
The basic one is I meeting with this circumstance, that is, mine vida' ' (HORTA, 2011. grifo in the original). Therefore, I am a relation being. the same author continues: ' ' This does not mean that each person cannot bring its proper perspective, but that, certainly, it will develop itself in the measure of its interaction with the others. The life is always convivncia.' ' (HORTA, 2011).

In the convivncia we define our personal identity in the measure where we differentiate in them of the other. We are capable of defining in them because we differentiate in them. An anthropology of I and the Other As we saw, of the personal point of view ' ' eu' ' ' ' outro' ' they can be understood in an interactive relation where ' ' eu' ' I am not ' ' outro' '. But what he is ' ' eu' ' ' ' outro' ' , for the antropolgica reflection? Here it is not being said of the individual, but of a collective. Also the idea of the relation is present, however is not social individuals that are related, but groups. if we speak in social groups, we speak, also of cultures. The cultural manifestations also are in relation, therefore they are manifestations of the people who form the groups.

Of the point of view of the anthropology, related I am not the individual in itself; nor neither it he is the Other. I am always a collective, transcendental being, am the culture that is inlaid in each individual; the Other is simply one another culture, a culture that if places as agreement object. (GOMES, 2009, P. 53). Of this point of view we can say that the culture is a defining element of the identity of a people. Each society is what it is, because constructed its culture, or its conceptions of world.

Experiences Relationships

Every day it has relationships starting and relationships finishing, and the doubt that is the following one: ' ' it will be that the majority is possible to have true relationships in fact if of that or they are happening or they had happened had not given certain in virtue of problems and failures in meeting? ' ' True relationships are possible since that you know to take off advantage of the last experiences. The biggest error that the majority of the people commits is not to know that for backwards of each difficulty, that for brings of each failure experiment if it finds hidden a disfarada blessing. We go to reason together. It imagines if that time that you tried to be with somebody and did not obtain of this certainty. It only imagines as all the events that had come after that fact would be radically different.

A thing is certain and few know, the human beings develop much fiber and resistance after an emotionally frustrating episode, therefore such episodes make with that you observe more the next similar situations, judge the facts with more exactness and not comet the same errors for one second time. Citing a reasoning line that happens with the majority of the men we can observe clearly what he is being described in this article. Until the 15 years the man little is interested itself for relationships. Of the 15 to the 20, in its majority the men want to try all type of ralacionamento. Of the 21 to the 25 it is the phase that the man searchs with all its forces a steady and lasting relation, in this phase the man is strong sensible to the questions you affect to life two. Of the 26 to the 35 years, if the man arrives single in this phase, hardly it thinks about marriage questions as it thought, because the set of experiences that it acquired in the previous phases of the life takes it the conclusion of that the life of bachelor, and momentary relationships is the best option.


Noronha already makes some experiences and studies, had however not gotten success and that one would be the first attempt in a human being, that stops the time, would be one of the biggest innovations, since the new times were arriving and seemed to be a very next future that was ahead of the eyes of those people and the press there which was propagating that experience, that did not get success, leaving rebelled Rodrigo very and if feeling guilty for having given the authorization. Rodrigo when burying Helena in the Cemetary of the Consolao, seemed to be embedding its proper heart and next to it the joys and hopes went all, changedding themselves, from that, in a melancholic person, cold and sad. The Dr. Noronha if comoveu with the history of the youngster and had become friends. It requested its presence in the hospital for some times to talk, thus trying to brighten up a little that great sadness that pairava on the heart of that young youngster. In one of these gone and comings to the hospital, Rodrigo walked the foot for the center of So Paulo and finished entering in the So Paulo Confectionery, that was in the Square of the Patriarch, and in a glance it esbarrou in Smia, one of the attendants from there. That meeting did not occasion effect.

