
The search of an increase of the number of customers for the company, either this physics either online, must answer the different strategies that will on the basis of generate the necessary definition of which are target, that is, the profile of the public to be taken care of by its business. That is, previously to the execution of any plan of tending action to reach better indices of sales, it is essential to consider which is the definition of our ideal hearing. This will determine the form where it will be treated to arrive at this specific public, and the strategies that will be adopted in its captation. This would have to be the first step in any campaign of marketing that the company undertakes. Gradually the users are using different tools at the moment to look to information on services and products. Traditionally the first step always was a search in the Google. However the social nets had come to consider a different reality, extending the specter of information sources that the consumers will take as valid to the moment to decide the purchase, being a current element in the behavior of purchase of the customer.

Displayed in another way, they will not only look to the information in the Google seno that will confer with its community of contacts and friends, basically through the social nets, the groups of quarrel, the forums of users. It is common, then, that if somebody desires to prove a new product of which does not have knowledge one of the actions that it will take will be to visit the forums of users to see what other consumers think of the product. It is very probable for another part, that confers its group of friends for the experience whom they had had and the results obtained with the product. This type of user is sufficient far from the marketing plans online that the majority of web marketers uses, for which, those puts that them in practical enjoys of an enormous advantage on its competitors.

Internal Auditorship

The evaluations and to seem of the internal auditor are of basic importance for the managemental and administrative procedures of the company, however the existence of a work of internal auditorship does not exempt the responsibility of the administrators and managers to be following and fiscalizing its respective sectors. The works of internal auditorship are regulated by Resolution CFC published N 986 in Federal official gazette (D.O.U.), in 28 of November of 2003, that they approve NBC T 12? Of the Internal Auditorship, revoking Resolution CFC N 780 of 24 of March of 1995. The exercise of the internal auditor demands that it has procedures technician and minimums that can allow the internal auditor to identify imperfections, and to get enough tests that they can prove and base its to seem and recommendations. As the Resolution n 986 of 21/11/03, that it approves NBC T 12, in its item, describes that the internal auditorship understands: … the examinations, analyses, evaluations, surveys and evidences, metodologicamente structuralized for the evaluation of the integrity, adequacy, effectiveness, efficiency and economicidade of the processes, the systems of information and integrated internal controls to the environment, and of management of risks, with sights to attend administration of the entity in the fulfilment of its objectives. Although the internal auditor possesss independence, if he cannot deny that the same it is integrant part of the company, with its functions parallel bars the politics and goals defined for the administration of the organization, however these politics must be compatible with the Norms for the Professional Exercise of the Internal Auditorship. The areas of abrangncia of the internal auditorship are diverse, thus searched on the basis of the material developed for the Self-Regulating Body of the Accountancy Profession of the Rio Grande Do Sul, the north of the communication of the diverse areas of performance of the internal auditorship, more known. .

Organizational Culture

Word-key: communication, organizacional climate, integration, planning. Abstract: This article aims you investigate how the communication takes place in organizations, and also is used a tool will be the achievement of organizational success. Historical conceptual And contexts of communication in organizations ploughs discussed with relevance, once many factors has been changing the social interaction of companies needs, especially when it is concerned you communication practices. In this marries, the importance of understanding the communication process, barriers and obstacles, the interaction between employees, and business sectors well the functioning of the communication system is highly appreciated. Organizational The communication is now considered a mechanism result, vital, especially when we talk about globalized world, where competitiveness is cultivated at the same social teams that permeates responsibility.

Special The present study brings on board with emphasis the importance of internal relations, where the main to player is the employee. In to another words, to maker of all types of process. Organizational The main purpose of communication is you provide it dialogues between to employer and employee and you welcome the uniqueness of each group, creating vehicles and channels focused and directed you its needs, expectations and aspirations of each group. Thus, it is necessary that the employee gets involved and committed with the organization; In return, the organization has you offer appropriate structure will be the full development of activities in to order you overcome the obstacles that may arise daily. The manager' s rolls here is considered instrument will be receiving and transmitting information, who acts monitorial the disseminator and spokesman.

