Bonro Has Strong Growth

In 2010 the online shop Bonrp has gained a lot in sales EC-cash rolls: Bonro achieved strong 2010 Umsatzwachse 2010 Bonro company made as many rolls sold like never before the online discounter has 2010 strong sales growth. The famous online shop is with cash register rolls, Thermorollen and Bon roles of any kind. The increase in the sale of EC-cash roll is almost no longer to describe, according to Managing Director Thomas Hintz. The past year was generally a success on the whole route. Sales almost doubled. This has resulted in that the online store had to create larger storage capacities. Another positive aspect of this growth is that new staff had to be hired. The rising sales have a positive aspect for the customers by Bonro.

The larger quantities have larger purchase quantities result. This has led in 2010, that no price increases had to be passed. Last year, Bonro has many positive aspects for the online shop in Gear. These include that many other roles were included in the shop. Also, the corresponding Ribbons are available for all popular POS systems. The shipping was set to a new logistics. A standard transit time of 24 hours is to realize. New payment systems have been embedded in the shop.

In the area of consulting the phone area was expanded in addition more. The rating system Ekomi shows only satisfied customers. Existing customers regularly receive newsletter with great discount offers and information. In 2012, many customers can continue to hope action because Bonro has many ideas in the pipeline.

Katrin Customers

Touch and try out is strongly encouraged. A lively, but also very personal atmosphere invites you to the conversation. First impressions count”, certainly to Schonfeld. We want our clients feel comfortable and at the same time good advice. “If we already prove our competence as a packaging specialist at the fair, further discussions arise and in the best case even a collaboration.” Our customer service department as an interlocutor available at easyFairs packaging 2011 of LogiMAT. They know their products in detail and also like to very specific questions.

Customers benefit from over 50 years of experience in the market of the RAJA Group Europe’s no. 1 in the packaging. Our spectrum of customers is extremely heterogeneous from the small entrepreneurs to major corporations, everything is represented”, so Schonfeld. The individual advice which is exactly to the specific customer request is all the more important. Just so we can offer our customers always the right Offer solution.” Comprehensive customer service and consultation generally play a large role in Rajapack. To ensure a permanent contact with the customers and so a faster responsiveness, Raja Pack uses a multi channel strategy and relies on catalogues, Internet, telephone and field alike. This guarantees especially best advice customers in addition to an ever-growing assortment and fast delivery.

Rajapack r Pack GmbH is the German subsidiary of the international group of RAJA. The French group of companies offers a total 500,000 customers first-class solutions and numerous products for packaging and shipping. Five Logistics Centers allow with over 100,000 square metres of warehouse space, ordered goods within 24/48 hours in eleven countries in Europe to deliver. 820 employees, the RAJA group generated an annual turnover of EUR 223 million in 2009. In the current range, you will find more than 9,000 innovative packaging solutions with a optimum price/performance ratio. The company, based in Birkenfeld attaches particular importance to its comprehensive customer service, commitment to environmental protection, as well as a professional wholesale service.