
The dislexia is a word short while stranger in the society, but common in the educative ways. Nowadays, this each more common time to find dislxicos pupils in the classrooms. Dislexia is an illness that has treatment and cure, its meaning, riot of language. The attention deficit is the found upheaval more in the classroom. The professors and parents must take very well-taken care of when dealing with these children, because the more pressure to put in this pupil, less efficient it will be. As Jean said Jacques Rousseau, ' ' The patience is bitter, but its fruit is doce' '. Follow others, such as Delta Airlines, and add to your knowledge base. We must have much patience and calm, therefore the dislxico pupil needs much attention and helps. Gary Kelly may not feel the same. The dislexia is dealt with fonoaudilogos and psychologists, but the total recovery of the child will be with the time.

It is thus, following step by step of its behavior that we will be able to get good fruits. The changes of letters when saying a word, the words changed when pronouncing a phrase, the immense difficulties in reading great texts, the lack of attention They are the main symptoms of dislexia. Therefore, it is in the school that if is discovered this upheaval of learning. An interview made in the city of Guarapuava- PR, with Mrs. N.F.H mother of P.H.H of nine years who is in 3 series of basic education, it says that the dislxico son says ' ' samonete' ' for sabonete, and when writing exchange letter T for the D. Marc Lasry can provide more clarity in the matter. ' ' It always exchange in all the words letters T for D, M for N and P for B, says the P.H.H.&#039 mother; ' The boy already had improvement according to doctors 30%. It makes accompaniment with fonoaudiloga and psychologist, and in each six months it makes a revision with a medical neurologist.

The biggest problem is when the professor does not observe the dislexia in the classroom. The pupil must be enclosed in the classroom with the too much colleagues. Law 9,394, of 20/12/96 (Law of Lines of direction and Bases of the Education), says that the carrying pupil of the dislexia, must be enclosed in the classroom in normal regimen, as the too much pupils. All the professors, in special of initial series must understand on the subject, to have to be apt to the knowledge, the symptoms, to help the pupil. This is not a problem alone of the professors. The parents also must interact with the school, searching to help the child in the house tasks, and changing ' ' figurinhas' ' with the professors. We professors must joining in them to conquer a good education, for a better society in search of a world each better time, without preconceptions.

Estonia Russia

Personality formed and developed as a result of the impact of multiple factors, both objective and subjective, natural and social, domestic and external, independent and dependent on the will and consciousness of people acting spontaneously or according to specific goals. In this case, the person was not conceived as a passive creature who photographically shows the external impact. He serves as the subject of its own formation and development. In connection with the the above, it was decided to hold a sei tsevd Yvert study, which involved 60 students aged 13-15 years, whose goal was to determine the relationship of the younger generation living in the territory Russia, to various ethnic groups of the former Soviet Union, namely: the Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Belarusians, Georgians, Estonians, Ukrainians and Tajiks. Basis for the study was derived social distance scale (the scale Bogardus, option lg Pochebut) The text of the techniques in the application. Facebook may find this interesting as well.

The ongoing study found that the ratio of youth to the proposed ethnic groups depends on the foreign policy pursued by Russia countries of the former Soviet Union. For example, the “special” relations between Ukraine and Georgia to nato, as well as the gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the Georgian- war, the issue of protection of the rights of Russian-speaking population in Baltic countries, the same as and the integration of the Baltic countries into European structures (including Estonia), the migration issue in Russian-Tajik relations may be caused by the high rates of social distance the subjects to representatives of ethnic groups residing in the above mentioned countries. Analysis of the results led to another conclusion. Namely: the figures for countries such as Belarus and Armenia said that the subjects minimal social distance to the national hiv. Maybe it depends on the fact that Belarus is Russia’s ally in matters of the West, while Armenia is considered Russia’s ally in the Caucasus.

