When we think about reducing the decurrent impacts to the environment of the transport, is necessary to make a historical and cultural analysis on the adopted options, to be able to plan and to make possible changes that promovo the citizenship, since the space of the city is for the man, who to each day searchs one better quality of life. In the process of urbanization of the cities, the streets are necessary for organization of the urban spaces, guaranteeing accesses to the properties (tested) and for the circulation want of people or vehicles tractive animal or motor, what already it gave importance to the streets (ways) since that the cities were vilarejos or villages; with the sprouting of the automobile, the technological advances, the industrial development postwar period, the priority for the ways started to be concern of the governing, and the investments in road workmanships will start to be development factor, therefore to guarantee the circulation meant to direct the growth of the city. In Brazil, the decade of 70, with the deceleration of the economy, the cities with its great ways, and great problems of circulation (congestions), added to the growth and population adensamento in the cities, due to mechanization and industrialization of the farming, the social and ambient problems already present dimension that planning and answers of the public administrators demand and between which the Management of the Transport, aiming at to promote the circulation of the people and to take care of of the environment. The cities had adopted solutions prioritizing the collective transport, and an example was what it happened in Curitiba, when already at this time already promoted an inversion in the ways, before with priority to the automobile, if it created ways special (narrow channels) for the collective transport what it functions well until the current days, and in other cities of bigger transport, solutions as meter had been adopted, and in level of federal government incentives and financings to promote the transport collective, aiming at to diminish the use of the automobile, the individual transport, which in function of the amount is responsible for great part of the pollution to the environment.
Professional Management
Social: practical part of the social philosophy, that indicates the norms the one that must adjust the relations between the diverse members of the society. For the definition of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, ‘ ‘ Logistic it is the part of the Management of the Chain of Supplying that plans, implements and controls the flow and efficient and economic storage of raw materials, half-finished materials and products finished, as well as the information relative they, since the point of origin until the consumption point, with the intention to take care of to the requirements of clientes’ ‘ (Oak, 2002, P. 31). Knowing the definitions of ethics and logistic one asks that relations both can have. All the process developed for the logistic one: production, stockage, as well as the distribution chain, is developed by people.
Although all technological apparatus, and all the benefits that the technology of the information has brought for the sector of logistic, still thus without people nothing of this could be developed. It is exactly in this aspect that the organizations have neglected its bigger patrimony that are its collaborators. All necessary organization obligatorily of people stops to carry through its tasks wants either of simplest in the production or most complex in the most diverse administrative areas. Moreover when an organization aims at only the financial results of its productive chain, it starts to neglect and to deal with antiethical way the people. The ethics have been each time more banished of the relations and management of people. Where it is the ethics when subumanas horrias people are displayed to the load, where its labor laws are execrados, displayed social right the moral assdios and denied to them on behalf of a bigger profitability? The ethics were banished of this relation, however it would have all to be sustentculo of and any relationship inside of an organization.
Brazilian Management
SUMMARY the familiar companies represent more predominant the enterprise form in the economies, not only the Brazilian how much to the world-wide ones. However, exactly with all relevance and representation the macroeconomic levels, this enterprise segment still suffers to great vulnerabilities and difficulties how much to the management, and between the suffered impediments they are mainly the operational and strategical problems that directly affect the organizations how much to the lack of focus and fragility of competitiveness in the market. Also we can say that the absence of the previous preparation for the provisions of successive heirs, is main point criticizes of the cited institutions and contributes generally for the failure of this mentioned type of companies, however, when if effects the succession through a good planning can generate excellent results for familiar structure. In this direction, to indicate the use of instruments that assist the familiar management, aiming at to become it more competitive, flexible the changes, agile to deal with unstable, professional and technological market, giving emphasis to the professional qualification and demystifying the image, that the familiar company only aims at to the institution as source of maintenance and survival of the family. Therefore this research has for purpose to study the necessity of the successory planning and the emphasis in the professionalization of the management.
Words Keys: Familiar company, professionalization and planning. EFFICIENT QUALIFICATION IN the SUCCESSION OF the MANAGERS OF the COMPANIES OF FAMILIAR STRUCTURE Cesar Ely Saints of Melo UNEB Wagner 1,0 Graces UNEB INTRODUCTION the companies of familiar structure is predominant the enterprise form in the economies of the markets contemporaries. The success and the continuity of these related companies are essential for the development of the economy and the society..
Property Manageability
If you can afford a big bus with a speed rating (they are 10-15% more expensive) – I would recommend this option active drivers drive. However, do not skimp on the index of the rate, lowering it below the recommended (especially when buying cheap winter tires) – known as the 'better safe than sorry …'. Summer features. This is a series of consumer quality tires that are more fully realized when used in tire temperatures above + 7 C. Adhesion to dry. This indicator measures the brake or coupling properties of the tires when driving on dry hard surface. Influence on this parameter: the mixture of rubber, the contact area of rubber on the road (Closed design), the stability of the contact form (depending on the design of tires).
