Street Inhabitants

The referring question to the street inhabitants calls my attention for innumerable factors. My investigations on these citizens and its histories of life had had beginning during my infancy. When leaving to the streets and finding one or another man sleeping in a sidewalk or bank of square, it stopped to observe it and she was intrigued, searching in my thoughts a reason that if incased in that condition of life. A strong point in my investigations was not to conceive the idea of these people to be guilty for being living in the streets. Today I perceive that the simplicity of my reflections on these citizens, already they announced a inconformismo stops beyond the symbolism of the economic poverty, the sadness, the drunkeness and the simple misunderstandings in the familiar environment. The solution that the public agencies search for the confrontation of this question that involves the street inhabitants cannot be simplista. It cannot be summarized as it offers of almses that transform the beggar condition into habit or of foods that also they strengthen this condition not to leave the streets.

Also it cannot be of character hygienist in attention to the propagandas of the citizens who effect certain actions in the illusion to help the street inhabitant, but they offer to negative reinforcements and in general the same people whom they give almses, later feel I bother with the presence of these citizens in the streets, in the marquees, squares, among others. Today I have the conditions to visualize these questions, that the inconformismo with the inhabitant of street in the sidewalk, in the commercial establishments, do not bring to the municipal dimensions of its responsibility stop with the installation of those citizens in diverse places of the city. For much time, about my reflections, also it thought that collaborating with currencies, breads or leftovers of foods, it would be helping these citizens.

Tourism Courses

According to Martins et. al. (2006) in the decade of 90 &#039 had one; ' boom' ' in the courses of tourism in Brazil (in 1994 it had 41cursos of Tourism; in 1997 this number went up for 60 courses of Tourism and 9 courses of Hotelaria; in 2002 the number of courses related to these areas went up for 576, reaching 697 in 2005). After the creation of the first courses of tourism in superior education in Brazil, perceives it increasing search for professions and ranks of different works of the traditional ones, resulting in the opening of hundreds of courses and in the increase of the amount of offered vacant. The psico-social aspect of the young in search of accomplishment of dreams and desires, such as, contact with distinct cultures, searchs for paradisiacal places and work with positive emotional factors, had contributed for the increase of this demand in the tourism courses. However, she is necessary to detach that with the increase of the competition it enters the institutions of private superior education had caused, in definitive situations, negative factors to the quality of education, such as, aggressive politics of marketing, absence of difficulties in the vestibular contests, lack of investments in research, restricted concern in physical infrastructure, curricular lack of valuation of the professors and deficient structures (BRUSADIN, 2007) These factors can have been generated due cause of me the formatting of the curricular gratings that the courses offered, therefore were not used no criterion of evaluation for preparation of the gratings and nor of the professors that they would manage the courses, today many of universities, mainly the particular ones, are closing the courses what it will be able to make that has an improvement in university education offered. Moreover, it must be invested in the formation of professors of other areas so that these have had some experience in the tourism area so that they can pass of safe form, brought up to date information of great relevance and of this sector of education. .


I recall that morning hell, I never dreamed that could happen what happened that fateful day. I went into the bank always said hello to staff working in it, after years as a customer we have come to know and making friends. It was a beautiful day, sunny with moderate temperature and pleasant spring, everything was fine, but that changed in an instant. I remember when set at the man through the door, his eyes reflected the evil bloodthirsty which would gala. He pulled out a gun, a semiautomatic 9 mm. He shouted that we were to cast us all down and gave him the money from the box. Instantly obeyed trembling with fright. Without warning a girl shot in the forehead to show that he said was serious.

Everyone screamed in terror while the lifeless body of the young woman collapsed on the floor. From his head began to sprout blood spurts. I could not believe what was happening, I wanted everything to be a nightmare from which I could wake up, but no, that was cruel reality. My heart beat wildly as a result of panic, pounding seemed to go through my ribs. I hurt my lungs breathing and hurried. A cold sweat ran down my face, in contact with my lips I could see he knew bitter was the taste of fear. My teeth squeaked while my mouth is outlining. Despite being disgusted by the sight of blood, could not view the body of the girl.

Chinchilla Products

Buy products made of chinchilla can not afford not to everyone, such as chinchilla fur coats, worth 5 to 30 thousand dollars. In Russia, breeding chinchillas were engaged only in 1964, our country is not very interest in this animal, so until recently no one really did not know on a surprisingly simple technology of growing chinchillas. What here to speak on the import of genetically strong individuals and the professional industrial breeding. In the same way as we do in the villages keep the rabbits in the Czech Republic, many in household contains a chinchilla. But conditions in Russia are quite allow breeding these delightful little animals, relatively superior in the price of other farm animals. The cost of feeding a minimum – Chinchilla herbivorous, and they are happy to eat a variety of many species of grasses, shrubs and woody plants their seeds and fruits. A pair of breeding chinchillas for breeders is from 10 to 15 thousand rubles, and in proper maintenance, the family makes an average of 5 puppies per year. So, with 10 females in the two square meters, can produce about 50 animals.