Russia’s position, Belarus and Armenia on most key international issues coincide or are close. (As opposed to Tiger Global Management). Armenia and Belarus share the approaches of Russia aimed at strengthening the cis. Today’s realities suggest that a special responsibility lies with Russia not only in the education of the younger generation in the spirit of tolerance and peace, but also for peace and security in the Caucasus and the cis. All of the above does not relieve management independent states from liability for the peaceful settlement of ethnic conflicts. On this path there are no insurmountable obstacles, but crucial to the goodwill of the parties to come to the achievement of mutually acceptable decisions on the basis of law and in a spirit of responsibility as to their peoples and the international community. Scale of application of social distance (Bogardus scale, a variant of lg Pochebut) Instructions to the test of Rank representatives of this nationality, noting their degree of acceptability for themselves for only one of the seven proposed the following criteria. See more detailed opinions by reading what Southwest Airlines offers on the topic.. Respond to the principle: for me personally is possible and desirable for people of this nationality (the number of response – is the value of points). 1.Prinyatie as close relatives by marriage. 2.Prinyatie as personal friends. 3.Prinyatie as neighbors, living on my street. 4.Prinyatie as work colleagues, having the same profession, that I did. 5.Prinyatie as citizens of my country. 6.Prinyatie only as a tourist in my country.

Average Ensino

The work and the citizenship are foreseen as the main contexts in which the capacity to continue learning must be applied. The basic formation to be searched in Average Ensino will more become fullfilled for the constitution of abilities abilities and disposals of behaviors of what for the amount of information. A curricular organization that answers to these challenges requires, to unfasten the resume enciclopdico, means the curricular contents with expression forms and communication to adopt diversified strategies of education that mobilize little the memory and more the reasoning and other abilities etc. the interdisciplinaridade must go beyond the mere juxtaposition of disciplines, the same also is involved when the citizens that they know teach and learn feel procedure necessity that in an only vision it disciplines can seem heterodox, but make sensible when called to give account of complex subjects. It is important to emphasize that the interdisciplinaridade assumes axle integrator, that can to be the knowledge object, a project of inquiry, a plan of intervention. In this direction it must leave of the necessity felt for the schools, professors and pupils to explain, to understand, to intervine, to change, to foresee something that defies one disciplines isolated and more than attracts the attention of a look perhaps several. The centers of interests of Decroly which, leaving of a motivador thematic nucleus for the pupil and following the process of comment, association and expression integrate different areas of the knowledge.

Diverse educators had considered methods that leave of a situation or subject that can be motivadores, but ovide Decroly (1871 1932), applies a method based on the evidence of the fact of that the people over all interest to satisfy the proper necessities natural. Decroly uses different arguments, established in its experience as man issuingly sensible programmarian and to the problem of the society. The same it says ' ' The education has that to be for the life it is based on vida' '. Concluimos saying that the methods many times are alone in the theory because in the practical one it is different. The professor in century XXI passes for a period of revolution in the education area, where the same the all moment is charged, but does not have investment, thus becoming difficult the correspondence between pupil and professor.

English Language Learners

However, so that this occurs satisfactorily, she is necessary that the professors, in the paper of facilitadores and mediators of the learning, find a form qualitative teoriaem to transform it practical. In this perspective, Saucers (2000) and Bridge (2003) they stand out that the professors need to have the conscience of that the acquisition of the geometric concepts must occur by means of the accomplishment of activities that involve the pupils in the comment and the comparison of the geometric figures, especially those related with the angular concepts. Finishing, the results of the accomplishment of this project of pedagogical intervention indicate that many difficulties with regard to the education of geometry exist, mainly, with the study of angles. In this direction, the necessity exists of that new strategies of education are used in classroom for the education of this content are not relegated to as a plain one and can take care of the pertaining to school necessities of our pupils.

Infantile Education

Very important to mention, also, internal evaluations in the schools that finish finally generating. In first place, the criteria of evaluation of the learning need to be clarificados (…). In as place she is necessary to consider the context of production of statisticians; while the indices of retention of pupils will be sources of evaluation, implicit or explicit, of the schools or its professionals, these pressures will be reflected in the production of the indices (…). To guarantee the cost all, basses reprovao indices enters the pupils of its schools is only the reply of directors and teachers to the confusion established for the proper centered administration of the education between ' ' sinais' ' ' ' ao' ' the fall enters in the taxes of repetncia and the improvement in the quality of education. (2001) Other statisticians. The evaluations in the school are carried through by the professors, continuously and not only at a moment of the learning process, valuing each advance and each progress of each pupil, the least what he mentions yourself mainly to Basic Ensino in its initial series, and in the Infantile Education.