Organizational Thus, we can understand that communication is one of the main channels you achieve to better results, because, through improvements in this area, the goal desired by organizations can be reached. Organizational The success. Keywords: communication, organizational climate, integration, planning. 1Introduo the organizations in general, are living an incessant search for the organizacional success, investing in technologies, training technician and rigorous processes of election in search of talentos that add to the value of the company.

Gerstein Work

According to Naldler; Gerstein; Shaw (1999) is necessary, to create new solutions in the structure and management of the company. The terceirizados employees, however, do not feel part of the teams formed for the staff, this because, at any time, these people can be excused the spite of the quality of the work. This implies in the relation between terceirizados and used effective, causing internal conflicts and loses of the productivity. When asked if the terceirizado one it has the same benefits of the staff of the company-contractor, was selected that only 7% of the terceirizados interviewed ones have the same benefits. Figure 2: Terceirizados and effective benefits. For Miraglia (2008), the lender of services chooses the third, that she will be responsible for playing the function contracted for the company-customer, subjecting terceirizado worker to its directive paper; a restrictive aspect is the difference of benefits. 83175971.html’>Shlomo Kalish. The differentiation of benefits of the terceirizados professionals brings consequences as low quality and performance in the activities, resulting in resignations and greater rotation of professionals.

The boarded question on if the environment of work were favorable for execution of the tasks, were verified that 60% of the interviewed terceirizados ones do not have the favorable environment for the execution of the activities. Scott Mead New York is often quoted on this topic. Figure 3: Favorable environment for the executions of the activities. For Lighter; Garci’a (2010), the organizacional culture allows to understand the reasons of the conflicts and the impacts, appeared in the enterprise environment, where the effective and terceirizados employees work together, or where contracting and terceirizadas companies work in interdependence. Many of these conflicts derive from the problems of interpersonal relationship between workers with varied categories of working bonds, or from the proper relationship between companies in net. The searched terceirizados ones believe that the work environment is not favorable for the execution of the tasks, this happen for the preconception of the proper company-contractor with regard to the work, refectory and area of leisure.


On the other hand, it has people that, since early, they had learned to attribute one meaning adequate to its beliefs, favoring to transit for diverse environments and situations. These are those that cultivate greater resilience and, consequentemente, learn to deal better with the failure, pain, the frustration, failure and the traumas that the life backwards I obtain. In general, which characteristics verify in resilientes people? I have written and taught that the resilience can be summarized in a word: survival. E, in this direction, I want to say to be the survival in the professional environment, psychological, social, emotional and spiritual. Of this form, the resilience if presents in a psychosomatic way in the one life resiliente. The factor most evident, from this concept, is flexibility when attributing meanings what it is given credit.

The resilientes learn to use flexibility to be in more controlled, intent, confident, healthful, empticos, optimistical, charismatic and on to the life. is therefore that they are known as people with bigger emotional maturity. It seems that it has people that they pass for difficult situations, as a process of involuntary disconnection of the company, and costumam to always reviver them, making of this a constant drama. This happens very? One is about the opposite of the resilience? It is not a question of reviver souvenirs or, it is not good for remembering that the resilience studies had started with the souvenirs of the survivors of nazism. One is about how much a person attributes to meanings with greater or minor rigidity to a belief that she organized from an experience of life. If it will have high index of rigidity, with certainty, will have a recurrence of the souvenir and greater the suffering, as much in the direction of a passivity stops with the situation, or of a intolerncia with the fact that generated the memory.

