To the distance of a dear being (poem) When it is lost to be wanted; senimos an emptiness, so great emptiness that it is not occupied by anything or anybody, and this happens: when a being loses itself querdio! As human we learn to love and to be loved; to people but who to others and a those that demonstrates to all their affection and affection to us, but we felt that everything finishes: when a dear being loses itself! The death we must see it like a step but towards the true life, and our God thus does not explain them, we are full of pain; I say it because still therefore I feel: because when we are reunited, still we remembered that dear being! You deserve a privileged place where it wants that estes; that is no doubt! , you were used to us being always with us; in the good ones and the bad ones, but never you taught the way to us of how feeling us, at the time of losing a dear being! We must feel us happy, some diran: happy? , if, because we are sure that you must be now near God and viendonos now thinking about you; that you are our dear being! If you see us cry from time to time, we can say that it is that we were strange to you; but also because we know that these good and we will see you someday: because you are a being very loved! Pense escribirte a poem, and you never know the difficult thing that it was done to me; thanks I give a him God to have it developing to me in a dream, and to demonstrate to me that with pencil and paper it is possible to be demonstrated: whatever is wanted and it is surprised to a dear being! For describirte, not existiria paper nor pencil some that could be used, because they are terminarian and nonpodriamos to follow; thus they are the things when it is needed to describe to to be wanted! you do much lack to me; that nor to doubt it! , memory that always hablabamos of the day of my graduation and your always you were including in accompanying that so special day to me for my, but always estaras with me, because seguiras being, besides my dear being: but the great and faithful friend! Writing by: rep yvan Diaz jimenez to the 26 days of the month of February year 2010 Santiago of the horsemen. Sunday. Additional information is available at David Fowler. 11:45 p.m. Dedicated a: secondly walls (lelo). You may wish to learn more. If so, Security ProAdvisors is the place to go. Original author and source of the article.
United Nations
The quarrels had gained intensity in the decade of 70 and took ONU (Organizations of United Nations) to promote a Conference on the MeioAmbiente in Estocolmo, in Sweden (1972). This conference was of sumaimportncia, a time that was the first international meeting, that agregourepresentantes of diverse countries, for the quarrel of the ambient problems (HELM, 2006). In the decade of 80, in the Convention of Vienna, acordointernacional is firmed aiming at to the protection of the ozone layer, in this agreement pasesse, had compromised in changing them information, studying and to protect the ozone layer. Being known as Protocol of Montreal (IT WOULD MAKE, 2008). In 1992, it United Nations happens in the city of Rio De Janeiro Discussed for the Environment and Desenvolvimento (CNUMAD), conhecidatambm as ECO/92 or RIO/92. This conference came to corroborate with Conferncia of Estocolmo (1972), therefore was essential for the perception dosproblemas related to the environment. Later, in 1997, outroencontro happened important, where 189 nations had signed a called agreement deProtocolo of Kyoto, if compromising in reducing the emission of gases causadoresdo effect greenhouse in 5%. It can be perceived that the ambient problems are ganhandocada time more prominence in the quarrels in world-wide scope.
In each encontrorealizado, proposals had been being presented and some mechanisms that aim at conservao, of the little that still remains of the natural resources, had been appearing. Already the necessity to protect the patrimonies natural ecultural of the humanity appeared from the construction of a dam in Egypt, in 1959. The government of Egypt decided to construct ' ' Dam of Assu' ' , this event would flood a valley that contained treasures of the old civilization: ostemplos of the Abu Simbel and Philae. Worried about the disappearance of the temples, UNESCO launches a world-wide campaign with intention to protect the place. Ahead dapresso world-wide, the governments of Egypt and Sudan had disassembled the temples and osremoveram for a higher place, where again they had been mounted (WIKIPEDIA, 2009).