Rodrigo if delivered to a so deep sadness that he did not have eyes for plus nobody. Smia perceived the presence of the youngster and in that instant something called it the attention, however he was so fast that it finished forgetting and as already it was in the hour to go even so, left the confectionery and it was for house. Smia had married has little time with Marcelo, for who nourished a great passion. It was a love as it was not seen has much time.

Organizational Culture

Word-key: communication, organizacional climate, integration, planning. Abstract: This article aims you investigate how the communication takes place in organizations, and also is used a tool will be the achievement of organizational success. Historical conceptual And contexts of communication in organizations ploughs discussed with relevance, once many factors has been changing the social interaction of companies needs, especially when it is concerned you communication practices. In this marries, the importance of understanding the communication process, barriers and obstacles, the interaction between employees, and business sectors well the functioning of the communication system is highly appreciated. Organizational The communication is now considered a mechanism result, vital, especially when we talk about globalized world, where competitiveness is cultivated at the same social teams that permeates responsibility.

Special The present study brings on board with emphasis the importance of internal relations, where the main to player is the employee. In to another words, to maker of all types of process. Organizational The main purpose of communication is you provide it dialogues between to employer and employee and you welcome the uniqueness of each group, creating vehicles and channels focused and directed you its needs, expectations and aspirations of each group. Thus, it is necessary that the employee gets involved and committed with the organization; In return, the organization has you offer appropriate structure will be the full development of activities in to order you overcome the obstacles that may arise daily. The manager' s rolls here is considered instrument will be receiving and transmitting information, who acts monitorial the disseminator and spokesman.

Organizational Thus, we can understand that communication is one of the main channels you achieve to better results, because, through improvements in this area, the goal desired by organizations can be reached. Organizational The success. Keywords: communication, organizational climate, integration, planning. 1Introduo the organizations in general, are living an incessant search for the organizacional success, investing in technologies, training technician and rigorous processes of election in search of talentos that add to the value of the company.

WCP Western Investments

Investments for investors on the WCP Western – and County-Polo Park GmbH for the realization of the project in Moosburg / Worthersee offers the WCP GmbH Western and Countrypark will operate in A Moosburg am Worthersee (see) a Western Park on an area of 95,000 square metres with a hotel. Aligned consistently on the theme of Wild West”, one is guests built, living Western City with hotels, restaurants, shops, saloon and dancing Hall, numerous shows, as well as the entire spectrum of Indian life in the original style. From the complex, connected with an expressway through its own exit, there are five minutes to all motorway junctions and the Worthersee and 15 minutes to the nearest airport. The successful entrepreneur Franz J. Kluppenegger, who has already realised several leisure projects is Managing Director and project developers. A real unique feature among the European Western parks has WCP through the planned establishment as an international Polo Centre.

Tournament and training courses for winter operation attract wealthy supporters of the trend sport from all over the world. Polo was above all a social event, a few years ago the ballgame has become to horses in Central Europe a sophisticated martial arts. Grows the number of assets, reduced the average age of the riders, the level of play increases constantly. Beyond the strongholds of Argentina and England or the prominent events of Sylt and St. Moritz Polo, which is now played in more than 50 countries around the globe, predicted a great future. That after the tournament still before the party is on the many glass of champagne is drunk may be just right investors of the Western country Polo Park Moosburg. The area for the Polo fields, as well as a modern barn for over 100 horses will be leased to. The entire infrastructure of Western & Countryparks (Hotel and restaurant etc.) can be used for the sport of Polo.

Thus, you have won a very interesting target group. Earn money, where do other holidays (outside the front door)? No problem, if the Wilde Lake Worth Westen finds a new home. Themed entertainment, conscious experience of nature and animals, and exciting packaged information about a foreign culture are short travellers in the course can make investors happy. Because in the Western country Polo Park Moosburg riding against investors of a golden future. Revenues are generated from entrance fees, the consumption of food, merchandise, accommodation and special (corporate) events. The WCP Errichtungs – und Betriebs GmbH offers more than 20 investors per financial instrument company participation, which they immediately benefit from the upcoming success of amusement parks. The park itself will generate lucrative profits already far below the expected number of visitors. Certificates can be drawn already from a deposit of EUR 5.000,-and a duration of 5 years. To the basic dividend of 7% p.a. pro rata participation of 15% of the net profit is added. The participation and drawings were by Dr. Werner financial services AG ()) developed. Obtain the detailed participation Expose and more information at the mail address.

