Mechanical Manufacturers

Distinguish visible and hidden fasteners. Visible fixing easier, by capping, screws – screws or rivets. Apparent suspension system consists of a vertically placed T-shaped profiles, for which by means of special brackets (capping, clips) are mounted facing materials. Junction to metal cladding is non-rigid way through the silicone seal or waterproof sponge pads. Capping attached to the substructure with stainless steel rivets. To give the whole structure a single color, the visible parts are painted in a color fixing cladding material. Leading Manufacturers fasteners are used only in the powder coating. The advantages of the system are apparent: a low cost of substructure, even in the case of reducing the size of ceramic tile, maximum flexibility, possibility of replacing the plate without any mechanical effort.

Concealed mount is used for mounting the cassette-type cladding, granite, natural stone. In the last two cases, covering materials requiring additional processing that leads to higher construction ventilated facade. Concealed mounting types (granite, natural stone slabs such as "marmarok", etc.) may be the following: hidden mechanical mount; hidden fastening combination (mechanical / adhesive); concealed fixing with attaching plates to the profiles; hidden fixing points (pins) for slabs 2-3 cm thick For concealed mechanical fastening plates are usually hung on a frame in the four mounting points. Anchor hole drilled in the mounting points on the rear side panels, then the hole is inserted a screw anchor dowel. Further, the bracket is attached latch or bolt of stainless steel. Plates are normally supplied drilled.

SCAN Presented

The disgnostic criteria used currently for the diagnosis of the schizophrenia have as base the CID 10 that they place the presence of characteristic symptoms for a significant portion of time during the period of 1 month (or less, if treated successfully), as: Deliriums; Hallucination; Disorganized speech; Disorganized or catatnico behavior; Negative symptoms, that is, affective embotamento and others. On these symptoms a research in 24 was elaborated mdiuns for the 3 SCAN, a type of psychiatric interview standard and for DDIS (Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule). Scale DDIS investigates the first-class presence of 11 symptoms for the schizophrenia diagnosis. Mdiuns had presented, on average, four of them, but the presence of the symptoms did not indicate the existence of no insanity; The report also it says: ' ' Moreover, they also they had presented a good social adequacy and they had demonstrated to better have a mental health that of the population in general ' '. It did not have mental correlation between frequency of medinica activity and problems or social misalignment. Since the end of the decade of 90 CID 10 (international code of illnesses) defines that it has the normal state of settles or possession, that is that one that happens during a medinica manifestation, and the pathological one, caused for some illness. In scientific literature, many times mdiuns (that if it communicates with espritos) are described as people of low escolaridade and income. Its mediunidade must be understood as one ' ' mechanism of defense against the oppressions sociais' ' , or as manifestation of some dissociativo or psychotic picture. However, a study carried through for psychiatrist Alexander Moreira de Almeida 4 with mdiuns espritas of the city of So Paulo showed a different profile: mdiuns had presented one high level partner – educational and a prevalence of lesser mental upheavals of what the found one in the population in general.

National Index

That is, 33 million children are illiterate functionaries. The functional illiteracy is quiet and brings serious damages to the country. Beyond discouraging the child who is in the school, it reduces the empregabilidade and the chances of social inclusion, mainly it enters poor. Nos if deals with people who had never entered in a classroom. They know to read, to write and to count; but they do not obtain to understand written word.

In ampler vision, the functional illiteracy has fort impact in the productivity and the national competitiveness. One searches done for one doutorando of the USP, in the passed year, calculates in US$ 6 annual billion the fall of productivity in the companies, provoked for the basic deficiencies of the employees. These deficiencies if translate, for example, in the incapacity of the person to read and to understand a manual of instructions, norms of quality and security to develop well its work or to follow training courses that demand reading. A practical example of the problem occurs in an assembly plant of Is Bernardo, in which simple manuals of equipment instructions or official notices of the department of Human resources become indecifrveis enigmas for 78,5% of the employees of a sector of the production. ‘ ‘ unhappyly, the numbers of the assembly plant if repeat in other companies of the Pas’ ‘ , it laments Walter Ihoshi, vice-president of the Trade association of So Paulo. In accordance with INAF 2005 (National Index of Functional Illiteracy), of Institute Pablo Montenegro? entity without lucrative ends tied with Ibope (Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion and Statistics) 74% of the Brazilian population is illiterate functionary.

