Neo Liberals In El Salvador

All presidents of the region agreed on the need to reform the multilateral financial institutions and stressed the need to give the state a more prominent role in our societies. It is, in the words of many analysts, the end of the neoliberal model and the market as a god of self-regulating economy is to stabilize any abnormal situation. Now, they say almost all, we must rethink the whole model or simply disappear. The State must not only exert greater regulation, but direct interventions to relieve the needy. In Latin America, aided by corruption and institutional weakness, the neoliberal model caused the greatest inequity in the world and destroyed the middle class.

Progress was made in recent years in fighting poverty, but not in the same proportions in which the rich, through the “benefits of free markets and competition,” became richer. Very interesting what brings the , It has become clear that the institutions that govern global financial systems can not be designed by the richer countries, but must involve everyone. That the State has a major role to play and that, instead of reducing it to its minimum as we issued in previous decades, we must give new roles and strengthen because the end is the only one capable of pushing through time countries crisis like this. In other words, instead of putting the public to the private service, we must start now to put the private to the public service. In our countries, so adept in previous decades the model of the spill and the reduction of the state, will have to rethink many things. In El Salvador urges, for example, a tax reform to provide more resources for the State to increase social programs and ensure better education and health for all.

But the present government has refused to carry out due to their ties with employers who refuse to pay more or even to pay their fair share. Finally, we consider very important observation Luis Fernando Valero, Spain to again has not kept pace and has given the impression that he wanted only to say I had to be at the meeting on November 15 in Washington, and when I say Spain, Zapatero say that seems to have made a personal matter to be at that meeting in force and reorganization of capitalism to be honest we think we have oil, anyone who is invited Bush, who is hosting and he has sworn by the rudeness that the Spanish president has done. No rose from his seat in a parade on October 12, when he was in opposition to the passage of American national flag, removed Spanish troops from Iraq without notice and asked other countries to do likewise, and if bit his industry minister just said that Bush would stay days, with these cards definitely, he was indebted to the Latin American community. Indebted to the young. The real discussion focused on the global economic crisis. Two groups of countries were evident immediately. The most radical describes the situation of “failure of capitalism” and the moderate reduces it to a “crisis model” or “errors of people.”

Morgan Banking

In the history of the capitalism many personages had existed. Many desseseram hated and admired. Some noble souls and others nor in such a way. JohnPierpoint Morgan was one of these. He was known as ' ' cirurgiofinanceiro' '. The history of this financista if confuses with the one of the finanasamericanas. It assumed a central banking when the United States nocontavam with this institution.

More than a time prevented colapsoseconmicos. When the famous panic de1907, occurred and put in danger abolsa, investors and the banking system, fit it to organize umplano of emergency to hinder the ruin it system. J.P Morgan tambmreorganizou basic sectors of the economy, as the railroad worker and osiderrgico. It created the US Steel the greater of all the corporations dopas. In the fiction, when vi the film Wall street 1, made nothing dcadade80, the age of the Yuppies, where they had many tigers of paper, I perceived aimportncia of a reorganizador. Somebody that catches a company in sriasdificuldades reorganizes for years later coming back to give profit. Enquandomuitos Brazilian if they enchanted with the villain Fat person Gekko, lived porMicheal Douglas (what he did not frighten me, since swindler for muitosaqui in Brazil is hero), I preferred to observe intent the form of operardo Sir Larry Wildman, lived for Terence Stamp, that was in the umreorganizador truth and not plus a speculator.

World Day

We can notice clearly that the act to invest properly said is not empecilho to nobody, but is undeniable that attention must be had the support of the investment, therefore of the same the opposite that its investment results in one good return, one has left of its profits will be used to pay to the taxes, diminishing the real profit. Of any form, the small investor can search which openly is the institutions that charge minors taxes, being enough to ask to each one of them before opening an account to invest. Although the great valuation of the Stock exchange between 2000 and 2011, very little people if interest for investments. However, to each day the barrier of the disinformation is falling. Today, if you want to know what she happened in the world, you are enough to enter in two or three sites of the news and already are along with that occurred, either in the economy or not.

If you heard to speak of a company who did not know until then and that she can come to be a good investment, you are enough to enter in some sites to read the opinion of diverse analysts regarding it. If you are customer of a bank, broker, or both, you you have, probably, to its disposal an enormous gamma of information that are divulged day the day for the area of analysis of this organization. To each day factors as globalizada information, allied to the economic growth, mainly of Brazil, they will bring more to the Stock exchange and more investing, it is enough to look at for the developed countries that already perceive what it will go to happen. Without counting the fact that in Brazil the public and private tax of interests offered to the investors of the matching-fund saving account and headings still are very attractive.

Brazil Government

However, its government is not summarized to this simple change. Between the first taken measures, the Government Squid less announced a social project destined to the improvement of the feeding of the favored populations. &#039 was launched the campaign; ' Zero&#039 hunger; '. Other programs and have adjusted had been made in intention to eradicate the poverty in Brazil. Stock market Family: instituted in the year of 2004, reformulated and casting one in one only program of income transference, to provide families who if find in poverty state and also the ones that are in a level baixssimo of poverty. To remain in the program these families some rules need to follow the scratch: the children with up to 15 years of age obligatorily need to conserve themselves in the school and to have a minimum constancy of 85%, as well as keeping in day vaccination wallets.

