A way to suckle twin at the same time is to place the children with the body and legs under the arms of the mother. Signals of Good Positioning during Breast-feeding All the body of the baby is of meeting to the one of the mother. The mouth and the jaw are close to the chest of the mother. The mouth of the baby well is opened. It is not obtained to see almost nothing of arola. The baby of the great and spaced absorbed ones. The baby is relaxed and calm.
The baby suck without making racket. The mother does not feel pain in the mamilos (only small discomforts at the beginning). Table 2 – Signals of Good Positioning during Breast-feeding source: Group Origin, 2006. Each baby suck of a form particular, however all just-been born normal it develops the call ' ' suction eficiente' '. The efficient suction is developed in varies stages, what it can if observed for the displacement of the jaw or apalpando it ATM (tmporo-mandibular joint), where if observes that if it observes that the heads of the cndilos of the jaw cover anteroposterior passages.
Here it is the stages of the efficient suction: ) with the lips the child abocanha mamilo promoting a vedamento peripheral; b) to keep mamilo abocanhado, it compresses the lips and sucks mamilo producing negative a pressure intrabucal; c) as this it is not enough to extract milk, the child lowers the jaw and takes it for a previous position compressing the breast in the region to areolar (on the galactforos seios); d) keeping the region to mamilo-areolar compressed, it she returns the jaw to the original position, milks making it; e) collected milk slides of the hard palato for the soft palato, provoking the consequence of deglutition. From then on the mechanism is restarted. A precocious reduction in the milk production if must the factors as: inefficient suction, emotional problems as medical aversion to breast-feeding or, still, complications.