They are elaborated in accordance with the planning of the pedagogical actions, the objective tracings and based in the legislation, having the first purpose of verification and not simply quantitative measurement of how many pupils they are alfabetizados. They have the function to show to the professor what she must be I coat, replanejado and retaken in diverse ways for the effective learning them pupils, the knowledge degree them pupils in determined content, if she is possible and through which strategy, to give continuity the same. These evaluations, therefore, finish generating internal statisticians who are taken the public knowledge. In basic education he does not have seriao and the progression is continued, however, in 4 year, to the end of the first cycle the pupils who had not obtained to be alphabetical can and must be restrained in cycle I.

The Birth

Methodology The research was carried through of qualitative form, leaving of bibliographical research that carefully had been selected and had given the theoretical basement for this thematic one. Consideraes final As it could be verified, stress lathe integrant part of the daily one of the human being. It is impossible to prevent it, however it is possible to know it and to control it, having the conscience of that it will be always a constant in our way. Lipp (1996) affirms that if stress will be understood and controlled it can be useful to the human being and contributes for its success and welfare. However, when if it presents of extreme form or uncontrolled it becomes the difficult life demasiadamente. Following for this bias, one becomes essential that each individual obtains to visualize the things with greater naturalness to become this one learning stops its life, accumulating new experiences and ways to face the problems. In accordance with Grandjean (1998), stress belongs to the life as well as the birth, the nutrition, the growth, the love and the death.

According to author, a life without estress would be artificial, but monotonous and not only also enfadonha. Thus being, when the professor is capable to use adjusted strategies, stress (controlled) a positive factor can become that will go to assist the professional of the education in the confrontation of desgastantes situations, and help it to develop it its practises in more healthful way. For one side, is important to reflect on as the professors can be considered agents of changes in a society that each time more charge them in parallel little value them. In this context if it cannot forget that the education comes enclosing each time new responsibilities that they overload the educator in its teaching paper, and that these professionals come being, most of the time, forgotten for the public politics assistance private to worker.

Human Rights Education

Still in article 18 of the ECA ' ' He is right of all to watch over for the dignity of the child being put them I save it of any desumano, violent, errifying, vexatious treatment or constrangedor' '. (BRAZIL, 1990). This specified article was placed strategically finally by the expression of its meaning, therefore the violence committed for the pertaining to school action through bullying it is incoherent with the proposal of if watching over for the rights of the child and the adolescent. The professor who naturalizes behaviors of bullying favors the contamination of the pertaining to school institution, to not punishing who he practises and worse when feeding it with practical social inconceivable of the point of view of the ethics and the values. After these reflections that involve terms you appraise and of legislation one searched to emphasize Gimeno Sacristn (2007) that it focused the relation between the human school and rights in the following affirmation: The developed education as the Human Rights must have as complementary and interdependent reference the following approaches: The basic right to receive education, of being escolarizado; boarding of the subjects related to the Human Rights in the school, as it is present in the resume and as it is worked in classroom and as if they respect the practical Human Rights in the educative ones, and where measured, these practical are in accord with full exercise of the Human Rights. (2007, pp. 134-135).

According to this author, the education as right makes possible the access to other rights, understands that only pautada in the Human Rights the education can form competent citizens. ers to explore varied viewpoints. One is not about the professor to mere introduce the knowledge of the human rights, but to incorporate them as principles norteadores of the prxis educative. Sacristn (2007, P. 142) focuses amongst articles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Man the right of not being submitted the tortures nor the penalty or cruel, desumanos or degradantes treatments, this imply as consequence the education: ' ' Analysis of the obstacles for the fulfilment of these rights. .