Advantages of the content of chinchillas and that they do not have a seasonal molt and, unlike the other animals They have no smell. In the early 90s mini-farm began to spread, and in Russia. For example, in ’95 in Cheboksary chinchillas were brought from Germany and Ukraine, who happily settled down with his relatives, purchased in Moscow. It tells one of the first breeders of Dmitri, was among the population, and case: “While we did not have the Internet and literature, but by trial and error, still managed to get the first litter. At the beginning of two thousandth years, our first shinshilyata were sold in pet stores and the poultry market. Now built up a new farm on the European technology, which contains 160 pairs. Have employees all over Russia and debugged sale as live chinchillas and skins. Already signed a contract with a Moscow studio, and year-end planning to make his first two coats.

” According to experts, is to breed and their characteristics. Chinchillas are very temperamental by nature and like any animal needs rest and care. We can not forget the special “kupalkah” chinchilla bath should be taken from sifted river sand. In nature, these animals are bathed in volcanic ash, thus clearing his fur and protecting it from moisture. Chinchilla breeding is a promising new business in Russia. We already have factories in many cities are interested in skin chinchillas. There are several industrial workshops on tailoring, which directly with vydelschikami and breeders. And all this – just the beginning of a new branch of the national shinshillovodstva. Live chinchilla in the house – this is a new round of fashion among pet lovers. Especially such The trend in Moscow. Chinchilla, as well as a cat can be trained to the toilet, they are perfectly manageable. Adult chinchilla farm aggressive, but small shinshilyata few days are gentle and fall in love with the owners. It’s impossible to ignore the fact that in recent years, more and more appears specialized food and accessories for chinchillas pet market. Free chinchillas just a hobby or serious attention to their breeding business – everyone decides for himself. But in any case, communication with these cute small mammals will be guaranteed. More information about chinchilla is on the site.

Public Power

Its obligatoriness has objective to guarantee the morality of the process, preventing that presumptions members politicians, personal or familiar friendships of the administrators if benefit when of the necessity of an acquisition or execution of a service, as well as also have the function to keep the efficiency of the process.Some cases exist where it does not have necessity of the licitatrio process, cases of donations of property to other agencies comoem public, right in rem of use, location, permission for use of social interest, specified in art. 17, I and II, and others twenty and cases (art. 24 I XXIV), as in cases of war declared, public calamity, comprometimento of the national security, amongst outrosO author of this work recognizes that the position for adopted it goes of meeting to practically the all the doctrine. Its objective, however, was simply to externar a particular position, without bigger pretensions, for finding adjusted the chance. However, of all the displayed one, one concludes that the licitation, not obstante the obligatoriness for the Public Administration, must be considered rule to be applied by the Public Power and not plus a principle, what by no means it removes its value and imperatividade.

It is that the disposals constitutional that deal with the licitation do not possess the degree of abstraction and generality, as well as of vagueza, condizentes with a principle. The licitation, thus, is not an end in same itself. It exists to serve to the public interest and pra not to confront it. Therefore it is that hypotheses of its inexigibilidade are foreseen and even though excuses and the prohibition possibility. It is of if having in aiming that the licitation cannot emperrar the administrative machine, but yes serviz it in efficient way. Necessary it is to use itself of it in rational way, not if arresting the trifling details, what of form some implies confronts to the legislation. .

SENA Difficulties

In a culture that, each time, but, it values the escolarizao, emphasizing that place of children and adolescents is in the school, either for theories, either for the legislation, not to learn comove and distresses, generating emotional tensions in adults who coexist the child who presents difficulties. For the studies of some authors (RHDE and BENCZIK, 1999; RASP AND ALBUQUERQUE, 2003; ROTTA, 2007; SENA, GRANDSON, 2007), the carrying children of TDA/H presents difficulties of learning in diverse concepts, but it is mainly in the language that the symptoms if reveal. The difficulties most common are in speak, the reading and the writing. Although the advances in the studies of the TDA/H, the relations between this upheaval and the difficulties of learning not yet well are clarified. As To identify and To work Children With TDA/H in the School For ends of identification of a child with characteristics of the upheaval of attention deficit hiperatividade in the school it is necessary caution. As it affirms Rohde (2003, p.18), ' ' An evaluation must be made to indicate if one definitive behavior of the child can be compared with the one of a group of children of the same etria band and sex.

the call approach normativo' '. Child TDA/H in phase of necessary alfabetizao of proper method, the college must elaborate technique assisting the child with TODA/H to learn of its skill. As it clarifies Karam (2006, p.08), for Antoniuk ' ' The school during the alfabetizao can generate anxiety in the child with TODA/H. Therefore, it is important to first teach to the letters and the sounds of each one, on the contrary of the global method used atualmente' '. The teacher must know to identify the problem not friction the badly-educated pupil of or bagunceiro and to arrest the attention of the child she must work with more dynamic and interesting activities, making use of material resources, as for example: computer music, videos, films etc.; mainly, to use activities of education that stimulate active answers as: to speak, to move themselves, to work in the picture. .

