
Much refers to opportunities for generating profitable internet business which has several variants such as the sale of physical products using the internet as a platform for sale, the sale of applications or useful tools for potential customer, the sale of advertising among others. Among those others is the sale of digital products. But how much money people are willing to pay for a digital product? What should be the price which I set to sell my digital products over the internet? According to an interview posted on the FastCompany website, 43% of people spend just between 1 to 10 dollars for digital products on the internet, which is obviously quite low. Another 25% spent between 11 and 30 dollars thus having the majority in these two groups. What the study also demonstrates is that the amount of people who have done this kind of shopping is fairly high reaching 65% of internet users which somehow compensates for the low figures that each one of them on average are willing to pay. In the attached table can appreciate money ranges with their percentages that persons are willing has pay on the internet and as you can see there also just a 7% pay more than $100: these figures are very important if you’re planning to launch any business idea online that includes the sale of digital products given that will be an important part of his analysis this information at the time that set the price of your product.If you set the very high price perhaps their sales will not be that awaits and you can not earn money which has projected beyond that your product will be good or not..