The Reputation

But more often we meet a different picture when he telephoned to the receiving Secretary – encountered the rudeness, irritation (say, call, just work interfere with), sometimes person at the other end absent any emotion, and so on. Very often it is forgotten that the answer to a phone call from a man formed idea about the company, this man – Business card companies. Bernard Golden is likely to increase your knowledge. Even the third division, department of accounting, you need to make some steps to create a positive image of the company. Get more background information with materials from Chase Coleman . They include – "pay the bills so that the organization is always had the reputation of solvency "," to accumulate reserves, which would establish the reputation of a stable organization, "to pay wages paid accurately and on time, whatever staff was pleased with." And the fifth station, where going training should also contribute to creating an image of the organization, such a way as to make staff competent, so that their skills promotes the organization. " Especially now in a crisis, every employee, every department, must himself look exactly what he can do that would be favorable image persisted. Of course, already virtually every company has a department of internal relations public, which in turn ensures that the staff would go well dressed and not in torn jeans and bare belly button, they are good smell and so on. But this is in any case, there will be little, if every employee does not will understand what is his job, and will not do it qualitatively, do not worry, if someone the company can not afford a pr manager, how to build an "ideal image" (the one that you would like) individual a person who is engaged in pr – it is impossible, it should do everyone in the organization.

If you clearly and correctly perform all necessary actions to promote, then do well in any case. And now, a crisis must especially to strengthen control over each employee. Perhaps even for each station to develop a list of actions and explain to the people how these actions will improve the company image. When a person understands "How" and "why", then make it easier and more interesting. It does not matter whether that person communicates with the public or not, he might spoil the mood of another employee who communicates with the public. If a person's blockage on the desktop, everywhere strewn dirty pieces of paper in an office full of smoke, and no matter the head of it or not, any visitor will come from him in a bad mood. But we should not tolerate hypocrisy among the staff, then it will not be favorable image, and the company of hypocrites. During the crisis, the organization must come together even more, to develop an overall strategy to promote the company and to follow that would meet the requirements of each employee, and thus he watched that match and others too. Then even the most ruthless crisis will not throw shadows on the image of your company! I wish you success and prosperity!

Internet Trading

The number of Internet users is growing every year exponentially. Objectives exit of people to the Internet can be very different. But, in strict accordance with the tasks posed by the user, and is development of Internet network. More recently, it seemed impossible to purchase various goods and services via the World Wide Web. To date, the trade turnover internet businesses are close to the amounts operated by off-line retailers.

Development of the network is instantaneous. As soon as there is a need for some form of information, products or services, the Internet immediately gives the answer. So it was with the development of the direction of full or partial employment via the Internet. Currently, the Internet is able to provide the opportunity not only to spend the money, they can earn. It should say that the wages of workers in internet times higher than ordinary income of salaried employees. This is achieved through a variety of factors.

First of all, working in a network, you will not be dependent on their superiors. Thus, no able to limit your earnings upper limit. By the way, the lower limit also does not exist. Therefore, going into free-swimming on the expanses of the Internet network in search of the Golden Fleece, it bears a strong presence shoulder near you. So the shoulder can be a company providing information services. In this article we consider this kind of earnings via the Internet, as trade on the exchange. This activity is called Internet trading.

Internet Business First Steps

We all know what the Internet and what opportunities he gives us. One of them – it is an organization of their own business, which develops as quickly and as fast as the Internet itself. But the general the number of novice internet entrepreneurs to achieve the desired results but not many. Why is it so! After all, if to reflect, in principle, not difficult to create an original idea, which worked would be profitable. But on the other hand, to create an idea that's not all that much harder to correct it to translate into reality, precisely to plan all their moves and action sequences. After an internet business in addition to all its merits, also scored his certain subtleties and nuances, which stumbled and almost all beginners. One of these nuances and is just not an exact definition of all its successive steps and action. In order to help all beginners to deal with this problem, I decided to write this article.

