Jenoptik Laser Products

At the leading trade fair for plastics and rubber, the K in Dusseldorf, the Jenoptik lasers & material processing their competence Division shows in the fields of plastics processing and purification. Jena, October 9th, 2013 – with its extensive product range the Jenoptik lasers & material processing Division offers solutions for welding, cutting and perforating plastics. In Hall 11, stand C45 at the plastics show K presents Jenoptik visitors including the series JENOPTIK VOTAN W for laser welding, the disk laser JenLas disk IR70E, a fiber-coupled diode laser module, as well as the new system for the purification of waste in the printing industry, KATASORB PRINT. Non-contact laser welding with JENOPTIK VOTAN W thanks to state of the art laser technology provide a constantly new applications in materials processing. When cutting, welding and perforating of plastics, laser technology is a well-established and recognized procedures, among others in the automotive and supplier industry. The increasing of the vehicle interior equipment and the for security, the carmaker make demand always new challenges these can be solved VOTAN W reliably through the use of the JENOPTIK.

At the Dusseldorf fair of plastic K Jenoptik shows its latest development in the field of plastic welding: to extend the application possibilities of laser transmission welding, Jenoptik has developed welding with a laser line at a – and that can be disconnected. This new process was successfully used already several times in the industry. Essential advantages of this new technology are not only the non-contact connection technology without mechanical and thermal influence, but also high productivity and relatively low operating costs. This innovative method is applied when the laser transmission welding of large plastic components, such as the welding of shot channels on instrument panels or the welding of door panels. For the newly developed laser welding are innovative diode lasers from its own House with a width of 10 millimeters (mm) and an optical laser power up to 100 watts per sub Mount for the standard wavelengths 808, 940 and 980 nm.

Constitutional Court

Accordingly, such an opportunity – by virtue of legal logic of the constitutional principle of proportionality – can not recognized and for the case when the general meeting of all took place, provided that the interested co-owners had taken all necessary action to convene a general meeting, confirmed by documents. Ingenious, is not it? In its decisions the Constitutional Court has repeatedly pointed to the fact that he has no legislative powers and has no right to impose a new regulation, replacing the activities of the Federal Assembly. As the court he only checks for compliance of the contested provisions. But where is the truth? The Federal Law on Turnover of Agricultural Land, "literally pointing "General meeting of participants in share ownership did not approve the location of ", says nothing about the fact that under this formulation must be understood is that the meeting was conducted, but failed to take appropriate solutions. The phrase "general assembly did not approve" can be understood in different ways. As either: there has a quorum, but the general meeting has not taken any decision, either: there was no quorum, so the decision was taken (or Although the decision was made, but in the absence of a quorum is considered to be illegitimate), or: assembly generally not carried out, whereby the decision had been taken. Why Constitutional Court favors only one of language? The legislator is not explicitly stated that he specifically had in mind. A Constitutional Court seems to understand the legislature as a special, guided by the "legal logic" is not accessible for some reason the rest of the citizens.

The Couple

Depending on the issue, it may be inappropriate to talk in front of a stranger or, conversely, in front of people who have a good opinion of your partner. Sometimes, the failures in previous conversations and the inability to find alternative solutions, do we expose publicly, those outstanding issues that are causing discomfort within us. If the goal is to embarrass or shame, surely this way we will succeed, but if we seek to solve what concerns us seek the appropriate place to talk. A neutral place like a coffee shop or while walking, may be favorable alternatives to address a troubling issue. In many cases are dropped, for example, the lunch table and bed, they are meeting places that are marked (or should be) by good memories. Surely, this pattern of location, but depend on each couple. What we want to convey is that we must avoid that "here I catch you here I'll kill you" or use public areas of the couple to force a conversation.

3. Learn to be a conversation mirror serves to reflect a mirror image. The mirror image you send us that we provide. Similarly, we can present ourselves in front of your partner as if we were a mirror, without preconceptions, without prejudice, and "reflecting" (responding) to what we heard: "What I hear you saying is that …". If the answer does not match our perception of the ear, may be because your partner has not been expressed can help us better understand the subject matter and our partners.

