Professional Association

In addition also their business partner present the sport associations and clubs under benefit function and best data protection. Members receive information about special offers and promotions, they can either directly online or through the card but perceive the corresponding partner. Use of this benefit feature of the card lies in the decision of the individual card holder. This must give his consent for the use of the advantages. The cardholder must agree to also participate in the community under active. Not, gives its consent to the athletes he uses the card only as his club membership card.

These are important aspects relating to data protection, where to play special role in the system German sports badge. In times where weekly data scandals at companies and online portals are made public, must be guaranteed the highest standards, to To win trust. Already during the development of the German sports card the data protection supervisor BvD e.V., worked closely with Mr Thomas Spaeing, proven data protection experts, and member of the Board of the Professional Association, who continue in charge of the project. Thus, it is ensured that the German sports badge can be not only complies with the current data protection regulations, but even called exemplary advantage system in Germany. The security of the information and communication Portal is regularly checked by independent experts. In March, the competent supervisory authority (LDI NRW) attested to the German sports badge a spotless standard.

The first year of the first year German sports badge was mainly used to anchor the project down in organized sport in Germany. Now 13 of the 16 regional sports association and 9 umbrella organisations have signed binding agreements to support the system with the operator DSA German sports card company. Also many regional offices the sports federations have already joined. Information and facilities of the sports clubs are in full swing and the information and offer under is constantly growing. The German sports badge is already used by several clubs for controlling access to Club and training facilities and used successfully to the local advantage partner acquisition. In collaboration with the sports federations and clubs the functions of the portal evolve constantly and the framework deal for the card. So opens up E.g. in combination with an association management software that provides an interface to the specific Club member database at, completely new possibilities of club management. The largest community project in organized sports in Germany has recorded drive and is on course for gold.

The Thought

Oconhecimento proceeding from the soul can in such a way be its perceptions, how much queDescartes called its wills. The wills are classified in duasespcies: those that constitute action of the soul that they finish in the proper soul, whose thought applies it objects that are not material, corporeal, extensive; those that constitute actions that finish in the body, as the movimentosvoluntrios that we co-ordinate conscientiously. (Discardings, 1983: p 224) Thus, to the knowledge is, for Discardings, the condition of all acting that &#039 is preceded porum; ' querer' ' correspondent, in way that how much to the conformed event econstitudo for the action, we can find its causes already in the deliberation doagente. The man only can want something that knows e, from now on, temliberdade to want it or not: ' ' Not we could want thing some without we want saberque, nor knows it it not to be for an idea; but I do not affirm of modoalgum that this idea is different of proper ao' '. (Discardings, 1983: pg.224) the imediaticidade with that Discardings recognize the thought, would correspond, for it, in the character according to which a thing would not need deoutra thing to demand the recognition of its validity, as if, then, fosseo thought everything that on which immediately it exists in the man, of form to also aservir of data for a constatao of the existence. It is in this manner that, for Discardings, the validity of the proposal ' ' I sou' ' dopensamento is given by the immediacy.

The soul, while totality of the internal experience, has opensamento as it saw only of access. The thus understood thought was characterized as the only premise qualnenhuma another one is previous, characteristic that its successors had not exempted dacrtica. In the theory of Discardings, therefore, the thought was condition of qualqueroutra activity of the reverse speeds cogitans, including the fondness.

Treasure Map

This is the psychology of wealth. The path leading to wealth is this: procrastinate part of the money for business development, part of the education bit for charity, and the rest live in the pleasure. If you are not yet able to purchase what are dreaming, then Program your mind on receive much more money in the future, and then everything will turn out. Act 4. Be honest, it’s profitable! I think this law should not comment. Live with pure thoughts and honest attitude, above all, to themselves and those around you people. That are giving you will receive. The universe can not be deceived! Act 5.

“Treasure Map” helps materialize the desire classic “Treasure Map”. Arm yourselves with scissors, the most beautiful magazines, and select their photos, which like you own the most. What’s next, I think you have already guessed. Choose the interior, that car, those jewels, that beauty or handsome, the country house that, in your opinion, is embodiment of your dreams and put your picture in the center of this beauty itself. Important! Please pay attention to the fact that the picture was not bleak, threatening objects, armed men and all the negative scenes.

