
I excused myself: ' ' /' ' But I obeyed my grandfather, waving without convices' '), the task to count to estrias (Former ' ' It said who, still in youth, if had I interview with the such semisomeone. Invention of it, said mine me' '.) the seen death as a ticket (Former ' ' I finished to discover in me a river that would not never have of morrer' '). The vital if manifest energy through the word, together the gesture and the dance perpetuating the tradition, in the fragmentos to follow we can perceive the force of the word and the gesture: ' ' But the force sucked that me was greater that our effort ' ' /Suddenly, my grandfather removed its cloth of the boat and started to agitate it on the head. — You also compliment! ' '. In way to as many fights, to as many wars, still he has a hope canal, always opened to a new estria.

Still he has the task to count estrias, still he has the tradition and all a ritual in return of the African people. It is the union of the imaginary one and the Real, that only can be forgotten or be brightened up estrias them ahead the search of the peace. Mia Couto does not hide at no moment its insatisfao in way the wars and the oppression brought for colonizadores. In this story, we can notice another symbolism that in sends the blood, war, violence to them and at the same time the longed for and reached peace. In the fragmentos to follow it is subtendido the meaning of the blood of ancestral thousand of, that they had been massacreed during centuries and the meaning of the peace, future or perpetual; ' ' You do not see there, in the edge? For backwards of cacimbo? I not way.

The Stomach

He will see them to the results in three days. And nothing of alcohol, by favor. Hgase a small gift, and will feel renewed. 2 Cambie the proportion of its meals. The old one said: ” It has breakfast like a king, it has lunch like a gentleman, and it has dinner like mendigo” it is so valid now as before. The last ones scientific researches have demonstrated that a slight dinner is essential for the good digestion and the best one to sleep. Yogas traditional advises the following proportion: 1/4 of food 1/4 of liquid and nothing else.

Deletion mark space to its stomach to digest. The stomach must be always average emptiness. 3 the exercises. Contrary to the popular belief, the exercises with abdominal are not good to reduce the belly. The experts in the matter, discovered recently that most recommendable they are the integral exercises, or holistic. To swim, to walk, to walk in bicycle, to slide, which you he prefers, but whenever he implies all the body. To concentrate itself in making sentadillas or only abdominal exercises, they, that is to say, irritate and they increase to the musculatura more belly. The practice of yoga, is excellent.

yoga can practice it either that has overweight, that is not in perfect physical training conditionses, and to any age. It is recommended until for patients. And, most valuable, aid to handle to him stress. Our stomach is soothes of our emotions. Feelings of fear, or distress we felt, them in the stomach. Who does not remember the ugly sensation in the belly before an examination? Its first day of work? The interview with the head? Olvdese of everything excessive preoccupation by things that are outside their control, is more, it olvdese to control, and it dedicates with a little effort and patience to reduce his belly. It will cost to him less than what thinks and they will astonish it to the results. Dgale goodbye to the potbellied man and deletion mark the welcome to its new aspect. The belly avejenta, is not well and is ugly. It recovers his youthful and elegant aspect, getting rid and reducing his belly.


Who knows, maybe also a Robert Enke as the new number 1 going to the tournament? Other than at a World Championships, in which the participants field widely dispersed seem to only the best for the euro to be Europe’s teams. It is so much more difficult to move into the final. Each group at a glance: Group A Czech Republic Portugal Switzerland Turkey Group B Croatia Austria Poland Group C Italy France Netherlands Romania Germany forecasts, dreams and desires in a group is Group D Spain Sweden Russia Greece it the Switzerland very difficult have to assert themselves against the major Nations of Czech Republic and Portugal. A surprise could however be possible with the fans in the back. Germany must aim at Group B clearly the top spot and will probably have the toughest adversary in Croatia. Austria must find a team and the Poland have only outsider chances. Group C is the hammer group. Who here comes further plays for the title.

Italy, France and the Netherlands fighting for getting ahead. Romania remains the role of the spectator. In Group D, defending champion Greece on a renewed miracle hopes. Against Spain and Sweden, it is a hard but Piece of work. England scare”Russia will provide also the tournament surprises. The track crosses the usual favourites. Germany, France, Italy and the Czech Republic will fight fiercely for the Cup. Perhaps, the Switzerland can make a surprise.

But in the quarter-final is likely to be for the Confederates. Further, the team from Croatia will not come. All this is of course just speculation and wishful thinking, but perhaps does the football God Yes relented and gave the final against Italy the DFB-Elf. But hopefully with a happy ending for the German team.

