Polar Mass

Thus, north is facilitated to its displacement in direction, that after to reach mountain range of Andes it divides itself in two, Polar Mass of the Pacific (MPP) and Massa Polar Atlntica (MPA). Of this form, the MPP associates it the cold sea chain of Humboldt, if dislocating until next the line to the tropic of Capricrnio not influencing in the climate of Brazil. While, the MPA acts on the portion center-south-east of the South America, arriving at the times to exceed the line of the Equator. According to Mendona (the 2007), when it reached the latitude of the river Silver subdivides itself in two, first one associates it thermal fall of winter and the reduced indices of air and of rainfall in the interior of Brazil. To another one it is dislocated for the coast and one associates it the MTA provoking rains in the Brazilian east, mainly it enters the winter and summer ends. With this, it is verified that the performance of the Atlantic polar mass is sufficiently active, therefore when joining the tropical air of the Atlantic one (MTA) it generates a discontinuity, and it is changedded into the Atlantic polar front (FPA) and when it arrives at Brazil is on the form of cold front, causing rains weighed and thunderstorms, to the times it gains latitude and arrives until the Amazon region.

FRONTS Are the meeting of two air masses of different characteristics, especially in terms of density, temperature, humidity and pressure, generating a discontinuity surface. This phenomenon is called frontogenesis, while its waste is the frontolysis. According to Blacksmith (2006), the mixture of hot air with cold air provokes the rise of a mass on the other, causing to variation in the temperature and difference in the air density. This atmospheric instability generates cloudiness sufficiently, causing much rain. A cold or hot front always occurs enters two centers of high pressures, being proper it a common place of low pressures, thus an area frontal, always will determine a ciclnica circulation, surrounded for anticyclonic circulaes.

Valentines Day

Win 1 week-great gifts for Valentine’s day at buecher.de. Again, feelings pervade the country and all lovers get an exclusive day to celebrate themselves and their love. Even if the Valentine’s day not for everyone as a holiday is perceived, he has can become long. Every year lovers think about how to make a pleasure which or the beloved. This year, supports buecher.de all gifts-seeker and is dedicated to a special, which guaranteed help each Valentine’s day. Valentine’s day special on Facebook and in the shop which exclusive Valentine’s day special on buecher.de is designed to help anyone who wants to make a little treat a loved one, to find something suitable. Ordered by great groups the best gift ideas can be found here. Deciding to give away flowers, get given even a voucher of 5 euros for a minimum order value of EUR 19.99.

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World Bank Countries

Cancun will fail if these countries are not committed to deep reductions in national without compensation and the provision of adequate public funding that excludes the World Bank. Friends of the Earth International also requests that you unintentionally available to countries in developing public funds to grow in a sustainable way and adapt to the effects of climate change that are already hurting livelihoods and families in developing countries. The International Federation requests that this money comes from public sources, not carbon markets. Friends of the Earth International believes that, due to the fact that the price of carbon is essentially unpredictable, this approach would not provide needed reliable funds to developing countries. Similarly, carbon trading also helps to reduce emissions. Granma.cubaweb.cu, reports that television network Telesur needs to try that until 10 December coming, delegations from 94 countries to reach agreements on reforestation, adaptation, financing and technology transfer, something considered quite possible, reports the AIN. Although ruled out in advance the possibility of achieving a binding agreement on emissions of harmful gases, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, showed optimism to make that appointment they turnover decisions unprecedented, multinational television network reported. The previous Summit (COP 15) in Copenhagen, Denmark, culminated in failure to not be a binding global agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG Venezuela bet on finding initiatives so that global warming doesn’t 1.5 degrees in the next 10 years, according to Alejandro Hitcher, holder for the environment it should be noted, that the Summit takes place when expected to increase carbon emissions after the end of the recession, and analyses show that the promises are not enough to keep the increase in average global temperature within the limits of what the majority of Nations say wanting to.

