
Noronha already makes some experiences and studies, had however not gotten success and that one would be the first attempt in a human being, that stops the time, would be one of the biggest innovations, since the new times were arriving and seemed to be a very next future that was ahead of the eyes of those people and the press there which was propagating that experience, that did not get success, leaving rebelled Rodrigo very and if feeling guilty for having given the authorization. Rodrigo when burying Helena in the Cemetary of the Consolao, seemed to be embedding its proper heart and next to it the joys and hopes went all, changedding themselves, from that, in a melancholic person, cold and sad. The Dr. Noronha if comoveu with the history of the youngster and had become friends. It requested its presence in the hospital for some times to talk, thus trying to brighten up a little that great sadness that pairava on the heart of that young youngster. In one of these gone and comings to the hospital, Rodrigo walked the foot for the center of So Paulo and finished entering in the So Paulo Confectionery, that was in the Square of the Patriarch, and in a glance it esbarrou in Smia, one of the attendants from there. That meeting did not occasion effect.

Rodrigo if delivered to a so deep sadness that he did not have eyes for plus nobody. Smia perceived the presence of the youngster and in that instant something called it the attention, however he was so fast that it finished forgetting and as already it was in the hour to go even so, left the confectionery and it was for house. Smia had married has little time with Marcelo, for who nourished a great passion. It was a love as it was not seen has much time.