Brazilian Gasoline

You give to reach the dreamed exploit of adentrar in the biggest world-wide market, badly obtains to supply its domestic market. Worse, it imported inefficient etanol of American maize, in the peak of crisis R$ 0,40 more cheap than the national similar. One contrassenso for a tropical country, with land, propitious water and climate to very supply its domestic market and of the external market. After as much fight consolidating etanol as commodity, if it cannot lose the uneven possibility to supply the pujante international demand.

The Brazilian government decided to after act the economic crisis provoked by the sudden rise of prices of etanol, that it also pressured the indices of inflation in 2011. It defined that etanol is a strategical fuel and not only one derivative of the agricultural production. It determined that Petrobra’s acts as a great one player in this market, with plans to triple its production in four years, of current 5% for 15% of the total of etanol produced in the country, and thus to minimize the problems of period between harvests and volatileness of prices. A so complex problem as the market of etanol starts to be decided with the confrontation of its structural problems that had reduced the competitiveness of the product. It must be searched conditions for a new supported cycle of growth of the industry of etanol.

Some measures that demand courage and effort politician can be cited: to adjust federal and state taxes, reducing aliquot to improve the competitiveness of etanol front to the gasoline; bigger investments in research in favor of energy and ambient efficiency of the vehicles flex; strong incentive to the generation of etanol celulsico, saw agricultural and forest residues of the biomass; logistic storage and improvement; commitments of long stated period of all the productive chain with offers and the demand; improvement of the infrastructure and the systems of supplying. Currently the market inductors are very distinct of those observed in 2005. the topic at hand. In these last six years, the cost of production of etanol increased 40% more than and the product lost competitiveness front to the gasoline, that follows the same with price since 2005. Beyond the significant reduction of edges, that do not justify high investments in new units, the entrepreneurs if feel in relation to the lack criteria in the setting of price of the gasoline unsafe. As much the public power how much the fuel plants and deliverers suffer with improvisation, lack of planning and politics of long stated period. The government has now that to face in short term a possible increase of demand for gasoline and a probable lack of it offers of etanol, events to be taken care of unhappyly by means of importation. The disparity enters offers and demand of etanol is generating distortions in the market. To each year the prices are if locating in raised platforms more. For the Brazilian consumer, therefore, the notice are not alvissareiras. At least per more three years it offers of etanol cheap is discarded and its future is again in game.

Service Level Management

The service level management ensures the achievement of the service-level agreements. The tasks of the management of service-level agreements are divided into sections for the development of service level agreements and the establishment of a service-level management system between the service provider and the service. These individual parts represent an idealized life cycle of service level agreements and be divided into four phases. It is assumed that a service-level agreement successively passes through these areas: definition phase the first phase involves the creation of service level agreements. To identify the IT services to be provided, to delineate precisely describe and agree on relevant quality characteristics of these services in the form of service level requirements are in terms of content. Implementation joins the implementation stage at the definition phase, where the organizational, personnel and technical measures on the side of the service provider, as well as on the side of the service shall be initiated. Human actions can represent the education and training of personnel, or the introduction of shift work. Technical measures include for example the replacement of outdated network components or the expansion of the capacity of infrastructure components, while the organisational measures require the adaptation of internal processes or the updating of operational concepts.

The agreements or contracts are to adapt with external suppliers and their service level agreements. The service provider has to put his own staff about arrangements for ongoing service levels in knowledge. Additionally, changes, ways to communicate task distribution and responsibilities arising as a result of the service-level agreements. The organisational regulations are to align the service level agreement. As a consequence of the use of service level agreements, the need may arise to customize individual organizational arrangements and resources such as in the form of duty of cooperation or the provision of Premises. The flow of information to ensure of the timeliness of content is set.