Steffen Ruhl Internet

Yasni and the privacy organization naiin poll: privacy fail often in the social environment! False and negative information on the net harm the reputation and the career – and the Web never forgets. How just the dissemination of photos of yourself online is difficult to control, a recent survey by the Personensuchmaschine first and the data protection agency shows naiin. Therefore half of Internet users has already proven unasked photos by third parties to the network. Frequently issued recordings by friends. More than one in five respondents (22 percent) said to have ever done so. Yet they are often also the own parents, photos of yourself in circulation. Total, 12 percent have posted online pictures of their children. Other results of the poll, which surveyed more than 3,000 Internet users: each 8 percent of users have already published photos from their work colleagues or strangers on the Internet.

“Friends, parents, colleagues: the poll shows quite clearly that the privacy in the” Internet age in the social environment fails”, explains Dennis Grabowski, 1st Chairman of naiin. “The dissemination of photos of yourself defies in the power of the full, personal control”, Steffen Ruhl, Managing Director of Yasni, notes. He recommends a regular monitoring Internet users, to bring the respective sources of unasked published photos in experience. The survey results in detail: First asked more than 3,000 Internet users in Germany: you have already once unasked published photos of other people on the Internet? 22%: from my friends. 12%: by my children. 8%: by my co-workers. 8%: From strangers.

50 per cent: Yet never. Everyone can find free Internet far right experts to key words such as company, profession, location, and all the background information to people about first names with the first search engine. Service providers can combine their information and skills with a free Expose and actively present in the search results. Yasni is management with 50 million queries a month the most popular starting point for people search and reputation.

New Quality

The ‘damage ‘mile for the first time provides a comprehensive overall concept for the complete processing of accident damage. A completely new quality in the settlement of accident claims promises the damage mile”, a collaboration of seven prestigious companies of the automotive industry. Perfectly complementary range of services of the participating provider enables a truly comprehensive and comprehensive handling of accident damage for the first time. Initiator of the damage mile”is the well-known Consense Assekuranz service GmbH (Duren) damage Steuerer. With the FleetFriend service GmbH and the firm FleetAdvokat (both Brunswick) are GmbH (Stuttgart), the HPI Center GmbH & co. KG (Grafenau Germany), the expert organisation of the FSP Group (Schwielowsee) as well as the workshops – and parts service, the service network of SIKKENS Acoat selected BMp@rts Holger Bar (Cottbus). Together, the partners offer a portfolio of services that otherwise does not exist yet in this breadth and depth of the market for the settlement of accident claims. The Offer is based on the classic target groups of the damage control and addresses mainly fleets and fleet, insurance and leasing companies, as well as FleetService companies.

The damage mile”maintains a deliberately partnership approach. Each participating company represents all other members of the cooperation and binds it prefers with a claims settlement. Except in Germany is the damage mile”also in Austria has been working. The members of damage mile”are: Consense insurance service controls with customized concepts cars and trucks by insurance, fleet and leasing companies in over 370 Certi? Ed partner workshops. FleetFriend offers comprehensive know-how in the field of damage control and claims processing. The company has a proprietary modular software with FleetInform.

the acquisition and processing of damage. The law firm FleetAdvokat is specialized on the right around the car and driver. The clients are mainly car dealerships, free workshops, fleet and vehicle? otten. The SIKKENS Acoat selected network has more than 2,000 companies worldwide. In Germany, Austria and the Switzerland alone more than 400 body and decorators are ensuring a? comprehensive service in the event of a claim. The HPI Centre is the competent partner for weather such as hailstorms and their effects. Since 1996, the consequences of these natural disasters, the company cares. The FSP Group currently over 400 experts provide a wide range of services and service. BMparts Holger Bar offers an alternative to the sales organisations of the major manufacturers and companies as part of platform independent workshop partners in whole Germany. Michael woe

Berlin Transport Association

Modes of transport prepare for the new situation at the new building of the new airport was a focus advance mainly due to the easy access to the city centre. The old Berlin airports are influenced, on the one hand Central but yet somehow outside to be located. Because today you must schedule some time, if you in the mostly TXL crowded to bus or from the airport Schonefeld, embarks on the often long journey. But with the construction of the new Super airport a lot will change. Travel by taxi to the city centre of Berlin is there and probably never will be a problem to come be a taxi there.