Step 1: The first thing is to start your earnings – this is clearly for themselves to determine such a thing: 'What I specifically want to' answer: 'Make a lot of money "does not pass, it's obvious. Here we must clearly identify how or in what way you will earn: – At the registration site in directories, for example. – Participate in any financial projections – or at You will have your own online store selling both real and tsyfrovyh goods. In general, this topic is necessary to clearly define for ourselves and focus on it most of his attention.

Layout Field

It with switch should be pointed out that the table will be built on a new sheet, and set additional options. Click the Layout button, and will open a dialogue form of columns and rows of the PivotTable. If you work with Excel 97, the desired dialogue appears when you click Next. Using the mouse, you must drag the field with the name of the column to the right, in the right place the layout table. Drag the box to the left field Debit layout, with labeled line.

Next, drag the field Deb. SubSch. also in the string so that it has settled below the field Debit. Similarly, drag the field Credit and credit. SubSch. in the top field layout with the name column. By the end of the drag box The amount in the central field layout with the name Data. A summary table can be computed maximum, minimum, product, and similar calculations.

We also need to calculate the amount. To do this, double click on the Number of The sum of the field, which appeared within the field data, and will open a dialogue to choose the method of calculation. Select Operation list item amount, and then click OK to close the dialog. In the Data field is now located Sum of Amount field. Table layout is ready, click OK, to return to the master build the pivot table. When you work in Excel 97, you continued to work with the master, so that there is no OK button, and thus pushing it is not necessary. Click Next to move to the next step. In the dialog box with the switch then build the chart in a new worksheet. All necessary information is entered, so you need to click Finish, and a summary table will built on a new sheet. In this form, working with the table is not very convenient. Better hide the information on sub-accounts, leaving only the data for all accounts. Right-click on the title Deb. Sub.Sch. and in the open auxiliary menu, select Group and Outline – Hide Details. After this, right-click on the title of Crede. Sub.Sch. and just click the Team menu and structure – Hide Details. Now summary table looked like a shahmatku. At the intersection of the column calculated amount of turnover in the last column removed debits, and the last line – credit turnover. You can rename a sheet with a summary table calling it Shahmatka. For practical purposes it is much more useful than not shahmatka, while the reverse statement, and in the next section will address the peculiarities of its construction.

Civil Code

At the time of payment of the share of individual (Alienating share) is married, with the exception of:-disposals of shares or equity stake in society, that participants of society on the basis of gratuitous transactions, prior to the registration of marriage or in a manner Inheritance – disposals of share (part of) the authorized capital, which belongs to the party of society in the regime of separate property on the basis of the marriage contract. (In the latter case, the notary shall be presented marriage contract.) If the share belongs to a minor: If the permit transactions aimed at the alienation of shares (part of) the authorized capital of a company owned by a minor, a notary pre seeks consent for a guardianship bodies The following document provide better information in the form of a letter containing the following information: 6.1 alienable (who) share (in size) is less than 25% of the value of the property / assets of the Company that the transaction amount does not exceed 25% of the company’s assets (if a higher amount of major deal is not provided by the charter), defined on the basis of data accounting. If the transaction price is 25% or more of the cost of legal entity’s property, the notary must be submitted relevant documents to approve the transaction, the decision of the general meeting, the decision of the Board Directors, unless otherwise stipulated by the charter entity .. .

Waste Treatment Plants

According to the report of the American Agency for Environmental Protection (EPA), in 2009 the U.S. had accumulated 243 million tons of municipal solid waste, ie about 4.34 pounds per capita. This figure is almost half a pound below the absolute record in 2000 – 4.72 pounds per capita. Of that amount more than a third (82 million tons or 33.8%) were processed. Thus, from 4.34 pounds of waste produced by each resident of the U.S. daily, the processing went 1.46 pounds.