The best way to evaluate this option – to study the results of objective tests of braking tires, published by reputable journals. Traction in the wet. Determined by the efficiency of braking in the wet solid surfaces. Depends on the presence in the tread compound of the special additives that additional edge strength (blades), the stability of the form contact patch. Objective tests – the best way to evaluate this option.
Manageability – this property is set to follow the bus driver of the trajectory of the car, informative steering reactions. At this setting will affect form the tread pattern rigidity of its central area and the shoulder elements of rubber. For motion in cornering stability is particularly important form of the contact, depending on the design of the tire carcass and the presence of reinforcing layers-breakers.
Motivation And Management
Many of us know the situation where the competing claims is not possible to find a way out of deadlock. Consider a simple example, which is found almost everywhere. The project manager is watching the situation. Taking on the job a new manager by typing it in the course of the case, sends what is called the work "in the field." The new manager comes in the office until the end of the day, all day, he spends working with clients in the field. At the end of the day, taking another batch of advertisements, filling out the necessary reports and documents, time and again sent to replenish the customer base. And after a month or two with this approach the manager have certain results, it appears your sales and it can be called by some the result of working with clients. A couple of months, the manager has less leaves to meet with clients, slightly "cool" in his work and that is called, becomes more hardened. Cold calls performed them less often, and after a short time, he did settle in the office.
Most managers see in this situation only one thing – people become lazy and not wanting to work. And this is the place to be, but probably not with all worth a look at the situation not only from this angle. The situation is ripe for conflict and tend to head shifts the blame only on the slave, considering it lazy. But this is not always the case! If a manager receives a steady sales results over a long period, it says, and that in his work there were qualitative changes for the better.
Science Psychogenetics Offers A Chance To Anyone To Manage With
Psychology as a science, from ancient times has become very well known. Worldwide, it attracted millions of people. There are lots of different kinds of points of view that it explores the psychology. It is often said that this science required to solve the problem, the main issue which is why an individual acts, one way or another. The emergence of such a science as psychogenetics (nowadays also develop sub-sectors: the genetic psychophysiology and genetics of individual development), usually associated with opublikatsiey two works by F. Galton: the book "Hereditary talent" and a small but very important article, "History of the twins as a criterion of the relative powers of nature and Education ". These books laid the foundation for methods psychogenetics 2m: Family and twin.
In general, psychogenetics using genealogical method – an area of knowledge, which is located on the border between psychology and genetics, the subject of study which is the ratio of heredity and environment in the formation of interindividual variability of mental traits of man. This science is simple and clear recommendations about how life feel good, successful and healthy. Psychogenetics problem – determination of not only hereditary, but environmental causes of the differences between people on the psychological aspects. Methods psychogenetics – are methods help determine the impact of hereditary factors and environment on the formation of certain psychological characteristics of people. The best-known methods are: Method of twins, genealogical method, population-based method, the foster children. But the most demanded and rassprostranenny psychogenetics method – a method Toycha, allowing to improve their behavior in the environment.
In 1954-1960. substantiated the concept psychogenetically human behavior, and implemented on the basis of its amazing for its implementation of the consultative method, called IDEAL-method Toycha. During the following years, Dr. Toych in all the world exercised their method on a set of people and always sought the desired results. His method allows every person the right to control their own destiny, to be in abundance and harmony, achieve our objectives, successfully completing initiated the case. To date, there are many centers that perform consulting psychogenetics. But we should not trust any adviser. Encouraged to seek only to specialists. One of those experts – Irina Danilova it – Consultant psychogenetics. It conducts private consultations on numerous issues of psychology. Can help solve problems such as: catatonic syndrome, akathisia, anomie and other diseases psychological origin.
PGRSS Management
Thus, the objectives specific accumulated of stocks from the main objective they are: to reduce risks to the health and the environment, by means of the correct management; to program measures of correction evidenced as inadequate and to revise routines already established, thus searching the improvement continuous. The basic intention of if formulating this plan of RSSS management are to reduce the risks for the occupational health and of the population, beyond minimizing the impact to the environment, this through the reduction of the generated amount and for the adequate destination of the residues of health services. 2. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL 2.1. Management and basic procedures of handling of hospital residues Inside of the program of management of the solid residues and services of health – PGRSS are defined the correct procedures of management of the residues of health services, as well as the implications of these in the ambient preservation; to rationalize the material consumption, preventing wastefulnesses; to minimize the amount of generated contaminantes and dangerous residues; to prevent and to reduce the risks to the health and the environment; to guide the employees and doctors, how much to the correct handling of the generated residues to prevent the accidental contamination; to fulfill the current law (EIGENHEER, 2000).