According to professor-doctor of the USP, Issao Minami, the main cause of this problem is the discontinuity of the education. The low index of escolaridade and I the quality of education disable the people to apprehend and to perfect the techniques of the writing and the reading, tools that would after allow to the continuous learning the conclusion of formal education. In accordance with Minami, so that the functional illiteracy is eradicated is necessary to invest in basic education of quality. ‘ ‘ necessary to apply better the R$ 41 billion the governments federal, state and municipal destined to the education, per year, to invest in infrastructure and, mainly, the qualification of the professors. After all, they are responsible them for good aulas’ ‘ , she finishes Ihoshi. CONCLUSION the understanding involves much more that decoding, you are welcome it advances formulates to know it that it is used to decide definitive problem if it is not known as to solve it. She is necessary, mainly, to understand what if it asks for, to mount the problem, using the had formulas, for finally arriving the reply. In a similar way, it is not enough to know to read to understand what he is being read.

Brazilian Government

In this way, the patrimonial education is limited to a field to a space to a city to a school to a museum, and not to a work that objectifies a bigger identification of the public regarding what it is material culture, built culture, religious culture. We forget it thus human being that it works direct and indirectly in the implantation of this and other impactantes workmanships. In this article we will present proposals for the development of a patrimonial education in the sucroalcooleiro sector, of form to search a bigger understanding on the cultural patrimony. 1 – The Sucroalcooleiro Sector In thirty years of existence the Brazilian sucroalcooleiro sector passed for great changes generated for economic and technological transformations. Years 70 historically it was one decade of great investments in the country, where the culture of the development predominated is of the growth of the economic cake. Prolcool was an energy program developed by the Brazilian Government of then the president of republic Geisel Ernest, was created in 14 of November of 1975 for decree n 76,593, with the objective to stimulate the production of the alcohol, aiming at the attendance of the necessities of the domestic market and external and the automotivos fuel politics ( – access 22-08-11).

' ' This program although its imperfections, injected considerable addition of capital in the sector fomenting the beginning of the technological development in all the related economic segments with the alcohol production from the sugar sugar cane, principalmente' '. (Rossel, 2007) It was also in this period that the production of world-wide energy mainly reached its limit with the crisis of the oil in the years of 1973. In such a way, ' ' Prolcool' ' it counted on great investments and tax incentives of the Brazilian government for the construction of the plants. These incentives had lasted until the year of 1990.

Social Assistant

Has been used half structured interview. The imprint was qualified will be which we have based on the dialectical method, since it enables constant questioning than this, tour, through verbal discussions and investigations and carries through potential contradictions. About fundamentation used authors: great-grandson (2007), pink (2002), among others. The result obtained in carrying out this research pointed out that the family' mental s relationship with the treatment to bearer is extremely important it provides know, accept, questioning and follow all steps in the constructive process of identity of to bearer of mental to disorder. Mental Keywords Health, Family, Social Service 1. INTRODUCTION the present article is about the professional analysis concerning the performance of the Social Assistant in the area of Mental Health in the Center of Attention Psicossocial – CAPS? ' ' Augustinha&#039 sister; ' in Proper -. Looking for to identify alternatives of interventions next to the familiar ones of the carriers of mental upheavals, as well as using familiar relation X.