Mobile Data

Until June 30, 2010 giving away CareSocial optimized for the completely installed data acquisition devices for easier detection services, operations and tours of new mobile data acquisition for ambulatory care services all new customers with mobile licenses workers until June 30, 2010 giving away CareSocial require completely pre-installed DAQ devices for easier detection services, operations and tours continuous cost pressures and tougher requirements on the part of the cost all new customers with mobile licenses nursing services a growing degree of planning and documentation from. Without computerized target planning, the economic operation of an out-patient care service is already longer no longer to realize; now, the cost bearers in many federal States require even the minute-based billing of is operations. To prevent costly, partly double paper capturing of the services nursing services will no longer pass in the future mobile data capture solutions. To do this, Johannes Kersten (CareSocial): the concern of the Employees in a cleaning service that you should deal now to the already scanty periods for their activity in the patients with data acquisition devices, is unfounded. It has built up a positive feedback of the orderlies and nurses in our pilot projects already after a few weeks”.

The mobile data acquisition system is simple to operate. Large, colored buttons with understandable features – here is the fast and uncomplicated work clearly in the foreground. The employee starts and stops only his tours and operations, where the timestamp will be set automatically. Also, he can cancel operations or add. The collected information flow up in real time in the is planning Board of missions and tours in the administration interface of CareSocial. A comparison of target is can be done with a mouse click and be immediately settled on request. As an addition we have still a news service developed, free where the employees of the Administration messages on the mobile Data acquisition devices can send similar to SMS,.” Mobile data acquisition makes transparent the work in maintenance, the individual processes in time and costs, analyze and optimize.

CareSocial delivers mobile data collection devices in cooperation with Telekom fully installed. For more information on the Internet at. Heard about CareSocial CareSocial with more than 150 installations throughout the country one of the leading software solutions for nursing services. CareSocial supervised this micro – care services as well as larger institutions with over 200 employees.


Many of those who dream of becoming models and see your face on the cover of any magazine or see parading on the catwalk. Whenever we think about models the first thing that comes to mind are the supermodels and glamor that always surrounds them… The reality is that very few of which begin the career of model, will arrive someday to reach the category of supermodels. Most of those who want to be models hard them work start and get some work and many times are rejected over and over again. Not all are lucky that approaching them in the street, or anywhere else, a modelling agent offering to be model and giving you their card. Lot constancy, perseverance and not stop affecting you that you’re rejected is required to enter into the world of modeling.

The first thing that you need to present yourself as a model is a book. The book should be your best photographs, taken on different days, with different hairstyles and clothes. The book of model must contain photos in black and white and in color, and must include a photo of the face, of medium body and full body. To be model does not lack you’re a beauty or you’re high. Depending on the type of modeling you want to devote yourself, need a few requirements or others. For example, for catwalk model height is a very important requirement. If you prefer is photography and exit in magazines or catalogs, the height is not so important but if you are have beautiful teeth and a clean skin. What if it is essential for any model, is have a high self-esteem. For more tips and information about be model: original author and source of the article

Blue Jean Economy

Another of the aspects that contribute to the informalization of the economy is the tax, since this great working mass is not circumscribed within a plan or system that would allow a control to information operations, and thus power, through a process transparent and objective, implement fiscal policies that serve to improve the space where these people work andSimilarly, Treasury to make contributions and help increase the national treasure. 3. Inside of the factors that could influence the growth of the informal economy, seem contradictory, but the opposite is immersed in the same tax factor, but not in the implementation of their plans and their standards in the non-application of efficient and effective manner, safeguarding and control of goods entering the country in an illegal manner; is this speaking of the smuggling, key factor in the growth of the informal sector, because it allows the inclusion of illegal goods and that they are not pechadas by the Treasury, all of which it turns out that the cost of the same is lower than the merchandise of the same kind that Yes pays their taxes, which makes that competitiveness is not transparent. 4. In addition to the smuggling, piracy is also a factor that contributes to the informal economy, the recording industry has been one of the most serious victims by the growth of piracy. The difference is abysmal, considering that a burnt CD can cost around 1,000 bolivares and original of the artist one can reach 20,000 bolivars. But, not only is observed level CD copies, also at the level of clothing, while a Blue Jean pants, something out of a legal plant can have a value from 35,000 bolivars, an imitation or imported under illegal can get to 8,000 bolivars. The labour sector activity, informal work, is (characterised around four elements, namely: to) its ease of entry, based on the scant or no need for capital to start the activity and the lack of specific training requirements..


