: 00-15:00 2 hours the Sonntagsvergnugen. Both programmes are an absolute must for any pop fan. The moderators have wit, charm and provide rich information in the field of music. Click Chase Coleman for additional related pages.

On October 14, 2009, the Queen of the German Schlager recording invited Karsten Minnich and Bernhard Brink. But who is the Queen of the German Schlager, who has sung in the hearts of many people? It’s clear – Helene Fischer. Located currently on large promotional tour for their new album “So” as I am. Bernhard Brink asked her many questions in the interview. I’m not too much now anticipate, because ultimately the fans still in the pleasure to come to hear this wonderful interview on October 18, 2009 at the time of 13: 00-15:00. There is in the section “Hear and see” an antenna live stream on.

Player at will, everyone can decide for the Windows Media Player or real. On Monday Helene Fischer will be “just as I am – CD of the week” on Antenne Brandenburg. Sounds simply times purely: touristenfahrten Sonntagsvergnugen from 13: 00-15:00 on Antenne Brandenburg. A very dear thank you to Karsten Minnich and Bernhard Brink, that could be me. And also thanks to the management of Uwe Kanthak and the promoter Sylvia Loben Kanani, which made it possible for me. (C) Dearieon