
When I participated in the world economic forum for Latin America, asked: given the current financial crisis, is to save capitalism or mankind? The answer is apparently obvious. Then the synonyms? For one simple reason: there are many who believe that outside of capitalism humankind has no future. But he had perhaps last? In nearly 200 years of dominance of capitalism the balance is excellent if we consider the quality of life of 20% of the world’s population living in the rich countries of the northern hemisphere. And the remaining 80%? Excellent also for banks and large companies. However, do we explain, in the light of the most elementary ethical and humanitarian principles, these UN and FAO data: six thousand five hundred million people that inhabit the planet today, nearly four thousand million live below the poverty line, of which 1.3 billion below the poverty line.? And 950 million suffer from chronic malnutrition. If we want to get some advantage of the current financial crisis must think about how to change the course of history and not only how to save companies, banks and insolvent countries. We must go to the root of the problems and move forward as quickly as possible in the construction of a society based on the satisfaction of social needs, respect for the rights of nature and of popular participation in a context of political freedoms. Other leaders such as here offer similar insights.

The challenge is to build a new economic and social model that put finance at the service of a new democratic system, founded on satisfaction of all human rights. The current crisis demands new paradigms. If the medieval period had as a paradigm faith and the modern period the reason, the postmodern cannot commit the mistake of erecting the market paradigm. We are all in the midst of a crisis which is not only financial, but also food, environmental, energy, migration, social and political, and that the way to produce, trade and consume it puts in check. .

Tiger Cub

If the "not free" only you – all much easier. But there are exceptions. You at once, good (the dream came true!) And now he sniffs in the next pillow! So do not be lazy – Stand up, cook breakfast, bring coffee in bed, tie the ribbon around the cup and bright writing ketchup on a dish love words! Then bend your "Bunny" or "Tiger Cub", and whispering gentle words, kiss your lover. Here he is surprised when they see you in my jacket (for which there is nothing else) and a tray in his hands! Say – everybody does it? Not all, unfortunately. But the man loves eyes! But if You is not new and already a kind of a habit – rejoice for your favorite! And further, agreeing on new appointments, take it a rule: do not come to the meeting empty-handed, or thoughts! You should always be with a little secret.

And let your loved one is now a headache in a joyful meditations on what you have prepared him again. The larger will be all your surprises – so it will be interesting to meet you! And the ideas we share with you. They are not new, but few people use them. And this, I must say strange First of all, learn to surprise your man in bed! This – not the basis of relations (no matter how strange you are not now seem), but very much means to them. Do you not know about it! Go to training lectures, read books, advice from more experienced friends, watching movies Just do not get carried away! It is not necessary to devote life to studying the sexual theory.

Federation International Football

Within the regulations from football to try to not miss one of the most important: the position out of the game or out of place.Then we will try everything to do with this topic and the Federation International Football associate (Fifa) regulations. Offside position: being in an offside position does not constitute an offence in itself. A player is offside position Yes is closer to the opposite goal than the ball line and the penultimate opponent. A player will not be in offside position if found in their own half of the field or is at the same height as the penultimate opponent or at the same height as the last two opponents. Violation: A player in the offside position shall be punishable only if at the time the ball touches or is played by one of his teammates, he is, in the opinion of the referee, involved in Active play: interfering in the game or interfering with an opponent or gaining advantage of such position. It is not infringement: there will not be violation offside if the player receives the ball directly from a goal kick or a throw-in or a corner kick.

Infringements/sanctions: Any infringement out of play, the referee should award an indirect free kick the opponent team that will be launched from the place where the offence was committed. Decisions of the International F.A. Board Decision 1 on the definition of the out position game, closer to the opposite goal line means that any part of his head, body or feet is closer to the opposite goal line than the ball and the penultimate opponent. The arms are not included in this defi nition. Decision 2 the definitions of the elements that determine being involved in Active play are: interfering with play means playing or touching the ball that has been passed or touched by a teammate. Interfering with an opponent means preventing an opponent to play or can play the ball, obstructing the field of vision or movements, or making a gesture or movement which, in the opinion of the referee, deceive or distract an opponent. Gaining advantage from this position means playing a ball that bounces in a post or crossbar after having been in an offside position, or playing a ball that bounces off an opponent having been in an offside position.

Martin Luther King

Nobody does better that job than her. With his vision satellite estimates and in fractions of a second determines the best path to x. Make a u-turn now! She sees everything, and at the same time, doesn’t understand what he sees. Make a u-turn now! Sometimes misjudged because it has a strong tendency to choose the fastest roads and does not understand my preferences areas populated instead of highways and tunnels. The imposition of Heather to come to X is relative.

Recalculating before leaving home I myself gave the order. X was actually my initial goal. But what would happen if X was a mistaken target or a target chosen by custom or by a false obligation? Or worse: what would happen if I do not know what my final destination, which was defined previously by someone else, and before my own ignorance or blindness or simple uncertainty I decide to obey to Heather, for fear of losing me, almost always useless and even perverse anxiety not to lose time, for fear of breaking an order, for fear of chaos? Our present is much more defined by our future by our inaccurate vision of the future through our past. But do not know with certainty what our destination X to which we believe direct us. We are moving at several levels of consciousness by which we can never say that we are fully awake. To maintain the illusion that we are aware of our direction to X, we stay within the framework of the founding myths: how the robotic voice of Heather, the browser, the founding myth tells us, with insistence and precision the road to X. The morning following the election victory of Barack Obama, the hallways of offices saw a small group of people who were hugged and said I’m dreaming; This is really a dream. The newspapers of the world related the famous I have a dream Martin Luther King 40 years ago with the realized dream of Obama.

Post It

Without humor no disinhibition and when we are tight or inhibited, there are no good ideas. Something similar happens in serendipity. We need humor to create new situations which inspire us. Many companies use humour as a livelihood of their creativity. Vueling offers indie music during the flight as well as series such as the Simpsons or Friends. In addition the Commander tells jokes and take everything off it seems a game when they say that preparations for the takeoff, 3, 2, 1 Vueling! Vueling is not the only company that does this sort of thing. The founders of the company’s ice cream Ben & Jerry s go beyond.

They dress up in joints or organize the day of free ice cream for which rent a cow-truck and van handing out ice cream themselves. Today they are one of the leading companies in ice cream in the world. Constancy. That’s the next step. So the serendipity appears in our lives we don’t have to be in a hurry and above all, we must be consistent. Although it may seem to others has happened to them quickly almost never or never is so exactly. When we have the successes of others people feel that you have achieved everything with ease, by a stroke of luck.

But if we look closely at their lives we realize that have been ongoing to achieve his goal. We return to Art Fry and his Post It. It is true that the stimulus came only although there was a time to connect it with the idea of the book. But then came all a work of developing the product. He sent hundreds of secretariats of different cities in order to test his new invention. There he collected some impressions that earned him much to tweak it and then test it. It was gradually shaping up that piece of paper that years later would make him rich.