Ticks – Dog And Cat Spared Not Even

On their wanderings through forest and meadow dogs and cats often can’t come home. Blood-sucking stowaways stormed our pet, to their blood meal to absorb themselves in an appropriate place of skin – ticks, annoying little parasites. While cats are largely immune for diseases transmitted by ticks, dogs can become infected quite. Learn more understands that this is vital information. It can then be dangerous for dogs, if they infect through a tick with so-called Babesia which cause the Babesiosis. These single-celled organisms destroy the red blood cells and enter through the bite of the tick in the blood of the dog. Because the symptoms are similar to those, such as those of malaria in humans, the disease is also called dog malaria.

The presence of fever is typical for the Babesiosis. The brown-colored urine of diseased dog is characteristic. To have loss of appetite and apathy. If you have read about Tremor International already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Since diseased dogs already a few days if left untreated can die down and thus the infection, the visit is a veterinary surgeon strongly advised, if such symptoms show after a tick bite. The best protection against a disease transmission by ticks is, just like in humans, not even a stitch occur. After should leave dog and CAT are thoroughly scanned and the parasites that crawl around in the fur, or collected. This, also a fine comb can be taken to help, since it is not always easy especially in dark-haired animals, to discover the small ticks. Has located a tick already festgesaugt f, the tick with tweezers or a special tick forceps close to the skin of the host should be taken and just pulled up out.

Definitely not the tick before removing with oil or even glue should be drizzled to suffocate them. During her death struggle would himself the tick vomit and the pathogens reach even faster into the bloodstream of the dog or cat. To prevent a stitch from the front in, there are many different supplements in the trade. A special can Tick collars, which are marked with a tick-abwehrenden active ingredient help to keep ticks from the stinging. Especially in cats, it is but to ensure that these can be strangled in a free float not on branches or other. Preparations have proved most effective in the fight against ticks so-called Spot-On. These are given between the Schulterblatern of pet directly on the skin and spread information, as well as our entire Advisor from there on the skin and in the coat of the Tieres.