It is the program most important of government Squid. According to statistical surveys, about 11 billion families already they had been contemplated. Program of Eradication of the Infantile Work (Peti): implanted in 1996, still during the administration of former-president Fernando Enrique Cardoso, it has as main goal to remove the children and adolescents of etria band between 07 and 15 years of the infantile work that brings danger its health and security. The project yields monthly stock markets? for return of R$ 40? with intention to keep these children and adolescents in the school during one determined period and in the remaining time to provide cultural, esportivas, artistic activities to them and of leisure. These would be ones of the diverse social programs that had marked its government. The assistencialista action of the government if justified for the necessity in curing the problem of the income concentration that devastated the country. Such innovative measure was possible thanks to the continuity given to the traced economic policies during Age FHC.

Brazilian Development

The chances are to make of the daily pay-salt a handspike for the industrial development, particularly chain of suppliers of the petroliferous industry, to socially rescue economically and the dived parcels of the population in the poverty, through a revolution in the strategical education, and other objectives that face, historically, budgetary limitations, as the increase of the investments in CT I.Alm> was of the oil, what – since the world walks for a economy without carbon – it will transform fsseis fuels into barbarous relics. It is difficult to foresee the stated period of consolidation of this technological revolution, that already is sketched, but the ideal is that to the end of the Saga of the daily pay-salt (in 40 or 50 years) they are reached: (i) the maximizao of the profits for the Brazilian society; (II) the rescue of the biggest possible parcel of the poor population; (III) the formation, with most of the generated wealth, of saving stops> was of the oil, in player global in the energy scene after-carbon. The objective industrial and technological development that can be extracted of the daily pay-salTrs of industrial politics had been explicitados by the government: (a) in its new condition of exporting country, Brazil must maximize the sales for the exterior of products with added value, as gasoline, diesel, GLP, kerosene and nafta; (b) to promote fort expansion of the industries petrochemical and nitrogenados fertilizers, on the basis of raw materials that, in contrast of the scene that prevailed until today, will start to be abundant; (c) to intensively develop the productive chain of the oil, forming man power, investing in technology and engineering of project, developing and attracting supplying international places and. The development of the chain of suppliers of the petroliferous industry is an obvious form to add value to the production of> oil.

Italy Companies

XX), the region of Emilia Romagna (that it includes the cities of Friuli-Venice-Giulia, Vneto, Trentino-High Adige and Toscana), aoSul of Italy, traditionally poor, is known internationally due to the extraordinary development reached for its industrial districts, and also for the public politics regional innovator in average small relation to the companies. The high tax of exportation, the raised wages, the full job and the high level of resultant life of a based productive system in PME' s, has generated numerous studies on the call ' ' Emiliano&#039 model; '. Without a doubt, this model is not based only on a productive system of small average companies (PME' s), but also in a singular combination between a progressive government, social integration and of enterprise success. It is from there that the elementoinovador appears, enriquecedor of the success gotten for the region. According to BECATTINI (1999: 46), ' ' The success of small companies came, still, to contradict the certainties solidly established of the economists of all the ideological shades, or almost, for which the possibilities of the small companies were structurally modest and would decline with tempo' '. As much this is truth that, when verifying the fast economic growth gotten by the region of Emilia-Romagna, where it had considerable concentration of small companies, BECATTINI (1992: 32) soon de&#039 retook the concept; ' external economies marshallianas' ' (of the English industrial districts, century XIX) to adapt it the Italian case (in century XX, years 70), that is: The industrial district is a socioterritorial entity characterized by the active presence of a community of people and a population of companies in one determined geographic space. (BECATTINI, 1992:32). From now on, some studies if had occurred on this subject, all they identifying more and more factors to explain the phenomenon occurred in the Italian Southeast, that was baptized, for BAGNASCO (1999), of ' ' Third Itlia' ' , as form to indicate the unfolding of the traditional Italian dualism between the developed North (First Italy) and the behind South (second Italy). .

Interbank Euribor

The interest that banks lend in the interbank Euribor (Europe Interbank Offered Rate, or interest rate offered on the interbank market in Europe), a rate which, as you can see in the term 3-month Euribor this Dictionary, has gone up (now beginning to come down.) It So far banks have no money. Consequences: i. Noncredit ii. They do not give mortgages, so that the Habitat, Colonial, Renta Corporation, Colonial, etc., Are beginning to happen terribly wrong. And shareholders who bought shares of those companies, they see that the contributions of these companies are falling sharply. iii. The 12-month Euribor, which is the benchmark for mortgages has been rising (see Term 12-month Euribor in the Dictionary), which makes the average Spanish mortgage you have, start to sweat to pay monthly installments.

iv. As the banks have no money, 1. Sold its shares in two companies. They sell their buildings 3. Metamos campaign for money, offering better conditions v. As people begin to feel squeezed by the mortgage payment, unless the Court is English. vi. As the English Court notices, purchase less the manufacturer of socks Mataro, who did not know that there were the ninja.

vii. The sock manufacturer thinks that as sell less sock, starts to overrun and fire personnel a few. viii. And this is reflected in the unemployment rate, mainly in Mataro, where people start buying less in stores. This is a dictionary of words. What happens is that the word "Crisis 2007-2008" is very serious. The title is misleading, considering that the crisis will end in 2008.