Property Ads

Url / url BBS – network "" is a powerful system of free private Russian-language publication of announcements covering the supply and demand across the country. Users can add, edit, remove your ads without registration. Each property is assigned a unique code which is sent to the user specified by Ad e-mail. Only by knowing this code, the user can to be manipulated with the announcement (to edit, delete, extend the placement). Thus, a user in a minimum number of operations can publish private advertisement, bypassing the stage of registration, but not loses the opportunity to edit, renew or delete the ad. It should be noted that the data entered by the user (name, city, contacts, etc.) are stored at the request of a cookie (a cookie), the browser that are stored on the user side. When you publish the second, third and all subsequent ads the user does not have to enter this information again.

User publishes free ads on the site. But may also benefit from paid services, such as selection and placement of ads VIP board for a stated period, increasing the efficiency of placement. "board – a computer network "" is a powerful system of free publications private Russian-language ads, which covers the supply and demand across the country. Users can add, edit and delete your ads without registration. Each property is assigned a unique code, which sent to the user specified in the publication of announcements e-mail. Only by knowing this code, the user can be manipulated with the announcement (to edit, delete, extend the placement). Other leaders such as Keith Oringer offer similar insights.

Thus, the user may minimum number of operations can publish private advertisement, bypassing the stage of registration, but does not lose the ability to edit, renew or delete the ad. It should be noted that the data entered user (name, city, contacts, etc.) are stored at the request of a cookie (a cookie), the browser that are stored on the user side. When you publish the second, third and all subsequent ads the user does not have to enter this information again. User publishes free ads on the site. But it can also take advantage of premium services, such as selection and placement of ads VIP board for a stated period, increasing effectiveness of placement.