Necessary noted that the percentage of recycling (MSW) in the country is steadily growing since the 70s of last century. A total of 50 years, the level of recycling has increased more than fivefold. To this we must add that 11.9% of waste incinerated for generate heat and electricity. The best indicators of processing in the United States recorded in the segment of automotive batteries, paper, steel cans, garden waste and aluminum cans. Level less than 40% corresponds to the recycling of tires, glass containers and plastic packaging.

The source of over half of the MSW in the U.S. are private households. Even the order of 35-45% of solid waste produced by commercial, administrative, cultural and medical institutions. TBT in the U.S. is paper waste – 28.2% in 2009. This is followed by food and garden waste, and waste plastics. The structure of education by category of MSW is presented in the following chart. The graph category 'other' combines including wood waste (6.5%) and glass waste – 4.8%. EPA notes that the processing of 82 million tons of solid waste equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 178 million tons of emissions, or 33 million cars. Another consequence of recycling are cleaner air, soil and water resources, leading ultimately to a more sustainable economy. Information & Consulting Cleandex – we specialize in the study of technologies and markets, clean technology sector.

Business REgistration

So you've decided to start his own business. First you need to choose the corporate form: registration or recording IP LLC. Accounting for LLC harder and a little expensive, but the IP is responsibility of all its assets, in contrast to the LLC, where responsibilities are established within the capital. Let's say you decide to become self-employed. Consider the steps to register the IP. You choose the type of activity by NACE National Classification (what are you going to do, for example, retail) you prepare a package of documents: passport, TIN (or a photocopy of all pages) is special form for registering authority R21001 with a notarized signature Zayavitelya.Vnosite state.

800 r duty. bank.Sdaete in the documents to the tax office + application on the transition to a simplified system Taxation (results expected in 5 days) in the territorial department of statistics, get a code statistics (either personally or by registered mail) open a bank account and send a special form of notification opening bank account in the tax inspektsiyuIzgotavlivaete printing (cost of about 700r.) You start accounting (for small companies recommend outsourcing accounting. accounting, as specialized firm you will pay less than the spend on zar. cost accountant and purchasing programs 1C) An individual entrepreneur is registered with the tax authority may in its place residence (registration). Documents that confirm the capacity of the individual entrepreneur, is evidence of state registration as a private entrepreneur. That's all. Congratulations.

You are an individual entrepreneur. As you can see the process rather vremezatratny, and if you do not want to run on the tax administration and statistics, can the process of enrollment will deligirovat FE professionals (for example, in Voronezh, we have companies such weight). To summarize: Registration deadline 10 days, the average cost of 1500 rubles. Register unincorporated business is the same.

Planning Step

On the way to the cherished and desired goal is usually a lot of obstacles and pitfalls, but using the method of the seven steps of just dooms you to win and enjoying his ability to govern themselves and not depend on external circumstances. Movement towards the goal and success, as well as any road begins with the first step and we also will not the exception. Step 1-identification of deep roots and motives of the goals and objectives that must be solved and to achieve. Step 2 – Clear representation of what we want will be impossible without a statement of their pans and desires on paper. Step 3 – Set time limits start to the goal and achieve it. The more specific term will be defined, the better and more efficiently. Step 4 – form the list, and activities to be done to achieve success and desired solutions and the necessary tasks. Step 5 – Planning and scheduling more time.

Therein lies the move. The plan must be detailed account. And the more the better. Step 6 – Down with all the excuses and justifications. We begin to vigorously implement its plan into action.

No excuses. Just go on and on. Procrastination is equivalent to stagnation in the quagmire failures. Step 7 – is to monitor and prompt and immediate corrective action to achieve the planned and desired outcome. There have been all the achievements, even the smallest. Only in this way any more. AND another tip, without which the effectiveness of your self-management will be low and malorezultativnoy. Develop the habit of daily reflection on its objectives for development in their internal incentive to implement them. AND it is important to remember and understand what's great achievement is a lot of roads and footpaths. Which way is the shortest and correct – we can not know. You just have to trust your unconscious mind and it will not fail. Do not try to understand everything. We do not know all the nuances of how the subconscious mind, but we do know is that it has great potential!

