XX), the region of Emilia Romagna (that it includes the cities of Friuli-Venice-Giulia, Vneto, Trentino-High Adige and Toscana), aoSul of Italy, traditionally poor, is known internationally due to the extraordinary development reached for its industrial districts, and also for the public politics regional innovator in average small relation to the companies. The high tax of exportation, the raised wages, the full job and the high level of resultant life of a based productive system in PME' s, has generated numerous studies on the call ' ' Emiliano' model; '. Without a doubt, this model is not based only on a productive system of small average companies (PME' s), but also in a singular combination between a progressive government, social integration and of enterprise success. It is from there that the elementoinovador appears, enriquecedor of the success gotten for the region. According to BECATTINI (1999: 46), ' ' The success of small companies came, still, to contradict the certainties solidly established of the economists of all the ideological shades, or almost, for which the possibilities of the small companies were structurally modest and would decline with tempo' '. As much this is truth that, when verifying the fast economic growth gotten by the region of Emilia-Romagna, where it had considerable concentration of small companies, BECATTINI (1992: 32) soon de' retook the concept; ' external economies marshallianas' ' (of the English industrial districts, century XIX) to adapt it the Italian case (in century XX, years 70), that is: The industrial district is a socioterritorial entity characterized by the active presence of a community of people and a population of companies in one determined geographic space. (BECATTINI, 1992:32). From now on, some studies if had occurred on this subject, all they identifying more and more factors to explain the phenomenon occurred in the Italian Southeast, that was baptized, for BAGNASCO (1999), of ' ' Third Itlia' ' , as form to indicate the unfolding of the traditional Italian dualism between the developed North (First Italy) and the behind South (second Italy). .