Financial Investments

The investments funds managed and administered in the various investment spheres of financial expert. The account is the basic and central to the accounting and payment services. The accounts private equity represent the classification of all commercial transactions that a company or business. Direct Investments Refers Harken Energy Corporation to the name properly coded or numbered given to the values that the company owns. The account provides the recording of accounting transactions in the books, represents property, rights and obligations of a company that provides a certain date.
Instrument of representation and measurement of each Brain Trauma Foundation item of property. Therefore there are many accounts as the company has assets. Are plotted graphically as a T, where the left is called “debit” or “should” and right “credit” or “having”, but these terms have no meaning aCerno other than the mere physical state inside of the account. There are two types of accounts: assets and management. Equity accounts appear on theCEO of Inc. balance sheet and can be part of the assets or liabilities (and within this, or the liabilities of Equity or Net). Management accounts are those which reflect income and expenses and will appear in the Profit and Loss Account.
Regardless of whether the accounts are or Heritage Management, also said that by their nature are debtors or creditors. Receivable when the accounts are being referred to a heritage asset or continue to refer to a management expense and are payable when, as Heritage refer to a liability or a capital account, or if management is being referred to an income . An account of additional assets or liabilities can reverse the logic above, for example the estimate for uncollectible accounts or inventory obsolescence or slow-moving accounts that NAR management Inc. remain active in nature creditor. We may also have additional accounts in the accounts.
A very common type of account are current accounts and those accounts Fund Investments and Direct Investments. at any time may be debtor or creditor and nature defines mutual funds only the fact of whether they are assets or accounts financial analyst and investment consultant and financial advisory expert. Quadrant does its own investment management and equity activities of Chairman of the Board of Harken Gestion, and more so within the above classifications is location specified in the statement that defines its nature, let us not forget are the accounts that may be debtor or creditor.
An account is a concept representing a set of assets of the same class. The accounts are represented: Assets, Liabilities and Equity.

World Trade Organization

World Trade Organization Actions In April 2004 the WTO ruled that U.S. 3 billion U.S. in cotton subsidies violate trade agreements and that almost 50 of EU sugar exports are illegal. In 1997-2003, U.S. cotton exports are subsidized by an average of 48 . The World Trade Organization (WTO) has extracted commitments from the Government of the Philippines, which is lower import barriers to half their current levels for a period of six years, and allows dramatically on increasing competition from heavily subsidized industrial countries and agricultural systems in North America and Europe. A recent Oxfam report estimates that the average household incomes of corn farmers will be reduced by up to 30 over the six years of cheap imports from the U.S. lower prices in local markets. The report estimates that in the absence of trade restrictions, subsidized U.S. corncould be marketed at less than half the price of maize grown in the Philippine island of Mindanao, and livelihoods of up to half a million Filipino corn farmers (out of 1.2 million) are under immediate threat. An economist writes: “Many programs are administered without regard to its distributional impact too. You should not guess from surprising then that these programs show ing undesirable distributional consequences. sor Certainly we should not take us, but for other reasons. It is arrogant to believe that neglect of the analyst in distributive issues is something I normal, compared with the behavior of other players in the game of politics. Moreover, the reason that are so undesirable distributional consequences is political precisely because someone pays full attention to the distributional impact.Policies with undesirable consequences for not approving igno rance, but by a combination of knowledge and apathy: the co nition of the few who know they can benefit their substantially to such distribution, and then strongly pushing for “their “program, and the apathy of many pa gan for him and for whom the cost is so small that individually worth doing more to oppose the pro gram. In fact, the losers can even support the pro gram in exchange for winning support from another program (with a different set of undesirable distributional consequences sealing lines) which in turn benefits them. The political attention to the distributional impact does not reflect a concern for equity, but quite the opposite. The in political Therese of the distribution is strictly local, while the analyst is merely theoretical.The political interest is, however, a response to the realities of the interplay of political forces, conflicts between groups and the struggle for government largesse. No wonder enton ces to achieve political interests become dominant in the decision-making pro cess and that the distributional consequences are so opposed to the plan said. INPUTS, OUTPUTS AND BENEFITS A basic premise of policy analysis is that the result sults of public policy are the best basis for evalu ating accomplishments. The apprentice must always analyst pen tooth not mistakenly use the inputs as a measure of program benefits. The benefits can be assessed properly only from how much is obtained from a program and not how much is invested in it.To evaluate, for example, programs for the U.S. Navy, an analyst does not consider or ponder the number of sailors, ships, and missiles avio tions, but evaluates the ability of the Navy for a var lle out various missions such as rescue, amphibious assault beaches, air strikes and submarine detection and destruction in a variety of scenarios. In contrast, politicians often find that for their purposes, inputs provide theappropriate measure of program benefits. For the analyst, for example, be efits of military programs are the results ( ing the national security), but the central issue for a politician is knowing how much profit and jobs to their voters cast (do not forget distribution) different types and levels of military expenditure.The politician may feel compelled to defend the sys ma war of choice in terms of national defense (re sults), but their assessment is often based on dollars and jobs (inputs). This difference in perspective helps explain the political resistance to the program budget. For the analyst, a program budget is very helpful in making decisions in public spending because the costs associated explicitly with the results of the program.

