Social: practical part of the social philosophy, that indicates the norms the one that must adjust the relations between the diverse members of the society. For the definition of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, ‘ ‘ Logistic it is the part of the Management of the Chain of Supplying that plans, implements and controls the flow and efficient and economic storage of raw materials, half-finished materials and products finished, as well as the information relative they, since the point of origin until the consumption point, with the intention to take care of to the requirements of clientes’ ‘ (Oak, 2002, P. 31). Knowing the definitions of ethics and logistic one asks that relations both can have. All the process developed for the logistic one: production, stockage, as well as the distribution chain, is developed by people.
Although all technological apparatus, and all the benefits that the technology of the information has brought for the sector of logistic, still thus without people nothing of this could be developed. It is exactly in this aspect that the organizations have neglected its bigger patrimony that are its collaborators. All necessary organization obligatorily of people stops to carry through its tasks wants either of simplest in the production or most complex in the most diverse administrative areas. Moreover when an organization aims at only the financial results of its productive chain, it starts to neglect and to deal with antiethical way the people. The ethics have been each time more banished of the relations and management of people. Where it is the ethics when subumanas horrias people are displayed to the load, where its labor laws are execrados, displayed social right the moral assdios and denied to them on behalf of a bigger profitability? The ethics were banished of this relation, however it would have all to be sustentculo of and any relationship inside of an organization.