Research Study

However, an investigation appeared which motivated in them to carry through this study of research, that was: Of that way the offered education inside of the movement social it generates the awareness politics in the children? 1,1 Social context Although normally not to be worked referring subjects to the politicalization with the children for understanding that the same ones are incapable to learn this thematic one, the social movements breach with this idea, a time that the same ones teach very since early its citizens as if becoming politicized, conscientious of its paper inside of the society in which they live. From there that the investigation appeared that took in them to carry through this study of research, that was: How the education the education offered in the social movements creates the awareness present politics in its citizens? 1.2 1.2.1 objectives general Objective To understand the way as the offered education inside of the social movements of the field creates the awareness politics in the children. 1.2.2 Specific objectives? To identify practical educative the existing ones in the experience. To demonstrate the influence of the organization in the formation of the identity of its militant ones; To even know that point the present politicalization in the citizens inside of the social movements assists to them in favor of its fight. 2.FUNDAMENTAO THEORETICIAN According to LANGSTED (1991) ' ' we have to consider the children as specialists when if it deals with its proper lives, it was in the children whom if it searched to aquietar investigations and to find the signals that indicated the possible ways for the construction of educative processes that respect the rights, feelings and desires of the same ones. It is added this the option to reflect on the educative experience that if develops inside of a social movement of resistance to the degradante and classicista project of contemporaneidade' '.

Datashow Education

In current conjuncture one of the biggest challenges of the professor it is the adaptation with the digital age where we live. Traditional and it archaic chalk and black picture are not being or already a Datashow and a penxs had been changed by the laser. This is resulted of a globalizado world and technological advance, these tools of finishes generation has as objective to perfect the process of education and learning. Therefore, if it becomes a challenge to be surpassed, the work market is very competitive and the demand of professionals in the area is increasing. Another challenge is the preparation for this market, not to be only brought up to date technologically, but as it is prepared for a good presentation, bringing up to date the content, formation and etc. I see professors in the classrooms with little content and an enormous disinterest for the profession, does not work with goals to be beaten, only works to fulfill to tables without comprometimento some with the education. The number of evasion in Superior education is not only one challenge of institution in the question direction, but is a challenge them professors to be more engaged with the professional future of the pupil.

He will be that the professors are worried about the evasion in superior education? The institutions would have to enable the professors to act concernentes to this situation. These are some challenges to be surpassed for a professional of superior Ensino. The perspectives of the professor would have to be ample, study durantes these days the deficiency of this subject. The vision of the professor is only to place one notebook and one underneath dates show of the arm and to transmit information. This is not a perspective of a globalizado professor. Today the professor beyond a transmitter of information will have to be worried if the content is being ingested for the pupil.

The learning of the pupil has that to be efficient. Another characteristic that a professor must have is a vision beyond the classroom, of research and relationships. A social vision of its formation. These challenges are being surpassed and the perspectives are if extending everything because of the requirements of the digital age.

Summary Citizens

The education as a dialgico act: a Freiriana perspective 1 brave Duanne Neiva farm 2 Summary: The dialogue exists as love act, getting in this the power of transformation of a situation of social domination. Thus, propitiating a critical conscience between citizens of a conscientious communication. Words key: dialogue, love, fellowship, release, critical conscience, education oppressor. For Pablo Freire the dialogue does not only exist in the classroom, but in all the social educative spaces. Freire wrote to dialogue with its reader, always had in mind that to write age to construct a meeting with the other, so that this discovered and constructed to the knowledge from the dialogue, being able this being epistemolgico, or better, a study from hypotheses. The rule of knowledge if of the one through lends conversation between the citizens, for this reason the interaction of the human being in the search of social transformations becomes essential to understand dialogicidade of the educative act. Normally, the dialogue is understood as a possibility of ' ' democratizar' ' a time and space, where all have the right of speaking. In the freiriana pedagogia the dialogue is not alone this.

When it mentions to the loving dialogue this speaking of one does not beat papo descompromissado between people in the room, room or tavern. It this speaking in a dialogue where the interlocutor by means of questions questions the truths of the object in question, if differentiating of Scrates for having defended a Metaphysical and idealistic method. In accordance with Pablo Freire, the dialogue does not provoke in the citizens the possibility to know concretely, is from the theory-practical one that knowing he passes to be elaborated, therefore, the freiriano dialogue is the love for the object that can be known and the way as the people if they lovingly treat in the act to discover what before it was guarded.