I always read that the Great Depression, also called for times of Crisis of 1929, initiate in the United States of America and that persisted throughout the decade of 1930, only finished definitively with the beginning of World War II in 1939. With the advent of this war that if drew out up to 1945, worse and the longest period of economic contraction of century XX he had its intentionally end. The wheel of the economy was the industry of the death putting into motion, finishing with any remainder of the crisis that had shaken the world in the ten previous years. It would have been perhaps? Then. Where I am wanting to arrive? He is that today we are living a crisis that some economists affirm to have the same dimension of that one generated with the Great Depression.
Here it is that in its height, opportunely and conveniently, a Pandemic appears suddenly that soon is brought to tona for the international media, getting the hearing success that costumam to have the notice that in them cause terror. Initiate in Mexico, the Suna Grippe soon spread for the world and, after the announcement of some deaths, world-wide authorities if had put into motion, taking initiatives drastic look with it to contain the epidemic. All good, is the minimum that if waits ahead of the governmental bodies of a serious fact as this. that in way to everything this, we discover that, if exists a world-wide crisis, for one determined and famous multinational laboratory, it will pass to the plaza. Yes, because it commercializes 90% of the remedy indicated for the treatment of the illness the one that we are in relating and whose patent was acquired in 1996 for the Gilead Sciences Incorporation company who vendeu this year the patent to the Roche laboratories and whose president was the secretary of the Defense of the United States, Donald Rumsfeld (nicknamed for some as Mr.
of the Wars), that until today he continues one of the main shareholders of the company. Most interesting it is that, searching on the such called medicine Tamiflu, we discover that it only alliviates some symptoms, having its effectiveness before the grippe questioned for great part of the scientific community. They affirm some that this frmaco not cure nor the common grippe more, that the virus in question does not affect the man in normal conditions. It will be that I am being victim of plus a theory of the conspiracy? For yes, for not, we must be intent, therefore the creativity, to the times mrbida, of some sectors of the economy, is the best form found for them to run away from the crises, despite to the costs of the fear of the population.
Brazilian Gasoline
You give to reach the dreamed exploit of adentrar in the biggest world-wide market, badly obtains to supply its domestic market. Worse, it imported inefficient etanol of American maize, in the peak of crisis R$ 0,40 more cheap than the national similar. One contrassenso for a tropical country, with land, propitious water and climate to very supply its domestic market and of the external market. After as much fight consolidating etanol as commodity, if it cannot lose the uneven possibility to supply the pujante international demand.
The Brazilian government decided to after act the economic crisis provoked by the sudden rise of prices of etanol, that it also pressured the indices of inflation in 2011. It defined that etanol is a strategical fuel and not only one derivative of the agricultural production. It determined that Petrobra’s acts as a great one player in this market, with plans to triple its production in four years, of current 5% for 15% of the total of etanol produced in the country, and thus to minimize the problems of period between harvests and volatileness of prices. A so complex problem as the market of etanol starts to be decided with the confrontation of its structural problems that had reduced the competitiveness of the product. It must be searched conditions for a new supported cycle of growth of the industry of etanol.
Some measures that demand courage and effort politician can be cited: to adjust federal and state taxes, reducing aliquot to improve the competitiveness of etanol front to the gasoline; bigger investments in research in favor of energy and ambient efficiency of the vehicles flex; strong incentive to the generation of etanol celulsico, saw agricultural and forest residues of the biomass; logistic storage and improvement; commitments of long stated period of all the productive chain with offers and the demand; improvement of the infrastructure and the systems of supplying. Currently the market inductors are very distinct of those observed in 2005. the topic at hand. In these last six years, the cost of production of etanol increased 40% more than and the product lost competitiveness front to the gasoline, that follows the same with price since 2005. Beyond the significant reduction of edges, that do not justify high investments in new units, the entrepreneurs if feel in relation to the lack criteria in the setting of price of the gasoline unsafe. As much the public power how much the fuel plants and deliverers suffer with improvisation, lack of planning and politics of long stated period. The government has now that to face in short term a possible increase of demand for gasoline and a probable lack of it offers of etanol, events to be taken care of unhappyly by means of importation. The disparity enters offers and demand of etanol is generating distortions in the market. To each year the prices are if locating in raised platforms more. For the Brazilian consumer, therefore, the notice are not alvissareiras. At least per more three years it offers of etanol cheap is discarded and its future is again in game.