Companies Example

Having the buzzer, spent excessively during the period where the time was good, it was terrified, when the winter started to arrive. Without much mount of money to keep the expenses with necessities of its burrow, it was to see the ant, its perpetual rival when the subject was provisionses, asking for to it some grains to support the period of winter until coming a time of summer! – ‘ ‘ I promise that I will spend more with critrio’ ‘ , it said. The ant is distrustful, is this one of its defects. ‘ ‘ What you made in the good time? ‘ ‘ It to it with certain esperteza asked. – ‘ ‘ Night and day, I looked for to keep all pretty and all satisfied ones, not importing the involved costs without wanting to give preocupao.’ to them; ‘ – ‘ ‘ You spent? How beauty! Therefore, then, cut the costs now! ‘ ‘ One of the biggest problems faced for the companies has to see with the involved costs in the production of products and services, when we speak of involved costs we are in relating since a better criterion in the purchases of the suppliers the costs with administrative expenditures financial expenditures, that is, all those outlays that are necessary for the operation of the company. Many managers do not give to the due attention to the concepts of contribution edge or profitability for line of products, many times for venderem very have a false impression of that the money in box is synonymous of profit, fact occurred mainly in the microns and small companies. Already in the averages and small companies we find unnecessary expenses with the area of sales and marketing mainly when the subject is to enchant the customer with toasts and events where the luxury predominates.

I do not want to say that the companies do not have to make these types of event, but that its costs x I benefit are mensurados together with the financial area of the company, so that when the moments of ‘ ‘ inverno’ ‘ to arrive, ‘ ‘ cobertor’ ‘ he is not very short and if it has that to adopt measured extreme, as to cut cafezinho or to diminish the staff of cleanness or maintenance for example. The slogan ‘ ‘ Knowing to use, faltar’ does not go; ‘ it comes me to the head when the subject is to save, a truthful example made the difference in my professional life. I worked in a company whose director used as wastefulness example the clips that were used in the administrative areas, argued with data, the collect of the soil of all was made the clips played during one month, and was verified that the equivalent was collected 25% of the monthly consumption. It is a small monetary value, to put is a high percentage that deserves consideration. As well as this example, we have innumerable wastefulnesses in our companies or same in our houses, we must remember that many already alert for the increase of the inflation or a crisis happened for the comprometimento of the capacity of payment of the consumers. Certainly some ‘ ‘ climate more frio’ ‘ it comes for there, being thus we must know to use not to lack in times where ‘ ‘ gros’ ‘ to be scarce. We go to reflect on this!

Intellectual Capital

The focus in the renewal and development is represented by the base of the triangle is come back toward future and the human focus meets in the center of the project. Figure. 04? SKANDIA MODEL Source: Adapted of: Edvinsson and Malone (1998: 60) With base in the model and having as above objective to create an equation that expressed the value of the Intellectual Capital, the authors had established the following steps: To identify the set of indices that can be applied to all society with small adaptations; To recognize that each organization can have an additional Intellectual Capital that needs to be evaluated by other indices; To establish an 0 variable that catches the so-perfect previsibility of the future, as well as the one of the equipment, the organizations and of the people who in it work. With this method it is arrived following equation: RUTTING = I * C I = Coefficient of efficiency, C = monetary Value of the intellectual capital RUTTING = Capital Organizacional intellectual. Valley to remember that I = n/x, where, n = somatrio of the decimal values of the nine indices of efficiency considered by the authors and x = the number of these indices (in case nine) EDVINSSON & MALONE (1998). Thus, such authors emphasize that ' ' C' ' it reflects in the commitment of a company in relation to the future, and gotten by means of one list that contains the pointers most representative of each focus, such as, resultant Prescriptions of new businesses, new equipment of technology of the information, investments in new patents, investments in copyrights, programs of training and support, training of employees, among others. ' ' I' ' it represents the obligation of the company with the gift and if it gets through the pointers, in percentages, that are: participation of market, index of satisfaction of the customers, index of leadership, index of motivation, index of investment in P& D, of hours of training of performance administrative efficiency and, index, index retention employed divides for prescriptions. .

