That is, 33 million children are illiterate functionaries. The functional illiteracy is quiet and brings serious damages to the country. Beyond discouraging the child who is in the school, it reduces the empregabilidade and the chances of social inclusion, mainly it enters poor. Nos if deals with people who had never entered in a classroom. They know to read, to write and to count; but they do not obtain to understand written word.
In ampler vision, the functional illiteracy has fort impact in the productivity and the national competitiveness. One searches done for one doutorando of the USP, in the passed year, calculates in US$ 6 annual billion the fall of productivity in the companies, provoked for the basic deficiencies of the employees. These deficiencies if translate, for example, in the incapacity of the person to read and to understand a manual of instructions, norms of quality and security to develop well its work or to follow training courses that demand reading. A practical example of the problem occurs in an assembly plant of Is Bernardo, in which simple manuals of equipment instructions or official notices of the department of Human resources become indecifrveis enigmas for 78,5% of the employees of a sector of the production. ‘ ‘ unhappyly, the numbers of the assembly plant if repeat in other companies of the Pas’ ‘ , it laments Walter Ihoshi, vice-president of the Trade association of So Paulo. In accordance with INAF 2005 (National Index of Functional Illiteracy), of Institute Pablo Montenegro? entity without lucrative ends tied with Ibope (Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics) 74% of the Brazilian population is illiterate functionary.
According to professor-doctor of the USP, Issao Minami, the main cause of this problem is the discontinuity of the education. The low index of escolaridade and I the quality of education disable the people to apprehend and to perfect the techniques of the writing and the reading, tools that would after allow to the continuous learning the conclusion of formal education. In accordance with Minami, so that the functional illiteracy is eradicated is necessary to invest in basic education of quality. ‘ ‘ necessary to apply better the R$ 41 billion the governments federal, state and municipal destined to the education, per year, to invest in infrastructure and, mainly, the qualification of the professors. After all, they are responsible them for good aulas’ ‘ , she finishes Ihoshi. CONCLUSION the understanding involves much more that decoding, you are welcome it advances formulates to know it that it is used to decide definitive problem if it is not known as to solve it. She is necessary, mainly, to understand what if it asks for, to mount the problem, using the had formulas, for finally arriving the reply. In a similar way, it is not enough to know to read to understand what he is being read.