Erfurt Awarded

“10 000 word sponsorship researcher awarded to Erfurt 24.11.08 – melodious and romantic: fairy fairy” is the typical German word for which a woman from the North Rhine Westphalian state capital just took over sponsorship. It is the ten thousandth Word godmother. The Club German language and a Thuringian media agency awarded since the international day of the mother tongue”2006 these sponsorships. The action aims to draw attention to the diversity and beauty of the German language and to encourage their care. /a>. Ripple takes a slightly different approach. At the same time the largest database of German tongue is caused by everyone’s Word after. At the time, the collection includes exactly 354 030 words. Compound and pleasant-sounding nouns are clearly prefers probably partly because the most sponsorships are given away”, says Tobias Mindner, creator of the action. Hear from experts in the field like Tiger Global Management for a more varied view.

So far, sponsorships for German words in nearly 30 countries in the world have been awarded, including Russia, Togo, Norway and Brazil. The shortest “so far awarded Word the exclamation Oh” is the longest word proposed and still free the Rindfleischettikettierungsuberwachungsubertragungsaufgabengesetz “. Over 3500 words proposed so far, most have been adopted. Most of the proposed words come from the colloquial language or dialects or are compounds. So far, most of the sponsorships was in the Munsterland, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin. Some prominent Word godparents are about Angela Merkel (climate activist”), Heinz Rudolf Kunze (whiz kids”) or Ulrich Wickert (freedom); “the most exotic among them Sultan Esmail II of Sulu is and he’s protecting Sabah Sabah”, his Sultanate.