Frankfurt Stock Exchange

IPO possible in August – offer period can start August 10, 2012 Berlin / Gdask August 1, 2012; The BundesInvest AG specializes in the sales and consulting by radioactive end products starts with the marketing of their shares. After the conversion to an AG in Gdansk, the company presents national and international investors in London his concept in the next few days. The market gap is filled by us and we are pleased by the positive response,”explains founder and CEO Dr. Igor Imanov. Due to the dominance of the financial site and the locations locally, BundesInvest AG is limited to a presentation in London and apart from a roadshow in other financial centres.

The pricing is based on the method of the decoupled pricing (so called decoupled approach”). The price range is set towards the end of the investor presentation here. After the three-day price determination procedure starting at the earliest on August 10, 2012 takes place (accelerated bookbuilding”). The IPO (initial public offering) of BundesInvest AG is possible in principle still in August 2012. Based on the current share capital of 5.863.450 shares includes planned up to 2.834.375 shares of BundesInvest AG and consists of a public offer in the United Kingdom, Germany, as well as intra – and extra-European private placements. Up to 800,000 of the offered shares come from a capital increase against contributions in cash.

Up to 1.568.730 of the offered shares come from the property of losing shareholders, consisting of the two founding members of the company. Also, additional allocations can be made of up to 343.875 shares of the company from the ownership of the shareholders (associated with a so-called GreenShoe option). BundesInvest AG shares will be traded under the ticker symbol BII and the ISIN PL0005217110 in the amtlicher Markt (Prime Standard) on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Hermione Slughorn

Later in Slughorn's class she describes the smell of mint dental paste, as one of the components of a love potion. Lavender has been very nasty, she was giving Ron a necklace, but the Hogwarts Express on the glass draws the heart and writes 'P + A'. Their relationship ends when, as poisoned candy, delirious utters the name of Hermione. He feels embarrassed in this situation, but on the other hand free "child who played the young Tom Riddle (Hero Tiffin) played great. From his voice and the hair stood on behavior end. In the film, there is no mention of Gaunt, but there is a scene in Slughorn's office. Dumbledore surprised that Voldemort created seven krestrazhem.

This happens in the scene when he realizes that the ring is a Horcrux. He realizes this is because that when Harry for a moment he takes the ring in his hand, he moves his head like Voldemort. In the movie was the scene when Hagrid and Slughorn singing Ode to the hero, funny scene with Harry and the scene with Felix Felitsisom really turned out as a book. But in the film Professor Trelawney, the Dursleys. There is also no Kreacher, even no mention of inheriting Grimmauld Place Harry. No Dobby, Bill and Fleur.

No scenes with the Minister of Magic. Most of all I was upset that the moon does not Quidditch match commented. The role of the moon was very small, but it really was a hat with a lion and it was she found Harry on the train under a cloak invisible with the help of their glasses.

Paper Napkins

"As war with the Kaiser gave birth to paper napkins." Most new products occurs when a person pays attention to the problem and tries to resolve them. But sometimes the news gives rise to an excess of something and desire once it use. "Kleenex" and "Koteks – an example tomu.Bumagodelatelnoe production experienced at the dawn of the century radical transformation. Before the owners of paper-making factories enjoyed the subjective evaluation of authoritative and very experienced craftsmen, such as determining the quality of wood pulp. Master used to fit slowly to the vat, the pulp let us touch, smell, and sometimes even try to taste and add something before to put on the rolls. The result was invariably prevoshodnym.No, as the degree of mechanization, the world began to change. New high-speed paper machines were intended for only certain kinds of standardized paper mass, and professionals should approach the definition of quality of the paper is from a scientific point of view. Scientists who changed the masters of the old type, have begun to produce new varieties bumagi.Firma "Kimberly-Clark" (Kimberly-Clark) was engaged Paper production in Wisconsin since 1872.