Only joy, only beauty, only abundance, only health, only love! Understand what you are doing? You show yourself and the Universe, that dream of yours has already been achieved. You already got all of what the dream. Do you have it, and in the best possible way, in the most perfect form, in the brilliant expression.

Average Ensino

The work and the citizenship are foreseen as the main contexts in which the capacity to continue learning must be applied. The basic formation to be searched in Average Ensino will more become fullfilled for the constitution of abilities abilities and disposals of behaviors of what for the amount of information. A curricular organization that answers to these challenges requires, to unfasten the resume enciclopdico, means the curricular contents with expression forms and communication to adopt diversified strategies of education that mobilize little the memory and more the reasoning and other abilities etc. the interdisciplinaridade must go beyond the mere juxtaposition of disciplines, the same also is involved when the citizens that they know teach and learn feel procedure necessity that in an only vision it disciplines can seem heterodox, but make sensible when called to give account of complex subjects. It is important to emphasize that the interdisciplinaridade assumes axle integrator, that can to be the knowledge object, a project of inquiry, a plan of intervention. In this direction it must leave of the necessity felt for the schools, professors and pupils to explain, to understand, to intervine, to change, to foresee something that defies one disciplines isolated and more than attracts the attention of a look perhaps several. The centers of interests of Decroly which, leaving of a motivador thematic nucleus for the pupil and following the process of comment, association and expression integrate different areas of the knowledge.

Diverse educators had considered methods that leave of a situation or subject that can be motivadores, but ovide Decroly (1871 1932), applies a method based on the evidence of the fact of that the people over all interest to satisfy the proper necessities natural. Decroly uses different arguments, established in its experience as man issuingly sensible programmarian and to the problem of the society. The same it says ' ' The education has that to be for the life it is based on vida' '. Concluimos saying that the methods many times are alone in the theory because in the practical one it is different. The professor in century XXI passes for a period of revolution in the education area, where the same the all moment is charged, but does not have investment, thus becoming difficult the correspondence between pupil and professor.

Office Inflation

When speaking of labour mobility is not done reference to the right of the people moved beyond wherever, as it has always been reclaimed from the theory of the free market, since Adam Smith, but rather refers to the right to dismiss workers when it suits the current version of globalization, investors and capital-based. The companies-sas must have freedom of movement, but not the people, since their rights are secondary, anecdotal. Low inflation generates poverty? Governments say that salvation for submerged classes is low inflation, since workers are afraid to claim more salary and benefits. They are insecure. This is clear if we examine the statistics.

During the past 25 years, in this period of retraction of crisis of democracy, room-rivers have stagnated or have dropped for most of the labour force, for unskilled workers, and working hours have increased spectacular-mind; This is discussed, of course, in the business press, describing it as a desired development of transcendent importance, with workers forced to leave their luxurious lifestyles, while corporate profits are preeminent and prodigious. In the past sixty years, has criticized the Estado as Office of servi-cios; anxious staff members who do not support the face of poverty are a drawback – I quote the good Admins public who don’t do more than break up freedoms; the criticism of the dogma of the full employment attainable by true but with high doses or gradual inflation; the end of Mythology that makes unions and the source of its aso-CLADES the cause of social progress, checking that is not only so, but the guilds sojuzgan to its affiliates and affect their ability to work, this is now a critical reality mensaje. Also discovered that poverty not based a need to urgently needed-cia in the early stages of economic development, it is not an urgency that can solve, your solution depends on the growth and It appears once this underpins.

