Bonro Has Strong Growth

In 2010 the online shop Bonrp has gained a lot in sales EC-cash rolls: Bonro achieved strong 2010 Umsatzwachse 2010 Bonro company made as many rolls sold like never before the online discounter has 2010 strong sales growth. The famous online shop is with cash register rolls, Thermorollen and Bon roles of any kind. The increase in the sale of EC-cash roll is almost no longer to describe, according to Managing Director Thomas Hintz. The past year was generally a success on the whole route. Sales almost doubled. This has resulted in that the online store had to create larger storage capacities. Another positive aspect of this growth is that new staff had to be hired. The rising sales have a positive aspect for the customers by Bonro.

The larger quantities have larger purchase quantities result. This has led in 2010, that no price increases had to be passed. Last year, Bonro has many positive aspects for the online shop in Gear. These include that many other roles were included in the shop. Also, the corresponding Ribbons are available for all popular POS systems. The shipping was set to a new logistics. A standard transit time of 24 hours is to realize. New payment systems have been embedded in the shop.

In the area of consulting the phone area was expanded in addition more. The rating system Ekomi shows only satisfied customers. Existing customers regularly receive newsletter with great discount offers and information. In 2012, many customers can continue to hope action because Bonro has many ideas in the pipeline.