
Dimensions motorcycle almost indistinguishable from a human, so the motorcycle taxi is a very convenient means of transportation, able to overcome any traffic jam. To date, only a scooter would provide all possible competition motorcycles, but smaller, weaker, worse in the acceleration and braking, less stability, and dynamics of the bike does not leave him no chance. Exam or a serious meeting? Transfer of important documents, wedding, or a train airplane? You are always punctual and mobile – it demands time. The modern world is aggressive and wins in him someone who has a competitive advantage – it can be you! Thanks to the moto taxi for 3 hours is possible to bypass places that used to take 2 days! Is it dangerous? All pilots are professionals with experience not less than 3 years. According to statistics, accidents on the bike several times lower than in cars. It is just as dangerous as flying a plane or a train. It comfortable? This is better than standing in a traffic jam, more interesting than the ride in the car and more comfortable than the subway.

Before the trip, the pilots explain how to sit, what to keep and how to behave while riding. The pilot will try to make your trip more comfortable. In addition to speed, what else? Great mood! Many look with envy at the passing motorcycles. Why watch? One call, and it is you are racing on the roads of Moscow, with the possibility of motorcycle taxi allow to take away the whole company! Birthday? Now this may be true Moto-Day. Wedding? Give the newlyweds Moto-walk: beautiful bike ride on a pair of holding hands, accompanied by a convoy of sport motorcycles! Plan, manage, negotiate, transfer, Stay in the rhythm of life, Have fun, surprises..


The development of the automotive industry does not stand still, constantly produces new products required for cars and all that related to them. Talk about the importance of fuel for the car makes no sense, every car driver is knows. In Germany, more recently, gas stations, a new gasoline E10. It belongs to the category of environmentally friendly products. But he is not liked many car owners, whether it is a transport company carrier or a private owner. The vast majority refused to use this fuel. About 70% are afraid to spoil the motor vehicle.

This view can not be overcome even the experts who guarantee the use of this type of fuel for the engine safety. But dirtier fuels prefer German car owners, a leader here of course is the mark of Super Plus. But the most compelling argument against the new fuel economy is still his just spent more per hundred kilometers, and it is this effort is expensive for car owners. This situation led to a sharp demand for the brand Super Plus, and even led to shortages, while the E10 is available in abundance. Moreover many Filling simply refused to sell the new product. Therefore, in Germany the number of selling them down to 15 thousand stations. The current fuel market of the country situation worried the government of Germany. Economics Minister Rainer Bruederle convenes emergency meeting on the issue.

Which compromise will come here one more question. But in Bulgaria seems to have resolved the issue of biological additives in fuel. They are no longer in it. Very much it is expensive to Bulgarian citizen. Yes, and regulations of the European Union can do it without any problems. These are the news here with the fuel market fields.

Meeting Place

Today the car firmly accustomed to the social life of every person, sometimes to deal with minor questions about this iron horse are very popular. The car is for very many faithful companion and companion around the car and its difficulties can turn lives of large numbers of idle and not personalities. Since the latest cars – this is the extent and attract a beautiful creation of engineering human thought, that does not succumb to the attraction just does not work. Extremely often, but motorists do not know where to go with their topical issues. Previously, garages proved popular destination for communication, there can offer advice and put on the right path for the update and the nuances of driving. At the moment it is absolutely not true.

And garages, and people who attend them, not in a position to become the appropriate environment for communication, if you call yourself a respectable businessman, to the word. This position will save the auto forum. It has everything, without exception, subject matter, questions that appear in the life of motorist. In fact the first steps when you go to driving school, you will need more competent advice of experienced drivers. You will need to understand in what way they can catch on the exam inspectors difficulties particularly difficult to overcome the beginner, and in general the spirit of society motorists, in which you have in mind to enter. Forum will be useful to motorists who choose a car. Here you will learn the advantages and shortcomings of the most various models see testimonials from those who have already purchased this brand.

Start Engine

Every time motorists in winter raises the same important question that it's time to rank in the category of rhetorical: Is it worth to warm up the engine? Typically, after viewing the forums and Internet conferences head starts go round the number of tips and explanations that are often wrong. We're not going to 'load' the reader extra information, and will try to light and understandable way to explain whether or not to heat the car or no. Today there are two 'camps': the owners of cars with electronic fuel injection, as well as those who have to travel to morally and physically obsolete vehicles. No prizes for guessing what the supporters of a short warm-up more among the former and accordingly those who prefer 'protopit' motor is higher among the latter. The idea is that a modern car in good condition is designed for sure starting the engine at a temperature of -25 C and it is not required long periods of inactivity in one spot with 'treadeth out the corn' engine. It's no secret that the move from low load engine is warming faster than at idle. As it turned out, it does not harm the car.

Tests showed that the engine wear is almost independent of the duration of heating on the ground. Illustrative example – operating vehicles in different climatic zones. If the heating does affect the 'health' engine the difference in his lifetime to the north and south would be visible, that is, to the naked eye.

