Daniel Goleman (Goleman, 1995), popularizing the term "emotional intelligence" pointing out that those with outstanding performance have better personal relationships and capabilities. In this sense, IE is composed of a number of skills that can be grouped into four core areas. 1. Self awareness 2. Self-management 3.
Relational capabilities 4. Other kinds of consciousness. And in this line of development has recently proposed a new kind of intelligence: spiritual intelligence (Wigglesworth, 2004). From the definition of spirituality as an innate need in humans to connect with something larger than yourself, "proposes a set of capabilities specific to this kind of intelligence, which are encompassed in four main features: I Personal self-consciousness II. Expertise in managing a person's own III. Universal Consciousness IV.
Social skills and spiritual presence. For each of the 21 skills included in the four features mentioned above, are assigned five levels of expertise, with a higher level is not considered finished because it is always possible to grow in the development of them. While important to know those substantive elements that compose the IE, these can be found in the literature (Original Wigglesworth, 2004). In this context important to note that when talking about other kinds of intelligences are incorporated virtually all human capabilities, resulting in a kind of climax with the IE which incorporates the spiritual dimension and religious. Although they may come to accept that all these kinds of intelligences, it is worth raising the real need for them in order to reach an effective performance concrete in the various human activities.