In 1914 they hired a specialist on behalf of Ernst Mahler. A recent graduate of the Technological University of Darmstadt (Germany), Mahler is particularly well known chemistry of cellulose. Opposite the main office "Kimberly-Clark" Mahler arranged laboratory and persuaded President George W. Kimberly to go with him to Germany to inspect there are some new products, such as, for example, cellulose wadding, absorbent better hlopkovoy.Poka Mahler and Kimberly were in Germany, the outbreak of the First World War.

Contemporary Furniture

Over time, in our homes, more and more different things, and they are unnecessary and, sometimes, and not very redundant in my life. For each item must find its place. And it is. This place is not very convenient for the host. Gradually the apartment more and more cluttered, reducing the living space. To help in this situation will correct layout and furniture placement. In a modern apartment a large part of the place and all space is occupied by furniture.

Because of its design features furniture can not be 100% to fill the space and is usually located on the most prominent places. This leads to a complete cluttering the area both visually and spatially. Another big minus is that the old cabinets space between the top surface and the ceiling or not as not being used, or used for the lowering or Folding whatever and however you want. Of course, it also spoils the picture of the room. The result is that the furniture is taking up too much space. It is not always convenient for direct use. Of all the space occupied only one-third can be called useful, then there is the fact that we really enjoy. Then the question arises: what to do? Way out of this is quite simple: it is necessary to replace the old cabinet furniture modern, more efficient uses our limited space. Such furniture can be built-in furniture, cabinets and modular furniture compartment. The most important advantage of modular furniture is that depending on your desires in any part of the apartment by selecting the required modules, is going to suite any, of various rooms such as bedroom, office and other rooms.


Even better, if the dressing room has two outlets – in the bedroom and hallway. And if a house has two closets – for men and women – that men should be located next to an office, and female – next to the bedroom. On the recommendations of designers, the optimal ratio area of open and closed surfaces inside the dressing room should be treated equally, then it will look bright and cozy. But if the dressing room is small, then it should dominate shallow open shelves, that visually expand the space. Another detail – convenient door. They can be hinged, sliding, 'accordion'. Swing doors occupy much space, sliding, stretching into the wall or moving inside the door opening more convenient, but require complicated installation.

Strict rules on the arrangement of interior decoration dressing room there, it all depends on the habits and affections landlords. Not required and no special training: the walls can be painted, plastered or tiled wallpaper – it all depends on your desire. On the wall mounted metal guides, and hung them on the shelves, hangers, wire basket and any bryuchnitsy optimal combination for you. Companies that supply these 'fillings' for cloak-rooms the size of your room will pick the best option. There is equipment for cloak-rooms, which is hinged on the special panels of solid material, which pre-sheathed wall dressing room to the ceiling.

Cabinets, chests of drawers in these kits can be ordered stationary or movable on rollers. Special equipment – various bryuchnits design, galstuchnits – also will streamline the storage of clothing. In filling all the cloak-rooms are Basketware modules for storing laundry baskets with different depths (6 to 19 cm). They also can be stationary or mobile. Metal structures are available in chrome version or made of aluminum. The shelves are made of metal, plastic or chipboard. More expensive vyrianty made of wood. Ease of assembly opportunity to change the location and height of shelves, baskets, move the bar for hangers – all this belongs to the merits of the equipment closets. Conveniently, when the dressing room has a pull-out ironing board, mirror and a special device that makes it easy to get things from the top shelves. And, recently, the lighting in the dressing room should be bright enough. It is better if it would be in addition to electric lamps and natural lighting, as sometimes in artificial light-colored clothing and make-up distorted, and a dressing room to give a chance to see themselves in the natural and artificial light