The management mentions the articulated set to it of normative, operational, financial actions and of planning based in sanitary, ambient, social criteria, educational, cultural, aesthetic and economic politicians, technician, for the generation, handling, treatment and final disposal of the solid residues, considering that all activity human being results in the generation of residues. (MANDELLI, 1997). Hospital with priority of university, state and public education, the treatment of the generated residue that if it initiated in 2000, with the qualification of all the professionals of the institution for the correct segregation of the generated residue. Simultaneously, it had the acquisition of containers the monitoring of the discarding of the residue in the container appropriate to receive the treatment specific.
Best Formation
Nothing like the best knowledge in the world of the aesthetic one a posteriori to offer to the public the best service. That is the philosophy that Eberlin, the tax exemption dedicated to the manufacture and cosmetic product sale and aparatologa (wwww.infoeberlin.com) applies in his varied fan of courses destined to those enthusiastic people by a sector that does not stop growing and in that there is an ample future. the world of the aesthetic one requires of a continuous recycling of knowledge, not only because regularly they leave new apparatuses, treatments or products, but also because a professional that boast of being it has to know how to go ahead to the needs of the public. Something that only obtains with a quality formation, explains Marta Ferrer Berenguer, Manager of Eberlin. Whatever that is chosen to realise to indicate that it will be distributed by professionals of great route and include material without cost and graduates accrediting, adds. Thus the things and since the world of the beauty is a good way in which to work a professional exit and to even mount a business of ample Eberlin route has courses that respond all to these needs.
can be asked for information in anyone to our delegates or on telephone 902 195 869. We have courses and demonstrative days for all the levels, adds the directive. These are some of the forativas options of Eberlin: Eberlin masters. It is a course of face and corporal treatments, where all the gliclicos treatments of spa, muds, vinoterapia, chocoterapia, acids (A.H.A), peeling, rejuvenation, masks, acne, etc. successfully to deal to our clients are developed with the vanguardistas systems and the most advisable creams. Course Permanent Maquillaje Corrective Maquillaje Micropigmentacin, provides the base so that the student acquires skill, agility and security in this matter.
WE KIND OF COMPANY .. . Type of business, according to the Industry Tertiary or service sector Includes companies whose main element is the human capacity for physical work or intellectual. Given that we are going to devote to the construction of special software, enter this sector. Type of business, according to size Small Business Overall, small businesses are independent entities, created to be profitable, whose annual sales value does not exceed a certain threshold and the number of people who make up does not exceed a certain limit. At the time the company is shaping up, given that we are in a stage of performing each study corresponding to their conformation. Type of business, according to Public Company It’s the kind of company in which the capital belongs to the state which may be national, provincial or municipal. We apply this type of company, because we plan to present this project to the state for approval and is constituted for the service of public hospitals and achieving success in the bid to be submitted, the capital invested in the project comes from the state . Type of business, according to the Field of Activity National Companies When sales are made in practically all the territory of a country or nation. Type of business, depending on destination of Benefits Companies with Profit Surpluses which can pass from the owners, shareholders, etc …
Internet Business
In this article, I would like mostrarte some advantages, five, to be exact of because you must begin your own business in Internet. You are your own head is not nothing else necessary to say on this in fact You you take ahead your business, which means that you make the decisions. Your you are the one that this to position and beams everything (or almost everything) what you wish. To be its own head is what all want. The normal thing is that when a head has itself, one always this thinking that could do it better than and create your own business in Internet is the opportunity that you must to demonstrate it. To choose whichever money you want to gain When one works for others, which you you must win always is decided by other people. However, when you have your own business in Internet, you can decide whatever you want to win every month. If you dedicate yourself to construct your business of the correct form, estaras asegurndote to make the money that you wish, and as well, to have the life that always you wanted.
Finally you will be able to mark to the difference the people always are complaining. It is part of the human nature to aim and to the end. To the propietary being of your own business in Internet, it tries to mark the difference. It will always be your election, but by smaller than it is your business, you could donate certain amount of money to charity works that serious one to mark the difference. If you create a good business online, you will have the sufficient force to mark that difference, whatever.
You will be able to do what you really want to make This point this also related to the previous one. In your present work certainly you will have some task that you do not like to do, something that causes that you do not want to return. Nevertheless, to the being your own head, estaras assuring to you that never you will have to carry out those tasks again. You will be able finally, to reach your dreams This after my is but important, to reach your dreams whatever, in the end he will have some implication with the money. You want thus it to have in your banking account or wish to attend an incredible celebration, or what is, you are going to need money to do it. And one of the best ways to obtain it is asegurarte that these in the high level but of the chain. dream can complete your life and this you can obtain it by means of the creation of your business in Internet. It only depends on you.