Brazilian Management

SUMMARY the familiar companies represent more predominant the enterprise form in the economies, not only the Brazilian how much to the world-wide ones. However, exactly with all relevance and representation the macroeconomic levels, this enterprise segment still suffers to great vulnerabilities and difficulties how much to the management, and between the suffered impediments they are mainly the operational and strategical problems that directly affect the organizations how much to the lack of focus and fragility of competitiveness in the market. Also we can say that the absence of the previous preparation for the provisions of successive heirs, is main point criticizes of the cited institutions and contributes generally for the failure of this mentioned type of companies, however, when if effects the succession through a good planning can generate excellent results for familiar structure. In this direction, to indicate the use of instruments that assist the familiar management, aiming at to become it more competitive, flexible the changes, agile to deal with unstable, professional and technological market, giving emphasis to the professional qualification and demystifying the image, that the familiar company only aims at to the institution as source of maintenance and survival of the family. Therefore this research has for purpose to study the necessity of the successory planning and the emphasis in the professionalization of the management.

Words Keys: Familiar company, professionalization and planning. EFFICIENT QUALIFICATION IN the SUCCESSION OF the MANAGERS OF the COMPANIES OF FAMILIAR STRUCTURE Cesar Ely Saints of Melo UNEB Wagner 1,0 Graces UNEB INTRODUCTION the companies of familiar structure is predominant the enterprise form in the economies of the markets contemporaries. The success and the continuity of these related companies are essential for the development of the economy and the society..

Marketing Research

I started to interest me for the thoughts of Sun Tzu after having read in the Eighties the Art of the war, and a phrase in particular called my attention: ' ' all battle is earns before being empreendida' '. Thus the famous strategist said who lived in century IV a.C.Em the market research this if she applies and evident valley very! The importance of the valuable called product information, if makes basic so that if makes an elaborated marketing research well and better to understand the market-target. It must be made use of important information on its field of performance, of its business, in the importance of the competition and clearly of its customers. The process of a research consists of the definition of the problem and its objectives, development of the research plan, collection of information, analysis of these and presentation of the results so that it can be managed. It must, in the principle then to decide if they must collect the data or use given already available. They must also decide on which will be the boarding of the research, as: comment, focal group, survey, experiments and that instruments of the type of questionnaires will have to be used. The main reason to adopt the marketing research is the discovery of a market chance. A time with the concluded research, the company must, carefully, evaluate its chances and decide where markets to enter. In the marketing research it serves to determine what the consumers want and how much they are made use to pay.

Volkswagen Companies

2008). In accordance with I castrate (2000), the terceirizao must be seen as an advance of the administration techniques, making possible bigger number of companies in functioning, with evident distribution of capital for a bigger number of people, reduction of internal administrative costs, with equivalent reduction of indirect costs, improves of the quality of the services. With the practical one of terceirizar, the employer can until obtaining to diminish the idle time inside of its environment of work and to increase, in this manner, the productivity. Example of this to the Volkswagen company has terceirizado its activities, inside of the proper company, as form of reduction of costs with supplies, expedition, transport and others. (MIRAGLIA, 2008) According to Martins (2001), the main advantage under the administrative aspect would be of if having alternative to also improve the product quality or vendido service and the productivity. It would be a form also of if inside getting a total quality control of company, being that one of the objectives basic of the administrators it is the reduction of the working and previdencirios incubencies, beyond the final markdown of the product. By means of the views of the activities-half so that third they execute, the companies obtain to dedicate with persistence and concentration to the development of its activity-end.

Some advantages exist that the companies can have when terceirizar activities – (SEBRAE half. 2010). simplified administrative Estrutura more; Mais participation and persistence in the activity-end of the company; Concentrao of the talentos in the main business of the company; Reduo of Costs; Maior management of the staff and the tasks; Possibilidade of rescission of in agreement contract preset conditions; Controle of the terceirizada activity on account of the proper company; Menores expenditures with acquisition and maintenance, machines, devices uniforms; Ampliao of market for small business companies. For Miraglia (2008), the lender of services chooses third, that he will be responsible for playing the function contracted for the company-customer, subjecting the terceirizado worker to its directive paper.