Enterprise Asset Management

Enterprise Asset Management Enterprise Asset Management is the discipline that seeks to manage the entire lifecycle of physical assets of an organization to maximize its value. It covers processes such as design, construction, operation, maintenance and replacement of assets and infrastructure. “Enterprise” refers to the management of the assets even though they are in different departments, locations, facilities, and in some cases even different business units. The asset management can improve performance, reduce costs, extend life and improve the return on investment of the assets. The industries with a high number of assets are that a failure in one of them, in a highly competitive environment, it is very expensive. They must also adhere to a set of regulations on safety, health and environment while maintaining maximum availability of assets, spaces and infrastructure, essential for the competitiveness of organizations.The functions of asset management are becoming an essential element in organizations that are ignoring the reactive behavior (fault – repair) and are adopting the philosophy of total planning life cycle of assets, preventive maintenance procedures and other best practices. Some organizations still view assetmanagement as part of maintenance plan, until it demonstrates the impact of sound asset management business. This change in attitude evidenced by the change is happening now from maintenance management to the management of enterprise.

Poverty And The Pareto Principle

It is not just that in the country of the serpent and the eagle the Pareto principle is not given! 80:20 If we cling to the Italian sociologist also, in Mexico we would have 20% of the population owns 3684% of the wealth (pardon the mathematical aberration)! The truth is that according to data from the National Banking and Securities Commission (NBSC) the third part of the Mexican wealth is held by the fifth of a percentage point people, or 20 percent. Amazing, right? As I am on track in this thought, I wonder why? Why so little, but so few people really have that much money? A comment, “was the only one when I read the note in the same weekly expressed by a reader said that the information contained there was really very bad news. And it was a shame that there were men so rich in Mexico, a country full of poverty. One thing I am happy to know is that the Mexicans themselves have the answer. It seems that everything is together because this week I heard a reflection of a compatriot which promptly put his finger on the pulse. In fact, people say things former presidents how are you: Salinas was a thief, Zedillo was useless, Fox was a talker and is also the current president.

Still, I say, if we go further back, we have a wasteful Lopez Portillo, dreamy, awkward countryman Luis Echeverria and a populist and short-sighted, etc, etc. Then, consider just the reasoning that leads to the suspicion that the problem is not the presidents (voila, I would say a corny), but the people who compose the nation. The everyday actions of the set of all these more than 106 million Mexicans. Each new president will find the same people. It’s like soccer selection.

Let me apologize for the fans but I too am excited to see play at the green and me “shrinks” the leather! However, I can only acknowledge the truth. No matter the technician to come. And he said Bora Milutinovic being in charge of those selected, whether you have players like at that time was Romario of Brazil and other luminaries, but Mexican and equipment, other results would be. As a citizen does not change the overall result is the same as always. The Mexican lives in a special universe. In this country is a virtue to take advantage of others, pay bribes, to pay for obtaining government jobs, overlapping criminal, fake securities, trust in idols. No confidence in undertaking major projects is part of the culture, stupidity is an institution that is reflected in nonsense such as the worship of a “sovereign” national abroad giving the profits of refining gasoline, instead of allowing investors to open source for employment and advancement national soil to produce enough fuel. Much could be added, but is not the purpose. Suffice it to say that the solution to this problem is about every man and woman every day when you look in the mirror and the only shame is that 106 million people can not leave ingenious poverty.

Rule No

Let your landlord be in writing, that the House is not upgraded. Watch before the signing of the lease agreement that what for people there to live and work. Really these are your potential customers? Accept only renovated rooms. Ask in the House at various tenants, what happens when something is broken. Responds her landlord or he takes a reduction in rent in buying rather than order a craftsman.

