Planning Step

On the way to the cherished and desired goal is usually a lot of obstacles and pitfalls, but using the method of the seven steps of just dooms you to win and enjoying his ability to govern themselves and not depend on external circumstances. Movement towards the goal and success, as well as any road begins with the first step and we also will not the exception. Step 1-identification of deep roots and motives of the goals and objectives that must be solved and to achieve. Step 2 – Clear representation of what we want will be impossible without a statement of their pans and desires on paper. Step 3 – Set time limits start to the goal and achieve it. The more specific term will be defined, the better and more efficiently. Step 4 – form the list, and activities to be done to achieve success and desired solutions and the necessary tasks. Step 5 – Planning and scheduling more time.

Therein lies the move. The plan must be detailed account. And the more the better. Step 6 – Down with all the excuses and justifications. We begin to vigorously implement its plan into action.

No excuses. Just go on and on. Procrastination is equivalent to stagnation in the quagmire failures. Step 7 – is to monitor and prompt and immediate corrective action to achieve the planned and desired outcome. There have been all the achievements, even the smallest. Only in this way any more. AND another tip, without which the effectiveness of your self-management will be low and malorezultativnoy. Develop the habit of daily reflection on its objectives for development in their internal incentive to implement them. AND it is important to remember and understand what's great achievement is a lot of roads and footpaths. Which way is the shortest and correct – we can not know. You just have to trust your unconscious mind and it will not fail. Do not try to understand everything. We do not know all the nuances of how the subconscious mind, but we do know is that it has great potential!

Rio Grande

In the province of the Rio Grande of the North, some people isentavam themselves by means of payment of an amount in money, that served as contribution for the businesses of the war. She has in the reports of president Luiz Barbosa Silva, a list of ‘ ‘ doadores’ ‘ ; let us take as example the case of a captain of the national guard who donated to the amount de1: 500$ (a story and five hundred a thousand kings) for itself, three son-in-laws and a grandson, thus fulfilling with its duties of patriots, not needing to go to the war. Practical they had thus become common, over all from 1868, when the placed exemptions above had been being gradual suppressed to the measure that grew the necessity of urgency in the conscription. The creation of the Bodies of volunteers, the conscription of National Guarda, as well as the decree that restored the conscription ‘ ‘ indiscriminado’ ‘ , it still generated bigger demands how much to the power local, that had been supplied in some ways, aiming at maintenance it its power, had been created ‘ ‘ meios’ ‘ so that the imperial decrees and institutions did not reach them as the remain of the population. The conscription of national guards was foreseen by decree, intervening, thus, in a natural habitat of the colonels, therefore National Guarda very becomes a type of ‘ ‘ policy of coronel’ ‘ , they served before everything keeping the security of the great large states, and the proper colonels, and even though in the hour to be convoked for the service they passed for the approval of the local heads.

Not Congress

Require the assistance of other authorities for the development of research within its competence, and commissions for examination of evidence if it deems appropriate. (Amended by Decree 1500 of 2002) CHAPTER VI – THE CONGRESS OF ARTICLE 179. Not Congress may be: Those who have been convicted at any time by a court, a deprivation of liberty, except for political crimes or negligent. Those who have served as public employees, jurisdiction or political authority, civil, administrative or military, within twelve months preceding the date of the election. Those who have been involved in business management to public entities, or the conclusion of contracts with them and self-interest, or third, or were legal representatives of entities that administer taxes or contributions charges, within six months prior to the date of the election.

Those who have lost estidura of Congressman inv MP, councilor or mayor. Those with links through marriage or permanent union or kinship in the third degree of consanguinity, affinity one, or only civilian, officials engaged in civil or political authority. Those linked through marriage or permanent union or kinship within the third degree of consanguinity or second of affinity or civil first, and register in the same party, movement or group for election of officers, or members of public corporations to be made on the same date. Those with dual nationality, except for Colombians by birth. No one shall be elected for more than a corporation or public office or for a corporation and one count if the respective periods coincide in time, and it is partly.

Quality, Reliable Wheelchair Wheelchair

The real life of any person consists of different facts, in addition, unfortunately, need to allocate that in general, not in any way positive. A category of people has a real opportunity to really gain knowledge, receive training in schools and possibly some other educational institutions. Another category of a different people definitely has the opportunity to go to work, thereby earning money for themselves and also their family. But there is also a third category of people, specifically that in its essence, under certain circumstances deprived of such opportunities due to the fact that in general they are – people with disabilities. It is this group of people, more of a part is unable to move independently, because without our appropriate assistance and, in addition to support them does not do. Despite the present-day treatment strategies, and even methods prosthetics, heal goes far not all.