A variety of taxi drivers enjoys today mainly due to transport the passengers to the airport Tegel. For this range, it is a very lucrative offer, but taxi drivers to their guests will have to struggle, because the BBI is very far outside of the city are. Who would like to travel but comfortably without having to haul luggage and picked up by the front door, as well as deposed to be something deeper in the yellow Exchange must Access. The arrival of BVG as it today are already the Airport Express to Schonefeld airport, there will be an express connection to the city centre in the future. You will need to calculate with a journey time of 30 minutes. Furthermore, there will be also an airport shuttle, which connects the airport with the city centre, but only with a journey time of scarce 20 minutes. The S-Bahn will round off the spectrum with two lines and several bus connections. The arrival by car for one is the BBI via the Bundesstrasse 96a to be achieving.

For this purpose she will be expanded towards Potsdam currently on four tracks. Also, the airport will receive a direct motorway link with its own exit to the airport. For this purpose, the motorway A 113 is moved and in addition extended on six tracks. Also it is connected to the motorway (A 100). For travellers with cars, there will be numerous parking facilities directly at the Terminal, as known from other airports. Most private providers are also low-cost parking at the airport of Berlin-Brandenburg in the direct surroundings offer. These parking spaces are often connected to the terminal by shuttle services, to enable a rapid arrival and departure. Compared to the direct airport parking you will need to book these before arrival, you have the advantage of an easier arrival by exact addresses but then. Not only the Berlin Transport Association must rearrange to the arrival by train in and around Berlin. Also the Deutsche Bahn continue generously expanding the rail network since the routes will be including the full ICE capable. This happens to be tied above all the passengers from regional areas, as well as newcomers from Eastern foreign countries, such as Poland and the Czech Republic, well. As you can see there will be a variety of ways, to the new airport Berlin-Brandenburg safe and easily accessible. Especially for the residents of the capital, there will be some possibilities for the choice of the means of transport. Only selected bus routes, the capital airport with the Center connect, then belong to history.

Romolo Lambert

“Luximo holding UHC speed set, expected that the ultra” surpasses the success series of previous years. And also the developers assess the continuing with the new model cooperation between Audi and luximo holding UHC speed as “very positive: that luximo holding UHC speed continues his collaboration with us and will soon have a second copy of the R8 LMS ultra it is gratifying,”, commented Romolo Lambert, head of Audi Sport customer racing quattro GmbH, the premiere of the new racers. Occasions, the Audi R8 LMS to test ultra, extensively in everyday races will have the team luximo holding UHC speed already from 31 March. On this day, you start with the kick-off event at Oschersleben ADAC GT masters. The DMV Touring Car Championships starting on April 7th and 8th at the Nurburgring. Sponsor luximo holding is of course at all exciting race dates on the spot.

Luximo holding will report in detail speed on the official blog of the main race results and news from the team luximo holding UHC. About the luximo holding, the underwriter of luximo holding is specialised in development and emission of investment concepts in the area of closed-end Fund. Of luximo holding focuses on direct investments in private equity, infrastructure, multi asset and renewable energy sectors. This can the management of luximo holding build on their own experiences, as well as a network of mostly institutional partners. While the luximo holding in the implementation of the offered investments maintains a high standard of quality. To maintain this standard, a team of professionals continuously analyzes the economic opportunities offered by the markets, derives from this high-yielding investments and developed investments that meet the expectations of private investors. The management of the luximo holding follows with a holistic approach and the principle of portfolio optimization and can offer high-return investment offers a wide audience of investors. How to contact with luximo Holding AG Marion Countess Wolffskeel Lambert Rottendorfer Strasse 30 d-97074 Wurzburg telephone: 0931/79792-14 fax: 0931/79792-17 E-Mail: Internet: vimeo.com/37747731


Two young women and the old theme of death the company conVela culture of remembrance remembrance jewelry and grave side dishes offered and discovered the banality of death by the way. The young founders of Juliane Uhl and Stefanie often Geffarth can well live to deal constantly with the dying. In all newspapers and magazines, reports and films, the subject of death was found in November. It goes to funeral expenses, problems of anonymous burials and the testimony of a society that meets them in (not) dealing with their dead. Be heard funeral home, chaplain, Hospice staff and psychologists; the experts are those who deal daily with the parties concerned. ConVela thinks the young company: the Enttabuisierung of the theme of death can not only there take place where directly helping those affected.