Murals Sites

Also for the site you can find free or inexpensive ready-made high-quality templates. In addition, the order and comfort the room is filled with hospitable hosts. The original, made to order Murals will not replace everything else. For a site important to its content fresh and interesting materials. Original and unique to the site should Information to be – then the site will be useful to visitors and search engines. Design is the case with a supporting web site navigation role. The main task of web design – clear and easy to navigate through the site, assist in finding the right information.

Question on filling: which of recently viewed Web sites you remember his 'design'? Surely this was due to long loading pages, preventing bright colors, awkward menu difficult to read text or boredom materials. A solid, rigorous and intrusive web design, as a rule, is not evident and does not distract from viewing. Exclusive design and well-liked individual approach heavily to assess both the complexity and the originality and quality. Price per one thousand (still evergreen) dollars – is not the limit for such sites. If you're not low on money and can afford an individual development, we would like to give some advice. Remember, all brilliant – just. It is not necessary to overload the site of heavy flash animation, pop-ups, or the welcome distraction of screensavers graphics. Except weighting of the page, animated objects, on a subconscious level, perceived as an advertisement and can only cause a backlash.

For this reason, users often set the filters on the flash ads and your site in this case can not be loaded correctly. Search engines 'did not understand the' flash and graphics – important information, will need to duplicate in the text.

Linden Site Promotion Internet

At the moment the Internet in their popularity and efiktivnosti in advertising almost caught up with television. But unlike the TV is much higher risk of being cheated. In my article I want to tell you about the types Fraud on the promotion Saitov and the possible adverse effects of this for you. If you wander through the pages of the Internet, you can find a lot of announcements about services for site promotion, to Unfortunately, only 10% of firms offered really hyping and promoting websites on the Internet. Among the specialists of this kind of activity also successfully ply pseudo raskrutchika.

Who are they? It's very simple, pseudo raskrutchika offers you unleash your site for a price below market value, which is quite beneficial to you, and you agree then that you got caught. The problem of such experts in what they like and do their side of the agreement that your site will have a huge attendance, but on the other hand what is attendance and who are the people who come to your site? Let's look at some of the most popular ways: Surfing the Internet 1.Internet Surfing was popular in the 20s years in the U.S.. Reasons for its popularity was the fact that the then U.S. search engines in selected sites on the basis of attendance, in connection with this and there were so-called surfing company. These sites, which people pay money for something that they will review the proposed Internet page. Thus the customer has his great attendance, and the search engine is a fool.

Launching A Site

Every day, more and more people are creating new sites on the Internet. I do not have any figures, but I think the hundreds of thousands of new pages being added daily (if not more!) The only reason all these new sites are needed – getting traffic to them in order to familiarize the visitor with or hobby, or your dog, or engaging in any sales of this most visitors. Hence the following question: How can you generate traffic to my new site? Of course, there are a number of different answers to this question, and what I'm doing myself, most likely very different from the one that will do the beginner internet entrepreneur. The reason is that launching a new site, I use an existing project and the traffic from it to promote the new site. I understand that anyone starting an online business will not have these features (and to be honest I did not have when I started), so that let's look at this issue from the outset.

The fact is that the fastest and probably the most effective way to attract targeted traffic to your site – buy it. But do not hurry to give their money or what exchange for the sale of traffic. He is there, certainly cheap, but just as stupid and. Even if you get traffic from them bought, he would not be targeted traffic, ie surfer looking for socks on the internet, but it has thrown to you on a site that sells baby food.

Brilliant Gifts At The Last Minute

You give love at Christmas this year the psychology of gift-giving is a matter for themselves. “So a gift just says sometimes more than 1000 words, but in the case of luck: I love you”. Quite short notice, on December 24 or on the day of the birth or wedding day the local businesses are being stormed by the dominions. Pure stress, which must not be honestly. Because the thing with the gift-giving is not that complicated. There is only one important rule to keep in mind: the gift must come from the heart. “Can in this sense also an iron will to the racer, but not even in the vicinity of the Fettnapfchens to get better the following note: need to sparkle like jewellery gifts for women of bellaluce”.

A special feature of bellaluce jewelry is the patented diamond version that ignites the sparkle and fire of diamonds in a very special way. Diamond jewellery with character. A special symbol for a special moment. Bellaluce, that is high-quality diamond jewelry made in Germany”at attractive prices, the to the Seduce buy. The personal character each bellaluce piece of jewelry is created by the many stations that traverses a diamond inside of our House. From the first draft with paper and pencil over the edge of the stones up to the certificate for the finished piece of jewelry, all these steps are important to create diamonds and precious metals brilliant creations of the highest level. In our factory in Idar-Oberstein in addition to tried and true craft, we also rely on the latest manufacturing techniques.

Jewels of bellaluce become what they are by this combination. Brilliant moments. Do you want more? Request our new bellaluce catalogue with us, then visit us on the Internet. The whole world of diamonds is located under. If you want to experience our diamond creations, for a list of all bellaluce jewelry stores here, in your area.