Therefore, we must try, as much as possible to some extent alleviate difficult a normal life with disabilities. In turn, one of the solutions of such support and assistance for the course disabilities, will, in fact wheelchairs wheelchair, because of their use in virtually every person with physical disabilities have a unique opportunity to travel, and accordingly, special measure for independence. Until recently, chair trolley for the disabled is very hard to find. Had to be made out of special funds, written to the queue and in addition to this, as a rule, it was necessary pay for the most part a considerable sum in order to buy this kind required for a disabled device. In our time, much easier to buy chairs wheelchairs for the disabled, because they were recently manufactured in necessary amount, and on top of various designs. In addition, the relative simplicity of the wheelchair due to the fact that they actually find in the Internet World Wide Web on the site, and therefore there is no necessary, to either move. By accessing specialized Internet portal, will be able to pick up the carriage of a huge number of products offered, in fact it is absolutely all prams are rightly the best combination of price and quality, which in principle is very important nuance.

Fully should mention immediately that in the course of treatment for each patient clearly has great importance that the conditions in which implemented a long process of treatment. And own a huge role in this case, perform medical beds and couches, as definitely on them a greater portion of time on patients. Therefore, directly in staffing, in principle, any hospital is to choose a special and comfortable beds. Hold it is quite possible by visiting the Web site, it definitely has a variety of bed medical function. Of course, that the choice of hospital beds should be noted that almost all the beds are definitely different uses due to their structural performance. For example, medical beds for bedridden patients have in no small measure to facilitate the administration of treatment and the addition and rehabilitation of the patient's wish. At the same time should be allocated, those benefits, in general, which exist in the case of purchasing goods in the global Internet, but actually that there is always a solid choice and of course a great opportunity to transport the selected product special service.


Much refers to opportunities for generating profitable internet business which has several variants such as the sale of physical products using the internet as a platform for sale, the sale of applications or useful tools for potential customer, the sale of advertising among others. Among those others is the sale of digital products. But how much money people are willing to pay for a digital product? What should be the price which I set to sell my digital products over the internet? According to an interview posted on the FastCompany website, 43% of people spend just between 1 to 10 dollars for digital products on the internet, which is obviously quite low. Another 25% spent between 11 and 30 dollars thus having the majority in these two groups. What the study also demonstrates is that the amount of people who have done this kind of shopping is fairly high reaching 65% of internet users which somehow compensates for the low figures that each one of them on average are willing to pay. In the attached table can appreciate money ranges with their percentages that persons are willing has pay on the internet and as you can see there also just a 7% pay more than $100: these figures are very important if you’re planning to launch any business idea online that includes the sale of digital products given that will be an important part of his analysis this information at the time that set the price of your product.If you set the very high price perhaps their sales will not be that awaits and you can not earn money which has projected beyond that your product will be good or not..

How To Choose A Swimsuit

Among other things, choose a swimsuit is not that simple. Because all our shortcomings never become visible. And what a complete woman or girl with a large (small) breasts? It turns out that in choosing a bathing suit has its own rules. For example, visually to make a more coherent help bathing suits with vertical patterns. It is advisable to choose a swimsuit dark tone and solid. If you have a large chest, choose a swimsuit with wide shoulder straps and cups will be let necessarily with stones. For small breasts look swimsuit with foam or other inserts to give volume. Also visually enlarge the breast help pleats and frills in the bodice.

If you want to highlight the waist look for a swimsuit with a vertical pattern, but avoid horizontal stripes! Women with full hands need to move attention to the chest, and this fits a swimsuit with decorated bodice. To walk about the beach buy a beach blouse with sleeves in three quarters. In general, when choosing a swimsuit try to not think about their shortcomings, but rather on the merits. And remember – at the beach you will meet women of different shapes and build. And it is not complex same!

