Of the total number of users on my ccv estimated 10-15%, and this proportion has steadily decreased, because if the business is successful, it develops, but even at 2 points one has to cope, while expanding product lines to one, too, become difficult to operate, and the rest too need. But in general, as noted Radifovich Marat Zaripov – Director of for most categories of businesses canceling ccv – increase risk and reduce competitiveness: Distrust buyer, there is no real accounting of sales, and control over the personnel, the loss of time filling out forms instead of cash receipt – factors that must be considered. Shoppers accustomed to, that when purchasing goods together with the delivery they receive a cashier’s check. A check is a document confirming full payment of the goods and in protecting the consumer in case of discovery of defects in the goods. And then there is a separate category customers – they are the representatives of legal entities (entrepreneurs). They definitely will not be able to purchase goods without cash receipt, unnecessarily or their accounting, and even less in tax inspectors do not recognize such costs.
Why against the Ministry for Finance and the Federal Tax Service? In particular, according to federal tax, check-out equipment is designed to be used to estimate the actual amount of cash proceeds, the resulting economic activity in the exercise of trade or rendering of services, taking into account a possible alignment conditions: taxation for different categories of taxpayers, including referred to the payment of a single tax on imputed income. In other words, check-out equipment will continue to properly assess the financial flows of small businesses and to calculate rates imputed income tax. As a result, today we come to the conclusion that it is not in vain, check out equipment is used for many years both here and elsewhere in the developed world. Its use is equally beneficial, as buyers, sellers, and the state and does not make sense to replace a convenient and easy check, reporting forms. ps The practice of not using cash machines is not new to the Russian Federation. Let us recall the situation in 1992 – 1993 he. When the shelves virtually disappeared cash registers.
Gained widespread violation of the rights of consumers (miscalculation). The state has lost control of the cash turnover. Awareness of this led to the adoption on 18 June 1993. rf Law “On the use of cash machines in the implementation of monetary settlements with a population 5215-1, and a package of documents regulating the use of cmc. Begun high demand for cash machines – as during this time the manufacturers “turned” cmc production. The cost of a cash register on the black market close to the cost of an inexpensive car. This went on for over a year until production not recovered, and with the emergence of new producers ccv in a few years, the situation is completely normal. How would again not to step on the same rake? Remove from service main park ccv (payers utii constitute almost 60-70% of all users of the CCV), virtually eliminated the domestic industry production and service cash registers, and a year and a half, again blame the well-known principle of “wanted the best, turned out as usual.