Engines And Gasoline

Previously oil had to be mixed with gasoline. Today, most two-stroke engines are equipped with separate lubrication when the oil tank from a separate special miniature pumped into the flow of the combustible mixture. Pump performance depends on the degree of rotation of the handle of gas: the greater the power, the oil is fed more. Such a system reduces oil consumption. But it Yet in the end it turns into a combustion chamber and, as it burns down there, though not completely. This explains the blue smoke from the silencer push-pull technology. This smoke than a whole set of harmful substances present and nesgo-revshee fuel flown away into the pipe after gas and oil spray. From the perspective of environmentalists is a huge disadvantage.

In two-stroke engines, there are other drawbacks as well associated with the principle of operation. Oil, diluted gasoline lubricates poorly rubbing parts, and strokes in "dvuhtaktnikov" twice, so their share is much lower. Reduces the durability of parts and constant flushing crankcase air, which there is always a hard sand, "skip" through the air filter. Of unburned oil on the piston in the combustion chamber and the muffler is rapidly formed carbon deposits, piston rings, "occur" in the grooves, because of what the engine power falls. The slightest violation of the oil supply, particularly in hot and heavy until goad conditions may be oil starvation, pregnant with a bully and a piston engine failure.

Two-stroke engine with more naughty run, it can, for example, "throw" a mixture of candle, he is more prone to overheating (no forced cooling). The dramatic opening of the piston of the exit window leads to an unpleasant cod at work, despite the presence of muffler. Finally, moped or motorcycle with a "dvuhtaktnikom" worse than slow the engine. All this taken together led to almost stop the production in developed countries, two-stroke motorcycle engines of more than 125 cm3. The exception is sports motors, where high power density, co-toruyu provides a two-stroke cycle, is a priority. Exploiting the four-stroke engine, one must constantly monitor the level of oil in crankcase, and in time to replenish it in time to replace oil. It is also necessary to monitor and regulate the gaps in the actuator valves. The owner of a scooter with a two-stroke engine should control the availability of oil in the tank, periodically clean the combustion chamber, exhaust pipe and a candle from scale, to monitor the thermal state of the motor.

Car Engine Repair

Modern life sets a new pace, so its main attribute is probably the car that became our constant companion. Every year the number of cars operated by steadily increasing. At This cars are becoming more complex due to the improvement and sophistication of technologies used in their creation. The design of modern cars and the unit requires repair it solely in terms After all, auto service for quality execution of such works are required not only competent and experienced professionals, but also special tools, machinery, tools and devices, existence of a "hand" of necessary spare parts. Also no secret that many drivers are irresponsible to the regular technical inspections, clearly underestimating their importance, hoping to "blow over can." However, the facts (as known, are stubborn things) prove that such practice leads to deterioration of the technical condition of the car and reduce its service life. The whole world knows that for long and reliable operation of the vehicle must undergo maintenance on time, recommending the car manufacturer.

This allows you to significantly reduce the cost of the car – whether it's Toyota, Mitsubishi or conventional Zhiguli. Many car owners are aware of Moscow Autotechcenter M-Club Toyota car service offering and Mitsubishi. The company performs the full range of work: regular inspection, diagnosis, and all kinds of car repairs. Always available for a wide range of spare parts for makes of Toyota, Lexus. Mitsubishi.

The car in the repair requires the jewelry (often micron) accuracy, and not the definition of "the eye" of any parameters or characteristics. Therefore, service station equipped with the latest high-tech equipment for diagnosis that reveals the presence of all! existing problems and issues, gives a real picture of the units, parts and vehicle control units, as well as an assessment of its technical sostoyaniya.Na my opinion. Now new engine is much more difficult their predshestvinnikov. The engine is equipped with variable valve timing system that guarantees a good pickup in almost all the rev range. Fortunately, that in the full According to the dynamic potential of the potential brake system.

Property Manageability

If you can afford a big bus with a speed rating (they are 10-15% more expensive) – I would recommend this option active drivers drive. However, do not skimp on the index of the rate, lowering it below the recommended (especially when buying cheap winter tires) – known as the 'better safe than sorry …'. Summer features. This is a series of consumer quality tires that are more fully realized when used in tire temperatures above + 7 C. Adhesion to dry. This indicator measures the brake or coupling properties of the tires when driving on dry hard surface. Influence on this parameter: the mixture of rubber, the contact area of rubber on the road (Closed design), the stability of the contact form (depending on the design of tires).

The best way to evaluate this option – to study the results of objective tests of braking tires, published by reputable journals. Traction in the wet. Determined by the efficiency of braking in the wet solid surfaces. Depends on the presence in the tread compound of the special additives that additional edge strength (blades), the stability of the form contact patch. Objective tests – the best way to evaluate this option.

Manageability – this property is set to follow the bus driver of the trajectory of the car, informative steering reactions. At this setting will affect form the tread pattern rigidity of its central area and the shoulder elements of rubber. For motion in cornering stability is particularly important form of the contact, depending on the design of the tire carcass and the presence of reinforcing layers-breakers.