Papirus Publishing Movements
This difficulty reaches professionals and vehicles of communication what consequentemente it finishes reflecting in the agility for implementation of a new conception and conscience of the population. The ambient conscience still appears in century XX initiate through some social mobilizations, in particular, the ecological movement appears in the end of the decade of 60 interlaced by alternative movements of importance and until the current days it keeps a narrow relationship. All these movements in common have the plea of the model of industrial capitalism, the social irresponsibility, the indifference of the maiorias and the indifference of the governments. Living at a moment hybrid where old economic and social practical models of still have that to coexist new values and behaviors. (1) CAMARGO, Ana Luiza of Brazil. Sustainable development – dimensions and challenges. So Paulo, p. 43-63, Papirus Publishing company, 2003..
When we think about reducing the decurrent impacts to the environment of the transport, is necessary to make a historical and cultural analysis on the adopted options, to be able to plan and to make possible changes that promovo the citizenship, since the space of the city is for the man, who to each day searchs one better quality of life. In the process of urbanization of the cities, the streets are necessary for organization of the urban spaces, guaranteeing accesses to the properties (tested) and for the circulation want of people or vehicles tractive animal or motor, what already it gave importance to the streets (ways) since that the cities were vilarejos or villages; with the sprouting of the automobile, the technological advances, the industrial development postwar period, the priority for the ways started to be concern of the governing, and the investments in road workmanships will start to be development factor, therefore to guarantee the circulation meant to direct the growth of the city. In Brazil, the decade of 70, with the deceleration of the economy, the cities with its great ways, and great problems of circulation (congestions), added to the growth and population adensamento in the cities, due to mechanization and industrialization of the farming, the social and ambient problems already present dimension that planning and answers of the public administrators demand and between which the Management of the Transport, aiming at to promote the circulation of the people and to take care of of the environment. The cities had adopted solutions prioritizing the collective transport, and an example was what it happened in Curitiba, when already at this time already promoted an inversion in the ways, before with priority to the automobile, if it created ways special (narrow channels) for the collective transport what it functions well until the current days, and in other cities of bigger transport, solutions as meter had been adopted, and in level of federal government incentives and financings to promote the transport collective, aiming at to diminish the use of the automobile, the individual transport, which in function of the amount is responsible for great part of the pollution to the environment.
PGRSS Management
Thus, the objectives specific accumulated of stocks from the main objective they are: to reduce risks to the health and the environment, by means of the correct management; to program measures of correction evidenced as inadequate and to revise routines already established, thus searching the improvement continuous. The basic intention of if formulating this plan of RSSS management are to reduce the risks for the occupational health and of the population, beyond minimizing the impact to the environment, this through the reduction of the generated amount and for the adequate destination of the residues of health services. 2. THEORETICAL REFERENCIAL 2.1. Management and basic procedures of handling of hospital residues Inside of the program of management of the solid residues and services of health – PGRSS are defined the correct procedures of management of the residues of health services, as well as the implications of these in the ambient preservation; to rationalize the material consumption, preventing wastefulnesses; to minimize the amount of generated contaminantes and dangerous residues; to prevent and to reduce the risks to the health and the environment; to guide the employees and doctors, how much to the correct handling of the generated residues to prevent the accidental contamination; to fulfill the current law (EIGENHEER, 2000).
The management mentions the articulated set to it of normative, operational, financial actions and of planning based in sanitary, ambient, social criteria, educational, cultural, aesthetic and economic politicians, technician, for the generation, handling, treatment and final disposal of the solid residues, considering that all activity human being results in the generation of residues. (MANDELLI, 1997). Hospital with priority of university, state and public education, the treatment of the generated residue that if it initiated in 2000, with the qualification of all the professionals of the institution for the correct segregation of the generated residue. Simultaneously, it had the acquisition of containers the monitoring of the discarding of the residue in the container appropriate to receive the treatment specific.