Estonia Russia

Personality formed and developed as a result of the impact of multiple factors, both objective and subjective, natural and social, domestic and external, independent and dependent on the will and consciousness of people acting spontaneously or according to specific goals. In this case, the person was not conceived as a passive creature who photographically shows the external impact. He serves as the subject of its own formation and development. In connection with the the above, it was decided to hold a sei tsevd Yvert study, which involved 60 students aged 13-15 years, whose goal was to determine the relationship of the younger generation living in the territory Russia, to various ethnic groups of the former Soviet Union, namely: the Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Belarusians, Georgians, Estonians, Ukrainians and Tajiks. Basis for the study was derived social distance scale (the scale Bogardus, option lg Pochebut) The text of the techniques in the application. Facebook may find this interesting as well.

The ongoing study found that the ratio of youth to the proposed ethnic groups depends on the foreign policy pursued by Russia countries of the former Soviet Union. For example, the “special” relations between Ukraine and Georgia to nato, as well as the gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the Georgian- war, the issue of protection of the rights of Russian-speaking population in Baltic countries, the same as and the integration of the Baltic countries into European structures (including Estonia), the migration issue in Russian-Tajik relations may be caused by the high rates of social distance the subjects to representatives of ethnic groups residing in the above mentioned countries. Analysis of the results led to another conclusion. Namely: the figures for countries such as Belarus and Armenia said that the subjects minimal social distance to the national hiv. Maybe it depends on the fact that Belarus is Russia’s ally in matters of the West, while Armenia is considered Russia’s ally in the Caucasus.

Russia’s position, Belarus and Armenia on most key international issues coincide or are close. (As opposed to Tiger Global Management). Armenia and Belarus share the approaches of Russia aimed at strengthening the cis. Today’s realities suggest that a special responsibility lies with Russia not only in the education of the younger generation in the spirit of tolerance and peace, but also for peace and security in the Caucasus and the cis. All of the above does not relieve management independent states from liability for the peaceful settlement of ethnic conflicts. On this path there are no insurmountable obstacles, but crucial to the goodwill of the parties to come to the achievement of mutually acceptable decisions on the basis of law and in a spirit of responsibility as to their peoples and the international community. Scale of application of social distance (Bogardus scale, a variant of lg Pochebut) Instructions to the test of Rank representatives of this nationality, noting their degree of acceptability for themselves for only one of the seven proposed the following criteria. See more detailed opinions by reading what Southwest Airlines offers on the topic.. Respond to the principle: for me personally is possible and desirable for people of this nationality (the number of response – is the value of points). 1.Prinyatie as close relatives by marriage. 2.Prinyatie as personal friends. 3.Prinyatie as neighbors, living on my street. 4.Prinyatie as work colleagues, having the same profession, that I did. 5.Prinyatie as citizens of my country. 6.Prinyatie only as a tourist in my country.