It with switch should be pointed out that the table will be built on a new sheet, and set additional options. Click the Layout button, and will open a dialogue form of columns and rows of the PivotTable. If you work with Excel 97, the desired dialogue appears when you click Next. Using the mouse, you must drag the field with the name of the column to the right, in the right place the layout table. Drag the box to the left field Debit layout, with labeled line.
Next, drag the field Deb. SubSch. also in the string so that it has settled below the field Debit. Similarly, drag the field Credit and credit. SubSch. in the top field layout with the name column. By the end of the drag box The amount in the central field layout with the name Data. A summary table can be computed maximum, minimum, product, and similar calculations.
We also need to calculate the amount. To do this, double click on the Number of The sum of the field, which appeared within the field data, and will open a dialogue to choose the method of calculation. Select Operation list item amount, and then click OK to close the dialog. In the Data field is now located Sum of Amount field. Table layout is ready, click OK, to return to the master build the pivot table. When you work in Excel 97, you continued to work with the master, so that there is no OK button, and thus pushing it is not necessary. Click Next to move to the next step. In the dialog box with the switch then build the chart in a new worksheet. All necessary information is entered, so you need to click Finish, and a summary table will built on a new sheet. In this form, working with the table is not very convenient. Better hide the information on sub-accounts, leaving only the data for all accounts. Right-click on the title Deb. Sub.Sch. and in the open auxiliary menu, select Group and Outline – Hide Details. After this, right-click on the title of Crede. Sub.Sch. and just click the Team menu and structure – Hide Details. Now summary table looked like a shahmatku. At the intersection of the column calculated amount of turnover in the last column removed debits, and the last line – credit turnover. You can rename a sheet with a summary table calling it Shahmatka. For practical purposes it is much more useful than not shahmatka, while the reverse statement, and in the next section will address the peculiarities of its construction.