When we think about reducing the decurrent impacts to the environment of the transport, is necessary to make a historical and cultural analysis on the adopted options, to be able to plan and to make possible changes that promovo the citizenship, since the space of the city is for the man, who to each day searchs one better quality of life. In the process of urbanization of the cities, the streets are necessary for organization of the urban spaces, guaranteeing accesses to the properties (tested) and for the circulation want of people or vehicles tractive animal or motor, what already it gave importance to the streets (ways) since that the cities were vilarejos or villages; with the sprouting of the automobile, the technological advances, the industrial development postwar period, the priority for the ways started to be concern of the governing, and the investments in road workmanships will start to be development factor, therefore to guarantee the circulation meant to direct the growth of the city. In Brazil, the decade of 70, with the deceleration of the economy, the cities with its great ways, and great problems of circulation (congestions), added to the growth and population adensamento in the cities, due to mechanization and industrialization of the farming, the social and ambient problems already present dimension that planning and answers of the public administrators demand and between which the Management of the Transport, aiming at to promote the circulation of the people and to take care of of the environment. The cities had adopted solutions prioritizing the collective transport, and an example was what it happened in Curitiba, when already at this time already promoted an inversion in the ways, before with priority to the automobile, if it created ways special (narrow channels) for the collective transport what it functions well until the current days, and in other cities of bigger transport, solutions as meter had been adopted, and in level of federal government incentives and financings to promote the transport collective, aiming at to diminish the use of the automobile, the individual transport, which in function of the amount is responsible for great part of the pollution to the environment.