For in such a way the process is emphasized description-politician of the Psychiatric Reformation and its relevance for the construction of a new model of psychiatric assistance, basing itself in the laws that guarantee its rights. The research was exploratria, carried through by means of bibliographical references to elaborate the historical conjuncture of Mental Health in Brazil, beyond research in-locus by means of interview with the professional Social Assistant of the CAPS. Also carried through, one searches with the families of the carriers of mental upheavals, with an opened questionnaire, subjective questions. For composition of the sample, the Social Assistant used itself as intermediate who already established a bond with the users and will facilitate to our approach and request so that in they give information to them. Therefore, the sample previously will not be defined. The data had been collected through interviews and questionnaires for the researcher, having in sight to preserve the anonymity of the informers.

Start Engine

Every time motorists in winter raises the same important question that it's time to rank in the category of rhetorical: Is it worth to warm up the engine? Typically, after viewing the forums and Internet conferences head starts go round the number of tips and explanations that are often wrong. We're not going to 'load' the reader extra information, and will try to light and understandable way to explain whether or not to heat the car or no. Today there are two 'camps': the owners of cars with electronic fuel injection, as well as those who have to travel to morally and physically obsolete vehicles. No prizes for guessing what the supporters of a short warm-up more among the former and accordingly those who prefer 'protopit' motor is higher among the latter. The idea is that a modern car in good condition is designed for sure starting the engine at a temperature of -25 C and it is not required long periods of inactivity in one spot with 'treadeth out the corn' engine. It's no secret that the move from low load engine is warming faster than at idle. As it turned out, it does not harm the car.

Tests showed that the engine wear is almost independent of the duration of heating on the ground. Illustrative example – operating vehicles in different climatic zones. If the heating does affect the 'health' engine the difference in his lifetime to the north and south would be visible, that is, to the naked eye.

Engines And Gasoline

Previously oil had to be mixed with gasoline. Today, most two-stroke engines are equipped with separate lubrication when the oil tank from a separate special miniature pumped into the flow of the combustible mixture. Pump performance depends on the degree of rotation of the handle of gas: the greater the power, the oil is fed more. Such a system reduces oil consumption. But it Yet in the end it turns into a combustion chamber and, as it burns down there, though not completely. This explains the blue smoke from the silencer push-pull technology. This smoke than a whole set of harmful substances present and nesgo-revshee fuel flown away into the pipe after gas and oil spray. From the perspective of environmentalists is a huge disadvantage.

In two-stroke engines, there are other drawbacks as well associated with the principle of operation. Oil, diluted gasoline lubricates poorly rubbing parts, and strokes in "dvuhtaktnikov" twice, so their share is much lower. Reduces the durability of parts and constant flushing crankcase air, which there is always a hard sand, "skip" through the air filter. Of unburned oil on the piston in the combustion chamber and the muffler is rapidly formed carbon deposits, piston rings, "occur" in the grooves, because of what the engine power falls. The slightest violation of the oil supply, particularly in hot and heavy until goad conditions may be oil starvation, pregnant with a bully and a piston engine failure.

Two-stroke engine with more naughty run, it can, for example, "throw" a mixture of candle, he is more prone to overheating (no forced cooling). The dramatic opening of the piston of the exit window leads to an unpleasant cod at work, despite the presence of muffler. Finally, moped or motorcycle with a "dvuhtaktnikom" worse than slow the engine. All this taken together led to almost stop the production in developed countries, two-stroke motorcycle engines of more than 125 cm3. The exception is sports motors, where high power density, co-toruyu provides a two-stroke cycle, is a priority. Exploiting the four-stroke engine, one must constantly monitor the level of oil in crankcase, and in time to replenish it in time to replace oil. It is also necessary to monitor and regulate the gaps in the actuator valves. The owner of a scooter with a two-stroke engine should control the availability of oil in the tank, periodically clean the combustion chamber, exhaust pipe and a candle from scale, to monitor the thermal state of the motor.

International Monetary Fund

The facts happened in 2008, when the director of the IMF was the minister of French Economy. The attribution of a millionaire indemnification to the industralist Bernard Tapie will be investigated. The first woman to the front of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, will be investigated by a presumed crime of abuse of office in France. Lagarde will be investigated to attribute a millionaire indemnification to the industralist Bernard Tapie when she was minister of Economy of France. Tapie had indicated publicly its support to president Nicholas Sarkozy. The Office of the public prosecutor of the Court of Law of the Republic will present/display a denunciation and a commission of instruction formed by three magistrates will be constituted who will carry out the investigation.

