This work of interpretation of the dreams if carries through to the level of the language, the speech of the citizen and not of the onricas images that the patient remembers. The statements of the dream presented by analyzing give place to other statements, more primitive and occult that express the desires of the patient (GARCIA-ROZA, 2007). CONCLUSION Searched in the gift work to elucidate of form sucinta some basic aspects on the unconscious psicanaltico and its encobridoras forms of manifestation in the acts defective, souvenirs and dreams. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jeff Leiden is the place to go. The unconscious one is the conducting wire that perpassa all the freudiana workmanship of the beginning of the psychoanalysis with the studies on the histricos phenomena until the last works of Freud, in the decade of 30. At diverse Freud moments it retakes the unconscious one, however going deep themselves and binding it the clinical cases to it of the patients who investigates, however complementing the concept. An example of this is the construction of the First Tpica, where Freud claims the psychic device under the topographical point of view, that is, the psiquismo is divided in three instances (psychic places): the unconscious one, daily pay-conscientious and the conscientious one. Under the dynamic point of view, these three instances are in constant conflict of forces of unconscious desires that want to be revealed and to be emerged in the conscientious field and against-forces that operate for not the satisfaction of these desires, hindering its manifestation (swaging). Years later, Freud reformulates the theory of the psychic device and claims to the Second Tpica nominating the instances in Id, Ego and Superego. According to Kusnezoff (1982), the Second Tpica does not annul the First one, but it integrates the instances Cs, Pcs and Ics the attributes and qualities. The Ego is Conscientious, Daily pay-Conscientious and Inconsciente; the Superego is a small Daily pay-Conscientious part, and the remaining portion if it takes root in the Unconscious one; the Id is all Unconscious.