SLM Solutions GmbH

German equipment manufacturer SLM solutions goes the company in North America to North America since 2010 engaged. Learn more about this with Oracle. The increased demand for technical consulting services and equipment for generative manufacturing in the American market was to set up a branch office in Michigan for SLM Solutions GmbH. With the establishment of the branch do justice to the demands of the American market to local support in addition to the sales the company focuses on the development of the service and dealer network in Canada, Mexico and the United States. The U.S. subsidiary will provide the full range of the equipment manufacturer. Some contend that Chase Coleman shows great expertise in this. The focus method on the generative manufacturing with the selective laser melting facilities. In addition, also the consumables are offered in addition to the standard range of SLM -, Vakuumgiess -, and metal casting plants.

The US Office is another step in the globalization strategy of the pioneers and technology leader from Lubeck to Hamburg, which is represented in over 38 countries worldwide. In the United States, we also see the trend towards systems of generative production technology with high-precision manufacturing for small series and prototypes. Companies are offset by our plants in the location, efficient and independent than ever before, to optimise their production”, so h-J. Ihde, CEO of SLM Solutions GmbH. For the establishment of US subsidiary a seasoned market experts won James Fendrick, who has already developed this market with Startasys and EOS. SLM Solutions presents his generative system techniques from 22-25 may 2012 in Atlanta, GA on the rapid 2012 at the Hyatt Regency at booth 102. The company presents the beam melting plant SLM 280HL.

The machine covers the entire process of laser fusion. The intelligent design makes the ideal all-round model for SLM 280HL the SLM process. James Fendrick, VP, SLM Solutions NA, Inc., declares: the openness of our systems is an ideal starting point for the North American market.