The Office of the public prosecutor of the Supreme Court the past requested 10 of May to the CJR that started up the mechanism for the accusation of which he was holder of Finances of France from June of 2007 until the end of June of 2011. Lagarde directs to the IMF replacing its compatriot Dominique Strauss-Kahn, aggression defendant sexual to a hotel employee. Sale of Adidas the facts go back to 2008, when Lagarde was to the front of the Gallic ministry of Economy. The then minister resorted to an arbitration instead of to let act to ordinary justice in a litigation between the industralist Bernard Tapie and the bank Crdit Lyonnais, of old state property, by the sale of the Adidas group in 1993. An operation undervalued at the expense of the industralist. The by arbitration court decided in 2008 that the bank paid to Tapie 285 million Euros for repair. Source of the news: Christine Lagarde will be investigated by abuse of office in France

Chief Engineer

Frequency of partial examinations set by the owner of the building, the operating organization, depending on the design features of the building and the technical condition of its elements. 12. Unscheduled Inspections should be conducted after natural disasters, accidents and the detection of harmful strains reason. 13. General inspections of buildings made commissions, including: chairman of the commission – director (Deputy Head, Chief Engineer) organization, committee members – those responsible for systematic monitoring of the operation of buildings and structures, the representatives of the in charge of the operation of certain types of engineering equipment, department heads, production facilities, shops, offices and a pile of safety and other departments directly operating the building, a trade union representative. To work Commission experts may be involved, experts and representatives of the construction and repair organizations.

14. The results of all examinations are issued regulations, which marked the defects found, as well as the necessary measures to address them with a timetable of works. The act is signed by all members of the commission and approved by the owner of the building or his authorized representative. 15. The results of all inspections should also be reflected in documents account the technical condition of the building (the magazine of technical building maintenance, data sheet). These documents should include: assessment of technical condition of the building and its individual elements, the location and parameters of the detected defects, their causes and possible solutions. 16. If you find minor defects in structures should be organized for constant monitoring of their development, give reasons of the degree of danger to the continued operation of the building and identify possible solutions.

Blanco Original

The secret is not the quantity but the quality of your prospects. I’ll give an example: Juan sells products for dogs and buy a list with 1000 addresses of dubious origin and begins sending mail offering its products. On the other hand Pedro has a list of 1000 leaflets built over time and where all those people, who were subscribed by own will, are interested in any product or service for your dogs. What do you think it will sell more? Well, that is what, quality, not quantity. John list was achieved with $10 and a few minutes on the Internet. The list of Pedro got, probably with more money and no doubt with much longer. Two cases, Pedro managed to make his business profitable and is earned money, instead John, with that list, do not get or will get a single sale.

On the other hand, suppose that I’m in the John list, because at least I would ask, if this Mr. John got my data buying them is why reason not gonna sell them?, how can I buy him something, security offers me. Surely buying databases with names and addresses is the cheapest thing you can get, but that doesn’t mean that I will be useful. There is something that you have very well in mind, all those who have come have it made by investing in training, learning and advertising; you won’t find none that came to get what you were looking for making Spam. Is that you can tell me: – If you don’t have money you want to make. It should then be a little hard perhaps and tell you if you have no money there is no way to do business, but anyway there are ways to promote your website without money, but is forced to work and work and be very patient since it will require much more time. You can imagine that if the results always come with time and investing money, nor tell you trying to do it without investment.

Nothing is impossible, but if you don’t have patience, better forget about. It is a common mistake committed many entrepreneurs believe that the apparent low cost of mail marketing database purchased will be effective. These free programs to send mass emails are useless. Te tell me but if they are free, that I may lose? You will lose the most elemental, that you should never lose: your reputation. Lots of luck!