The Diversity

The ability to calculate the sum of the angles of a triangle is part of a theory in the same way human Knowledge such as the ability to bring the characteristics of good governance or a righteous Act on a term. The question significantly advanced in this way had necessary lead to a changed understanding of the nature and value of the education of of concept of for Plato. In particular Plato could not hidden stay that the deductive derived terms of mathematics are much different their origin, and its meaning as the Socratic principles extracted from the experience and perception inductively. Plato held on to the idea of a unified theory of human cognition and drew the conclusion that the principles of practical knowledge are different from the experience, and can not be abstracted out of her. Terms such as good or bad, just or unjust may each prompted by the experience, however it is basic and its contents not finished and completely in the experience of the individual nor in its entirety.

The practical concept formation is not a mere abstraction process by the Individual to the General. The notions of practical knowledge education be found rather independently of human reason, perhaps on occasion, and for the purpose of the experience, but in its origin there are common sense terms. Just as the term triangle a concept of reason is not formed from repeated perception of triangular shapes, but automatically found, what the practically proven knowledge of geometry bear witness. What we imagine with our general ideas is to overtake never completely in the experience. Our ideas are much waste.

They behave towards the diversity of the experimental given as ideal. The idea is found not in the experience, but only her. The concept and education of idea of is no mere process of the Zergliederns of perceptions, not mere analysis, but a kind of together looking intuition, a productive synthesis of mind.

Goblet Man

It looks at for the soil and still finds two goblets dirty of wine, and asks: – What these goblets are making here in the soil love? Who was here with you? The woman did not obtain to take off the eyes of the door and this finished calling the attention Joo who for a moment nor thought about knowing what he could is behind the door, but still thinking that a trick was alone She opens the door and of the one of face with a man still badly tremendous dress and of fear, after that unexpected meeting Joo stops a great fight with the man, the two roll the stairs and the woman cries out despaired saying for the man who goes even so. It obtains to escape and leaves running until door in direction the street, Joo runs behind trying reaches it, but it loses of sight. The neighbors leave to the house door to see what he is happening, Joo look at for all those people looking at for it as a flock of ready carnivores to attack the canine tooth in defense, it puts the hands in the head and still cries out there of the street: – Its vagabunda! Poor fellow, looks at that you made She finished with our life. It enters in desperation, the woman can see it if approaching to it as a fierce dog, creaking teeth and with one blood mark that goes down of the nose. It kneel itself in the soil and starts to cry out asking for pardon, and without thinking Joo she applies one covers to the face of it, at this moment she arrives the neighbors take who it for house of them and ask for so that Joo if he calms, but it is with much hatred and he did not have the people, then it thinks about the worse things of the life.

ATM Baby

A way to suckle twin at the same time is to place the children with the body and legs under the arms of the mother. Signals of Good Positioning during Breast-feeding All the body of the baby is of meeting to the one of the mother. The mouth and the jaw are close to the chest of the mother. The mouth of the baby well is opened. It is not obtained to see almost nothing of arola. The baby of the great and spaced absorbed ones. The baby is relaxed and calm.

The baby suck without making racket. The mother does not feel pain in the mamilos (only small discomforts at the beginning). Table 2 – Signals of Good Positioning during Breast-feeding source: Group Origin, 2006. Each baby suck of a form particular, however all just-been born normal it develops the call ' ' suction eficiente' '. The efficient suction is developed in varies stages, what it can if observed for the displacement of the jaw or apalpando it ATM (tmporo-mandibular joint), where if observes that if it observes that the heads of the cndilos of the jaw cover anteroposterior passages.

Here it is the stages of the efficient suction: ) with the lips the child abocanha mamilo promoting a vedamento peripheral; b) to keep mamilo abocanhado, it compresses the lips and sucks mamilo producing negative a pressure intrabucal; c) as this it is not enough to extract milk, the child lowers the jaw and takes it for a previous position compressing the breast in the region to areolar (on the galactforos seios); d) keeping the region to mamilo-areolar compressed, it she returns the jaw to the original position, milks making it; e) collected milk slides of the hard palato for the soft palato, provoking the consequence of deglutition. From then on the mechanism is restarted. A precocious reduction in the milk production if must the factors as: inefficient suction, emotional problems as medical aversion to breast-feeding or, still, complications.

Real World

Wolfgang Iser, also, shares of such thought in regards to the experience of the author and the reader at the production moment. The first one in the construction of the text and, as in the construction of the meaning in the act of the reading. The literary text if originates from the reaction of an author to the world and gains character of event to the measure that brings a perspective for the present world that is not in contained it. Exactly when a literary text does not make seno to copy the present world, its repetition in the text modifies already it, therefore to repeat the reality from a point of view already is to exceed it (ISER, 1996, p.11). For the Russian Formalists, literature was definable for using peculiar language making use of a sort that calls the attention on same itself and shows its material existence. The formalists used the application of the linguistics to the study of the literary text and if they worried in analyzing the form, structures of language and not it semantics of the text.

