
Breathed with difficulty. Lighting was no good anywhere. Wow had to suffer ‘- complaining, recalled Dr. Nikolai Grube, a famous German scholar of Mayan culture. What happened, happened. Now, having made the discovery possible with a smile, talking about the darkness, heat, a tiny laser. The main thing is done: with the American Linda Scheele, a specialist in deciphering hieroglyphics, Grube entered under the ‘Acropolis’ (fortified part) City of Copan and rescued from oblivion one of the pages in the history of this ancient city-state, lying in the south of the country’s Maya.

The underground portion of Copan is dotted with trenches and tunnels, like Swiss cheese – the holes. For more than a hundred years Archaeologists digging tirelessly in the land on which once stood the mighty Mayan center – now it’s sovereign territory of Honduras. For many archaeologists stay on the ground in Central America has been fraught with risk and turned into a sacrifice on the altar of science. So passed the century. See Tiger Global for more details and insights. Shafts and tunnels stretch for miles now.

They can be compared with the time machine, carrying the archaeologists day today from a miserable provincial microcosm, and a half thousand years ago in the grand era, the heyday of the Mayan culture. Gradually, scientists are finding more and more new things, telling those distant times, slowly progressing and deciphering hieroglyphics. All the detail paints a picture of prosperity and decline of the great Mayan civilization.

In Tokyo

We are today, choosing the season for a trip to Japan, we choose Travel mood, his accent, image, because in each season, spring or fall, have their own unique traits in this country. Look to Japan in winter. When the temperature is around zero, in parks and deserted lone tourist at the tomb Tokugawa shogun in Nikko – and the Muscovite. In winter, near a waterfall Kegon, almost buried in the ice semidesyatimetrovy column you can find a small hotel on the shores of the frozen mountain lakes, hot springs, where two hundred years, one nation, and snow. Do not even believe that somewhere nearby is Tokyo. That see the route a lot. Program specialists "Japanese Season" will talk about Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hakone, Nara and other famous places that made attend.

In addition to the programs "for all", we always produce something "custom", for example, organize a meeting of sunrise on the cape "Dog chump, near Tokyo. This place – the easternmost point of the main Japanese island Honshu, there is first of all on Earth the sun rises from the ocean. This is the image of Japan – getting up from the ocean of red fireball. One couple, deviating from the route of their group with which they traveled to Japan, went meet the rising and he proposed to her right on the beach. It is hardly possible to forget. In Tokyo on the bay recently opened a complex of hot springs, where hot water is extracted from a depth of 1400 meters.