Rule No. 3: make no compromise on the site. Bad location mean almost always bad sales. The equipment (furniture, cash registers etc.) can be purchased quite used. Devices, machines or car can be purchased via leasing or hire purchase. Here it is to create a detailed list of all costs. 2-3 Offers should always be obtained per item.

If you need a bank loan, are also exact prices (always net) to enumerate. If you goods need, are the manufacturers and suppliers to display. In particular, a detailed preparation worthwhile. Take your goods locally or buy them in a foreign country? You have travel expenses, time and duties included in the calculation. Were informed exactly, which is where pay purchase prices. What prices do you work? Crucial is the clamping of EC and UK. If here the ratio is not correct, you have to fail is doomed. When a takeover can arrange installments with the previous owner. You can see that you need lots of financial strength at the opening of a business. 5 digits. Or more. Rule No. 4: who opened a store, needs not only the capital for the launch, but also money for the running costs of the first months. Bottom line: Who needs no capital, better off for the start of the Foundation. Earn money it is rather then the other way around. With trade, almost always more money can earn. Rich you are here only as an exception. Margitta Heinecke

Business Development

This tool allows you to refinance both the bank that issued the mortgage, sell this loan refinancing organization (usually a large bank at the federal level, which specializes in buying pools of mortgages). Before the crisis, major Russian banks access to foreign financial the market was easier, lending rates are much lower. Today, our creditors became difficult to raise money for the West to finance mortgages in Russia, we have to look for money in the domestic market. " "Appreciation financial resources has led to increased interest rates on mortgages for some Russian banks ", – said Sergey Denisov, head of credit Kirov branch of Sberbank. According to Sergei Kreknin, Director of Business Development "Credit atelier," one of the causes of rising interest rates – is the risk of a possible devaluation of the ruble. For example, if the summer of 2007, some banks lend at Kirov 10.75% by the end of , this bar has risen to 13%. According to Sergei Denisov, "Sberbank is enough equity in order to not raise rates on housing loans." Depending on the loan term, type of support and share borrower's own investments rates range from 11 to 12%. It is known that over the past two years, rates on loans to the Savings Bank of the population were substantially lower – by about 30%. IzhLadabank continues to lend at rates higher than the city average (13-16%). Loans are granted at the expense of customer deposits, the money for other lending institutions that are not used.


I always read that the Great Depression, also called for times of Crisis of 1929, initiate in the United States of America and that persisted throughout the decade of 1930, only finished definitively with the beginning of World War II in 1939. With the advent of this war that if drew out up to 1945, worse and the longest period of economic contraction of century XX he had its intentionally end. The wheel of the economy was the industry of the death putting into motion, finishing with any remainder of the crisis that had shaken the world in the ten previous years. It would have been perhaps? Then. Where I am wanting to arrive? He is that today we are living a crisis that some economists affirm to have the same dimension of that one generated with the Great Depression.

Here it is that in its height, opportunely and conveniently, a Pandemic appears suddenly that soon is brought to tona for the international media, getting the hearing success that costumam to have the notice that in them cause terror. Initiate in Mexico, the Suna Grippe soon spread for the world and, after the announcement of some deaths, world-wide authorities if had put into motion, taking initiatives drastic look with it to contain the epidemic. All good, is the minimum that if waits ahead of the governmental bodies of a serious fact as this. that in way to everything this, we discover that, if exists a world-wide crisis, for one determined and famous multinational laboratory, it will pass to the plaza. Yes, because it commercializes 90% of the remedy indicated for the treatment of the illness the one that we are in relating and whose patent was acquired in 1996 for the Gilead Sciences Incorporation company who vendeu this year the patent to the Roche laboratories and whose president was the secretary of the Defense of the United States, Donald Rumsfeld (nicknamed for some as Mr.

of the Wars), that until today he continues one of the main shareholders of the company. Most interesting it is that, searching on the such called medicine Tamiflu, we discover that it only alliviates some symptoms, having its effectiveness before the grippe questioned for great part of the scientific community. They affirm some that this frmaco not cure nor the common grippe more, that the virus in question does not affect the man in normal conditions. It will be that I am being victim of plus a theory of the conspiracy? For yes, for not, we must be intent, therefore the creativity, to the times mrbida, of some sectors of the economy, is the best form found for them to run away from the crises, despite to the costs of the fear of the population.