The literary composition was seen as a meeting of formal elements: rhythm, sound, syntax, metric, etc. Opposing itself it such thought, Eagleton (1997, p.6), defends that the literary language uses of artifices to keep the intent reader sequence suspense, in addition narrative – and, that the Russian Formalists, when affirming that ‘ ‘ the literary character ‘ literrio’ it happened of the distinguishing relations between a speech and outro’ ‘ they would be searching to define ‘ ‘ literaturidade’ ‘ not ‘ ‘ literatura’ ‘. It believes that it is the context that he shows if the text is or not literary and not it language, a time that the use of special language, also, if makes gift in the daily speech.

The Presence

All had placed the generalized thought and justification. 7 Meeting? It dates 18/09/2010. Dynamics of relaxation; L. 102,200; E. 60,200; L.K.

77,300. At this moment the empolgao of the group was visible, therefore all had had a satisfactory result in its day until the moment. The used dynamics was of reflection, with a soft instrumental music to the deep one, was given words of order so that they relaxed. After five minutes, one initiated the questionings so that they reflected: What it moved? ; What it lacks to move? ; How it is my body today? ; As it was my body. To the end they had told sufficiently moved that well happyer if feeling capable and is motivated to continue in the search for emagrecer. L.K counts to all in way the tears that is namorando and that it knows that this only was possible because it is leaner and more confident in itself. It had one I hug collective. 8 Meeting? It dates 25/09/2010? It surpasses the challenges; You resist who you insist to eat; He keeps the control when he will be eating outside; He decides on alcoholic beverages; He prepares yourself to travel; He eliminates the emotional feeding; He decides the problems; He prepares myself to weigh itself.

On this day we present the beddings of the week. The topic of the emotional feeding was what more it moved with the group, therefore all had told I lack that it to eat very, at the moments sabotores in way to the program is even in result of the presence or absence of some feeling. We work the importance to have the control on the emotions, and of as not to leave that this affects the relation with the feeding. If I feel myself badly now, I will worse feel myself to eat itself exageradamente? 9 Meeting? It dates 02/10/2010.

Guarani Young

It suffered with unjust critical and later dGazela published the Leg (1870), the Gaucho (1870), the Trunk of the Ip (1871), D’ Dreams; gold (1872), AGuerra of the Pedlars, (1873), Alfarrbios (1976); but signing with the pseudnimoSnio. It is an equal enthusiasm without reading the workmanships of this writer, medida that the reading is developed the reader does not deviate the look of the book to noser to retake the breath and to come back the incessant trip. Alencar wrote quatrotipos of romances: the indianistas, urban, historical, and regional. One of seusromances indianista one that more it was distinguished was the Guarani, this telling alealdade of an indian (Peri) for a young woman of noble family (Ceclia), Peri eraum faithful friend who the father of the young woman, Sir very rich and honored confiavatoda the protection of its family. Magical romance that portraies values moral as, loyalty, confidence; one also meets in this romance meeting and desencontrosamorosos, but that valley very to the penalty to open this book and to travel without leaving the sofa, the bed, the armchair.

Alexander Polunin

We just think that we have freedom of choice, but this is an illusion. Search for common human sense of life – a futile exercise, one finds a meaning, according to its education, culture, ethical, aesthetic and moral principles. Any event in life – it's just an event. Life – it's just life. The man used to watch all the different perspectives, good – bad, ethically – not ethical, humanely – not humane.

And the way he looks at things, affect the historical culture of a society in which he lives, education, and of course experience. What for one person is normal and acceptable – then another can not be taken in the bud. Because dietary preferences of the tribe of cannibals – a normal person, of modern civilization, but no fear of other emotions cause they can not. People may not be identical views. The story of one and the same thing, two people can be totally opposite. Everyone defends his point of view, believing that only he is right. Each has its own, though.

Much depends on the outlook on life, but the fact is that whether good or bad, good or bad – is a single entity, and no one else was. Not falling – it is impossible to climb. In order to rise – it is necessary first to fall. Without lies there would be no truth, no parting there would be no meetings and no losses were not artifacts. And without crime, we would not know what the punishment. The existence of evil is as necessary and inevitable, and good. Death. In the early life of death seems to be something not real, but, eventually, get used to its inevitable, though, to accept the it can never be. Following the simple logic of things, it seems that someone had been born, before he dies. To think that your older friends, relatives, parents, leave early – you can get used to, although it is scary, but still terrible and unjust death is those who are younger than you and especially your children. Life. When suddenly you realize that you yourself have been there, where usually do not come back, and I could not go back – that's your opinion on all around radically changes. What seemed important – not essential, and small and seemingly insignificant, turns out to be, what ought to live. Stairway to heaven at everyone. Someone is only one step, and someone goes and goes and is not visible end, the other – has visited in the last stage – it turned out that we must return to start a new upsurge of author Alexander Polunin. More information at: