The education as a dialgico act: a Freiriana perspective 1 brave Duanne Neiva farm 2 Summary: The dialogue exists as love act, getting in this the power of transformation of a situation of social domination. Thus, propitiating a critical conscience between citizens of a conscientious communication. Words key: dialogue, love, fellowship, release, critical conscience, education oppressor. For Pablo Freire the dialogue does not only exist in the classroom, but in all the social educative spaces. Freire wrote to dialogue with its reader, always had in mind that to write age to construct a meeting with the other, so that this discovered and constructed to the knowledge from the dialogue, being able this being epistemolgico, or better, a study from hypotheses. The rule of knowledge if of the one through lends conversation between the citizens, for this reason the interaction of the human being in the search of social transformations becomes essential to understand dialogicidade of the educative act. Normally, the dialogue is understood as a possibility of ' ' democratizar' ' a time and space, where all have the right of speaking. In the freiriana pedagogia the dialogue is not alone this.
When it mentions to the loving dialogue this speaking of one does not beat papo descompromissado between people in the room, room or tavern. It this speaking in a dialogue where the interlocutor by means of questions questions the truths of the object in question, if differentiating of Scrates for having defended a Metaphysical and idealistic method. In accordance with Pablo Freire, the dialogue does not provoke in the citizens the possibility to know concretely, is from the theory-practical one that knowing he passes to be elaborated, therefore, the freiriano dialogue is the love for the object that can be known and the way as the people if they lovingly treat in the act to discover what before it was guarded.