December is without doubt the most anticipated months while the month with most found emotions – all in some way we hope our great gift, our own truce, some try to accomplish in a month what could not in one year and very few just want to share and give to others – is a month where most of us get caught up in the whirlwind of trade, every year taking hold of more days of November … and this seems to cheer up the bulk of the human species and we paying attention to the true spirit of Christmas: love, solidarity, humility, peace, brotherhood, freedom, inclusion … … and everything is reduced to as many gifts and lights you can buy … it is the ideal month in which credit cards reign on Earth, at the expense of the nightmares that cause payments in January …

will we lost the light that leads us to the manger in Bethlehem? December is the month where our emails are flooded with so much propaganda, the best dinner party at the end of the year … strategies, tips and other recommendations to change our lives with hardly lifting a finger … is that possible? In 2009, we will … inevitably come to an end, regardless of whether some want to stop and many want and finish it, it obviously was a very difficult year, the great global crisis engulfed us all … this great global village Mc Luhan, once again felt that paradoxically caused devastating blow by a handful of bad investors, true believers and usurers of this formidable neoliberal economy, which once again proved that it can be lethal and malign for mankind.

Writing Factory

In order to be able to count on the benefits of the Preparatory one Abierta the corresponding inscription by means of a request on watch completed in form on is due to realise line. Once realised it is necessary to pay by means of the Banamex Bank only at the time of beginning to give to examinations or by the duplicates of credential or certificate. The cost of the examination right is of 49 Pesos Mexican, a little more than 3 Euros. For the duplicates the price is smaller, since the proceeding of credential hill $ 29 and the one of certificate $ 37. The following costs of the courses correspond to the didactic materials of the diverse matters. In the first semester, between Libro and the Notebook of English I and the materials of Mathematics I, Writing Factory I, Methodology of the Reading, Modern History of the West and Methodology of the Learning pay $ 405, in addition $ 55 by the exercises to car evaluation. The second semester is almost $ 100 more expensive, since the investment arrives at $ 551. But for that they wish to increase their studies and do not have the necessary money exists a program of scholarships to resolve all the expenses related to the course, from the materials to the transport.

In order to maintain the benefit that covers all the year it must verify an advance on the part of the student. The scholarship is of $ 1,500 monthly ones giving itself bimonthlily. Although the student is not forced to finish the studies in a determined time, yes he will have to do it if he wants to maintain the benefit, reason why will have to credit the 33 subjects in 4 years, to an average of 8 annual matters. The people who can be chosen for the scholarship are the new recruits in the Baccalaureate nonSent to school, whom count on a Certificate of incapacity, those that do not receive another scholarship and that are of Mexican nationality.


This false premise has maintained and continues to maintain in poverty, lack, limitation and shortages to millions of people around the world. Wealth is available for anyone committed and decided to claim that universal right corresponds. Claim it now. It is not divide the pie and believe that some take everything and leave only some leftovers to the majority. Just look at what the people who create the wealth. Most believe they take all the wealth for himself, and that his duty would be distributed equally among the population. Admittedly, some of these people have created wealth at the expense of the exploitation and deceiving others. If you read the article the seeds of success you know that any act has repercussions, now or later and the wealth they created will be temporary.

Who I am talking about here is people who have managed to manifest wealth by decision and personal commitment, for own work. In many cases they started from scratch. Several of them came from environments of deficiency, hostile or bit privileged, which demonstrates that it is not prerequisite to birth surrounded by wealth to become prosperous and rich. Think for example of Carlos Slim, the richest man in the world again according to Forbes magazine. Certainly Mr.