Book Licenses

Now note the significant difference between a reseller EBook maybe licenses, and there does not properly invest, you’ll earn PLR EBook licenses on the Internet no money at all. Do not make the crucial mistake, at the beginning, and right from the outset, to invest in cheap highly informative PLR EBook licenses, are not more expensive than the unprofessional reseller of eBooks, rather more amount of money spend little as sit on the reseller license. If you don’t believe me do, can easily verify that you see in the Internet to go to action portals, and enter the search term: a reseller EBook licenses, you will see there are so many vendors who want to sell the same product, that these resellers of EBooks always cheaper have to offer, so that make even what. You are on the search for a lucrative part-time job? The you can easily exercise at home? The right choice for you is interesting creative and lots of fun? With EBook licenses as PLR license, you can do this work home from, do as I, and you are EBook seller! With the right EBook Licenses that will succeed, and that here is a top-class market, you can see it already, that many Internet marketers have chosen this for himself to ride a whopping profits with EBooks on the Internet, PLR licenses make money on the Internet with high-quality EBook license, including resale right, is the future in the German-speaking countries, you can also easily check this, by the American space search for EBooks, there you will find millions of websites, which specifically money their licenses, and EBooks with the sales of the EBook. You are wasting no time in overpriced ramsch reseller EBook licenses invest licenses immediately in highly professional PLR EBook, on my website, I can help you there, you will find the PLR EBook licenses, you have always been looking for! All EBooks of course in German language, and professionally designed, invest now in the future! Looking costs nothing! Don’t think! Now in the booming Internet business investing for the year 2011 and vigorously with PLR EBook licenses make money on the Internet. And don’t panic, can learn each how to sell an eBook on the Internet. For questions email me at the address below. Tip: And should be an EBook license for you not high enough! Then you make them thats it! As long as you have the PLR EBook license, you can refine information product where, until it suits your needs. Listen not more so on professionally until the product quality is, then have the success! The you’ve always wanted. So, everyone should do his own business full of commitment and passion! Only in this way you will make it! To make money with EBook licenses and EBooks on the Internet! Best wishes! Wishes, Manfred Bauer

United Nations

The quarrels had gained intensity in the decade of 70 and took ONU (Organizations of United Nations) to promote a Conference on the MeioAmbiente in Estocolmo, in Sweden (1972). This conference was of sumaimportncia, a time that was the first international meeting, that agregourepresentantes of diverse countries, for the quarrel of the ambient problems (HELM, 2006). In the decade of 80, in the Convention of Vienna, acordointernacional is firmed aiming at to the protection of the ozone layer, in this agreement pasesse, had compromised in changing them information, studying and to protect the ozone layer. Being known as Protocol of Montreal (IT WOULD MAKE, 2008). In 1992, it United Nations happens in the city of Rio De Janeiro Discussed for the Environment and Desenvolvimento (CNUMAD), conhecidatambm as ECO/92 or RIO/92. This conference came to corroborate with Conferncia of Estocolmo (1972), therefore was essential for the perception dosproblemas related to the environment. Later, in 1997, outroencontro happened important, where 189 nations had signed a called agreement deProtocolo of Kyoto, if compromising in reducing the emission of gases causadoresdo effect greenhouse in 5%. It can be perceived that the ambient problems are ganhandocada time more prominence in the quarrels in world-wide scope.

In each encontrorealizado, proposals had been being presented and some mechanisms that aim at conservao, of the little that still remains of the natural resources, had been appearing. Already the necessity to protect the patrimonies natural ecultural of the humanity appeared from the construction of a dam in Egypt, in 1959. The government of Egypt decided to construct ' ' Dam of Assu' ' , this event would flood a valley that contained treasures of the old civilization: ostemplos of the Abu Simbel and Philae. Worried about the disappearance of the temples, UNESCO launches a world-wide campaign with intention to protect the place. Ahead dapresso world-wide, the governments of Egypt and Sudan had disassembled the temples and osremoveram for a higher place, where again they had been mounted (WIKIPEDIA, 2009).