When talking about the death at the same time with the thoughts of a forthcoming or the own funeral and the charge to the company is connected, not good to deal enough with the own dead, a discussion is rather tough, dead. What it takes is vibrancy in death”says Juliane Uhl. And to generate this vitality through open discussions, through honest words, which are exempt from poetic images and the pressures of political correctness. Juliane Uhl and Stefanie Hanswille Geffarth, who founded the company conVela culture of remembrance in the summer of 2011, started with the idea to create something for the survivors. Memorabilia, modern grave goods, and new places of remembrance, which can take some of their horror of nameless burial are created.

Jewelry that is marked with the handwriting of the deceased and finds its place after the period of mourning in a dwelling, expresses the sadness and allows the bereaved to complete. From the initial ideas a vision of cultural memory is now to the material design, which daily feeds. Everyone has something to the topic of death to say everyone has fears and desires when it comes to your own death or a close family member. The interaction of an artist with experience in marketing and a strong contact sociologist is a dynamic and modern company structure with a fixed base. Will communicate this on all channels: relevant topics will be published on Facebook and discussed in a blog, there are opinions to articles about the life and death soon, articles are written, the Partnerakquise takes place to a large extent on the XING network. At conVela, not just pieces of jewelry are sold, because society is discussed, since culture is thought. Juliane Uhl (conVela GbR)

Los Cristianos

Tenerife with the Auro – car trips – tours and attractions car tour suggestion 1: route-> Teide – Cumbres – Guimar, Tenerife is known as the island of eternal spring and rightly. As a diverse, mild climate invites to vacation throughout the year. Incredibly interesting places, exceptional landscapes and a unique part flora invite you to discover the island on individual species. Below you will find some examples of tours that are aligned on a longer, but not strenuous day. The road network with its North and South Motorway as well as the many country roads are very well built and excellent to ride despite the many curves in the mountains. Viewpoints are very well signposted, you have a special eye only on the General signs and direction line. Drive from Playa de direction Arona las Americas or Los Cristianos the main road into the mountains the way is very well signposted and follow then the Directions to the Teide (a Brown stilierter volcano on the road signs showing you the way).

The journey to Arona is not very spectacular, but you have a fantastic view on Playa de las Americas, the South of Tenerife, the sea and the small neighbouring island La Gomera. To highlight here the looking like truncated dome of the mountain is Conde del Roque.” In Arona, turn left, then only the signs next to the Teide. Gently swing the switchbacks in the height and they come through small villages, where wine-growing and the different ways of the wine cultivation can be viewed here. After endless acting turns you achieve the highest village in Spain: Vila Flor. The old town centre is well worth a visit and shortly behind the town one of the highest pine trees of the island is located. Simultaneously announced the change of vegetation, because from now on you will drive through the pine forests of Tenerife.

IMA Messebau Opened Bavarian Branch

The German sales room specialist is now available in southern Germany present Asslar / Lindau, September 15, 2009 now IMA shows the white and blue flag in the South. With this step, which makes its mark on expansion course, traditional trade fair construction companies on the domestic market and creates an additional point of contact for customers in southern of Germany. Lindau-based team of sales, interior designers and designers will continue the growth targets of IMA. The new limbic format ensures good starting conditions”, which revolutionized the construction of fair and actively accepted by the customers. In order to increase the penetration of the new procedure, this step is essential because, despite modern means of communication, the regional proximity to the customers in the trade fair and retail design plays an important role”Uwe says Bremer, who leads the company as the holder. Despite our international orientation, we can see our roots in its home market. Our customers appreciate not only our quality in the processing and our innovative concepts, but also that we offer everything from a single source. A team will accompany the project from the idea to the production at the own production facilities up to the Assembly and disassembly.

This close cooperation is for our customers as a quality seal. Not for nothing we work together over 12 years on average with our customers”, so Uwe Bremer. About IMA IMA staged an inspiring, people to linger and buy refreshing showrooms around the world. Founded over 45 years ago in the Hessian Asslar, IMA accompanied leading companies in designing retail space: exhibition buildings, displays, flag-ships or shop buildings. The company employs over 80 people and has its own production lines for wood and metal working. Each year, the IMA team assists about 500 national and international projects. “The recent coup: the limbic format” has succeeded in the IMA to match the format design of exhibition buildings, displays and shop buildings exactly on the emotional system of the target groups.