Japanese Americans

Not necessarily experts in the state run organization, it is best to my understanding – is the part of consultants who will come and do their job professionally. Here's how to improve the quality personnel, staff shortages much more difficult to quench. I constantly hear how people can make it work better if he does not want, how to get employees to perform extra work that they do not quit? On these Questions answered Deyming, American consultant who was invited to Japan, where he introduced his principles, and then, a paradox, the Japanese have already begun to teach Americans quality management, and interestingly enough, Americans do not embarrassed to learn from the Japanese. So Deyming wrote sixteen principles by which one can improve the quality of management of the organization. Each principle is suitable in some cases for the specific situation at a particular time. To learn how to use the principles of Deyminga of you need to start to understand. In Russia, Vadim Magpies, CEO of Rand Tools For in your company has implemented a system of principles Deyminga reduced the number of marriage from 65 percent to 0.6 percent. This suggests that in Russia there are principles of quality management, you should not say that this is only for Japanese Americans, and we learn to work accurately. After all, we want to get cheap loans and conduct business abroad. Then go ahead, start to break their control of the company, it is difficult, for example, do not punish workers for the damage a marriage is difficult, so I hear, once deprived of bonuses and so on, so I Deyming a clever man says is not necessary to punish but rather to encourage the marriage did not hide, but the management knows the total number of marriage without the production of postscripts, and knows how to reduce the number of marriages. And this is the beginning, then There are other methods that can be implemented in my company, we need only the patience and desire.

Federal Tax Service

Of the total number of users on my ccv estimated 10-15%, and this proportion has steadily decreased, because if the business is successful, it develops, but even at 2 points one has to cope, while expanding product lines to one, too, become difficult to operate, and the rest too need. But in general, as noted Radifovich Marat Zaripov – Director of for most categories of businesses canceling ccv – increase risk and reduce competitiveness: Distrust buyer, there is no real accounting of sales, and control over the personnel, the loss of time filling out forms instead of cash receipt – factors that must be considered. Shoppers accustomed to, that when purchasing goods together with the delivery they receive a cashier’s check. A check is a document confirming full payment of the goods and in protecting the consumer in case of discovery of defects in the goods. And then there is a separate category customers – they are the representatives of legal entities (entrepreneurs). They definitely will not be able to purchase goods without cash receipt, unnecessarily or their accounting, and even less in tax inspectors do not recognize such costs.

Why against the Ministry for Finance and the Federal Tax Service? In particular, according to federal tax, check-out equipment is designed to be used to estimate the actual amount of cash proceeds, the resulting economic activity in the exercise of trade or rendering of services, taking into account a possible alignment conditions: taxation for different categories of taxpayers, including referred to the payment of a single tax on imputed income. In other words, check-out equipment will continue to properly assess the financial flows of small businesses and to calculate rates imputed income tax. As a result, today we come to the conclusion that it is not in vain, check out equipment is used for many years both here and elsewhere in the developed world. Its use is equally beneficial, as buyers, sellers, and the state and does not make sense to replace a convenient and easy check, reporting forms. ps The practice of not using cash machines is not new to the Russian Federation. Let us recall the situation in 1992 – 1993 he. When the shelves virtually disappeared cash registers.

Gained widespread violation of the rights of consumers (miscalculation). The state has lost control of the cash turnover. Awareness of this led to the adoption on 18 June 1993. rf Law “On the use of cash machines in the implementation of monetary settlements with a population 5215-1, and a package of documents regulating the use of cmc. Begun high demand for cash machines – as during this time the manufacturers “turned” cmc production. The cost of a cash register on the black market close to the cost of an inexpensive car. This went on for over a year until production not recovered, and with the emergence of new producers ccv in a few years, the situation is completely normal. How would again not to step on the same rake? Remove from service main park ccv (payers utii constitute almost 60-70% of all users of the CCV), virtually eliminated the domestic industry production and service cash registers, and a year and a half, again blame the well-known principle of “wanted the best, turned out as usual.