Fernando Well

I already did not support plus all that situation, I I did not have, but nobody with me all already were tired of my relief, I was imprisoned to the world that was not plus mine, everything and all it to me remembered each detail, even though my room my bed, my proper words I was of them, I only wanted to forget everything that, knew a girl in net, started a romance but I only wanted to find Sarah, I made useless comparisons and alone my situation got worse, the days had been passing and I only getting worse, was so visible my sadness and the only person who wise person what she was happening but was not withme she was my mother, and wise person who something was not legal with me, I decided to take off vacation, I passed 2 months in Brasilia, I thought, I cried sufficiently, I relieved, already it was prepared to come back of vacation and to recommence, I had not forgotten but accustoming he was me to live. In return my house and my life, I was well better, everything I did not pass of souvenirs, certain form I already I could live without Sarah, I I did not want candle, he did not want to remember that had past, but everything took me it, I was following well, but when everything seems that it goes to be well and to come back to normal and when I promised exactly that he would not namoraria but no Sarah girl binds for Fernando mine more good friend, I to me I did not intend but my happiness was so intense, was greater that I, was to its meeting, I sufficiently talk but at none moment it me it asked for excuses for that it happened, it came my house and in way so it kissed singela me, he seemed that he was dreaming, I I was again with Sarah but I did not forget everything that made it me to pass, and my feeling for it only increased, I did not pardon it but I tore the page and I decided to recommence. . .

The Client

Fundamentals of integral coaching are State of the art methods and elements of psychological consultancy, Oriental methods & philosophies, as well as systemic elements. The different methods of solution – or problem-oriented coaching, can be seamlessly combined depending on the situation. An example of the energy psychology to illustrate this: can be drawn after an analysis of the four basic directions of the personality of a client, as well as the fields of tension occurring in this context, other elements such as E.g. with a systemic background into consideration. Ultimately it involves from the point of view of the author in the integral coaching but the central question, as an effective improvement of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual balance of the client can be brought. Apart from a few important basics of an appropriate lifestyle, such as proper nutrition, daily fitness training, regular use of breathing techniques, daily exercises (such as yoga or meditation), creative Self expression, meaningful activities, social harmony and spiritual orientation, are especially good knowledge about the own internal operations, as well as a resolution of unconscious beliefs, emotions & reactions in the foreground, which often have their origin in experiences of childhood and youth. The approach: People to help out in a mental dilemma.

While those factors must be determined which have brought the clients in the current situation. Often we see our environment through a tinged glasses of our beliefs and emotions and our expectations due to our coins again manifest themselves in other, new people. Thus, a continuous confirmation of our vision, which (it is usually only to a faulty interpretation of impressions, which we assign to other people) have to do with the reality. Thus, we do always same, usually negative experiences with other people and our perception of ourselves. Accordingly be We encouraged over time increasingly in the own, coloured perspective on ourselves and others.

Right Services

The judiciary one, today, is overloaded for action of declaration of inexistence of debts, rank that many financial institutions carry through loans without still negative authorization and of inexplicable form the name of these people in the agency of protection to the credit and try to find justifications for the act and do not make question to inform the citizen the reasons, fitting to the judiciary a conviction for the unacceptable behavior. In short the citizen has that to prove that it is honest, face to me the faith of the institutions financial, but commercial and not only rendering of services. HE OFFERS AND INFORMATION. Sufficiently excellent. A time defined in Law 8078/90, this device comes to extend the idea of the consumerista relation, that in turn becomes essential to relate it with the information has seen the fact that at the moment where the products and services are offered has a contractual relation between those and the communication enters the consumers. The first ones in the direction to promote its products and to according to having legal of being informed concerning what he is consuming.

Thus assevera Rizzato Nunes on the substance: The current model is of the massificao: manufacture of products and rendering of services de in series, standardized form and uniform, made in the intention of the attainment of the reduction of the production cost, for the atingimento of bigger parcels of consumers etc. is a production system that estimates the homogenization of the products and services and the standardisation of the legal relationships that are necessary for the commercialization of these goods. (course of Right of the Consumer, P. 459, 6 ed. 2011). It offers this regulated in articles 30 and 31 of the CDC and thus it is defined: Art.30: All information or advertising, enough it needs propagated for any form or media with regard to offered or presented products and services compels the supplier that to make to propagate or of it if to use and integrates the contract that to come to be celebrated.