A personal venture is the fruit of desire or project channeled through our person. If you are considering a venture to share, it is necessary to reevaluate the goal and think who is the appropriate person or persons to work together. Since the techniques applied graphology and compatibility character self perfectly fit this reality. Self-awareness: Self-knowledge allows us to deepen on the personality and, consequently, on the definition of entrepreneurship as channeling our positive traits of our talents in order to lead to self-realization and self-satisfaction. Nothing happens when there is missing, we do not have skills, knowledge outside of our expertise that come to realize the chosen venture? It can be explored a part of our puzzle piece or that it is indeed something alien? Facing the question arises the thought of sharing the project with another person, professional, etc..
Then arises the need to know with whom we will work really, who is a person capable of carrying out the part that we want, that is a person to guide us according to our need, that is a person that suits us and our initiative a think of forming a strategic alliance. Try find the right person? Character Support: We understand that to form a strategic alliance we need points of similarity and complementarity as a basis. The aim is to study people, observing and complementary personality traits (studies, virtues, etc..) Channel leading to entrepreneurship, business, project. Also the points will be disqualified, to establish the number and weight of them compared to concrete plans. The description of the compatibility of personalities is channeled in the size a emotional and affective. a intellectual and volitional. active and social dimension. a temperamental and communications. a incompatibilities as character traits. The character compatibility can lead to project success, knowing that the puzzle is joined each day in communion with the skills and abilities among people who make up the joint.