Slim comes from a family of immigrants who came to Mexico without great riches and that were gradually paving way in business. Starting with a haberdashery and toy store managed intelligently leverage their businesses, reinvesting and expanding more and more until you reach the billionaires emporiums that you and I know. The wealth creation is not work of chance, if you’re lucky to receive a portion of it, or for your studies and your work. Wealth is the result of your creation, from who-are-you in reality and to act to ensure its reception. Wealth is available and waiting to be created, Yes! Is just waiting to tell you that if you want it for you and you commit to receive it through your commitment and your actions. It is of vital importance that you act intelligently to ensure receipt of wealth. Your proper thinking, more your goal, more your knowledge of who-are-you in reality and your particular action is what you want to manifest wealth, as simple as that. You can begin to take the steps necessary to create and receive it because it comes from an unlimited flow now. You can apply the secrets of the creation of wealth. It all starts with a small action, you only have to say Yes. While most think more you retardas its creation and its reception.

Chavez And Uribe Reasons And Perspectives Of A Reconciliation

Two Hugo Chavez and Alvaro Uribe ends represent the two ideological poles opposed in South America. The first is the Government more pro-Cuba and the second the more pro-Bush of the subcontinent. Both lead to the only two South American republics that had no military dictatorships in the 1970s, but also the unique strong presidentialism and regimes reelection who have achieved or will accomplish more than two mandates. Both have faced serious military oppositions. Chavez deposed a coup in 2002 that it wanted to overthrow and accused Bogota of being animated. Uribe, however, not facing a coup sponsored by neighbors, but a lengthy guerrilla that lasts for six decades and he accused Ecuador and Venezuela of giving him handle.

Uribe is the paladin of promoting free trade in a subcontinent which, with the exception of Peru and Chile, prefers to avoid it to give way to a more protectionist model or treaties of regional integration. Chavez is the architect of the ALBA, which looks like an agreement where the Latin countries truequen with more equity and perhaps coordinate politically and militarily before us. Uribe is the main promoter of a monetarist, open economy targeting, while Chavez is who has been pushing the region to distance themselves from such economic liberalization and go towards policies more than cut statist, nationalizing or wanting to redistribute wealth. A relationship of love-hate both constantly amistan and fight. The issue of the FARC has led them to strong crisis.

In 2005 Caracas and Bogota almost break relations following the Colombian incursion into Venezuela to capture Rodrigo Granda FARC leader. Then came a reconciliation in which spoke to common works as the trans-guajiro duct. This March again relations almost broken following the Colombian bombing on Ecuadorian territory which led to the death of the Chancellor Raul Reyes of the FARC. Chavez mobilized 10 battalions to the border with its western neighbor and spoke of breaking diplomatic and commercial relations with Colombia or nationalize entrepreneurs operating in his country.


For this purpose the proposed pedagogical natural philosophical principles are complementarity that we need men and women to develop skills and knowledge, consensus because we need to agree on the framework of the dialogue, of the cyclicity of double as that we consider life as a constant transformation of one-way and return and balance which is the handling of the justicepersonal relationships and natural resources. our cultural roots should always be looking to develop our own wisdom, through a democratic curriculum design and not a pseudo institutional democracy curriculum, because it apparently seems that a curriculum design with poultices, whose repairs have only distorted the true feel of the new Bolivian curriculum, when this does not meet the curricular needs, gives functionality creates much less needs to promote the tretraciclica of theory Phenomenology, practice, essence and life to live as perfectible in live well toward a courtly well educational coexist.1 The appropriate care should be taken to build a curriculum fair and real, avoiding a hidden curriculum in discrimination of being in as much. This not must be built with imitations or patches that only well formed teachers without ideological conception and extranjerizados symbolism. They may originate in our children a reproduction of mediocrity, with an intelligentsia without identity, with approach of struggle of fraternal and not complementarity in diversity. A society must not be formed with brain and without ideas, because we are tired of an education without identity, without empowerment, social entrepreneurship and without equity neither productivity nor traces of trascendentabilidad; by this substantiation must propose changes in our way of thinking and acting, the time has come for the next challenge: is the necessary profile of our education and hacia donde va? I am sure the evolution of a new pedagogy of the framed as in the community, reflective curricula, social productive was reflected in a proposal of the educational as.