Time Girl

A man with a where the girl was in a relationship, stopped to feed her sympathy to the signs of attention and stuff. That the girl will take in this case? First attempts to revive the relationship itself, using all available ways: converses with him on this subject, trying to show themselves in the best light, tolls, writes, generally uses the so-called "worldly ways." But she soon discovers that this method is not effective, then she begins to look not worldly ways. Then she will look, or wizards, or will operate independently. If she chose the second, it is already a bit closer to the natural type. First you need to know how did this problem using the theory of constructing reality, ie need to analyze and understand how did this situation from growing roots.

Let the girl remembers the beginning of nucleation of the relations between them and the moment the reality of where their Union began .Teper let it analyzes: remember my feelings, thoughts, attitudes and attitude toward the world and to suschestvuschemu order of things as far as how their relationship continued, ie from point A (start) to point B (end). Suppose that monitors changes in their perception of the world inside and out. And she will find that at the time when the deterioration began their relationship, her world view changed, necessarily in a destructive way. Ie its internal environment got a new devastating quality that just such a way affected its reality. It is the right way.

Datashow Education

In current conjuncture one of the biggest challenges of the professor it is the adaptation with the digital age where we live. Traditional and it archaic chalk and black picture are not being or already a Datashow and a penxs had been changed by the laser. This is resulted of a globalizado world and technological advance, these tools of finishes generation has as objective to perfect the process of education and learning. Therefore, if it becomes a challenge to be surpassed, the work market is very competitive and the demand of professionals in the area is increasing. Another challenge is the preparation for this market, not to be only brought up to date technologically, but as it is prepared for a good presentation, bringing up to date the content, formation and etc. I see professors in the classrooms with little content and an enormous disinterest for the profession, does not work with goals to be beaten, only works to fulfill to tables without comprometimento some with the education. The number of evasion in Superior education is not only one challenge of institution in the question direction, but is a challenge them professors to be more engaged with the professional future of the pupil.

He will be that the professors are worried about the evasion in superior education? The institutions would have to enable the professors to act concernentes to this situation. These are some challenges to be surpassed for a professional of superior Ensino. The perspectives of the professor would have to be ample, study durantes these days the deficiency of this subject. The vision of the professor is only to place one notebook and one underneath dates show of the arm and to transmit information. This is not a perspective of a globalizado professor. Today the professor beyond a transmitter of information will have to be worried if the content is being ingested for the pupil.

The learning of the pupil has that to be efficient. Another characteristic that a professor must have is a vision beyond the classroom, of research and relationships. A social vision of its formation. These challenges are being surpassed and the perspectives are if extending everything because of the requirements of the digital age.

Family Constellation Therapy

Carmen Pelayo days family members your child, children or teenagers can live with anxiety, fears, depression, rebellion, lack of attention. As parents sometimes relationship with them is complicated, you feel that you do not have enough tools and meet limited or powerless to help them. These sessions are created to bring new look and an understanding that help us to find the solution. It is important that parents participate children process, without your presence, they are more limited. A conference where all participate in the family all members are important, and what happens to a member of the system affects all the others. A meeting where we will be working with meditations and family constellations, a therapeutic work where the origin of the lock on the family dynamics becomes aware.

For parents: before that parents were children, perhaps as children were unfinished issues with your parents or the relationship with them was not the desired by ye. These dynamics are repeated from one generation to another, now as parents you have the opportunity and the responsibility to understand the origin of the disorder within the family that you have created in your life. To do this have created workshops in Murcia the February 25-26-27 days workshops oriented to the education of the children, or for people who want to heal their family ties work to eliminate blockages through family constallation, meditations and workshops. constallation family by the hand of Carmen gestalt therapist pelayo.

Monsignor Augusto Castro

Continuation of recordings audio of missiology Maria classes and the Church’s mission: to see all that huge machinery that we have assembled in the 20th centuries, one dreaming of a church in the style of Mary. Or a Marian church with a church’s Marian profile. As Juan Pablo II said it. Let’s start with an experience of the past year. In the month of may, at the end, there was a Congress of Mariologos and Missiologists in Cochabamba Bolivia. And there was every day a presentation, and then a few comments from the papers.

Then one of the papers was titled models of Church Missionary and gave it Monsignor Augusto Castro, a great misionologo, and well-known also here in the Peru. Colombian Bishop. This man who has published a lot of books, and also has a book of theology of mission, big enough, gave us a huge amount of models of the Church Missionary, and the Church in general. Models of Church. When the Conference ended, I had to make the topic Mary, model of the Church, commenting on the Conference that he had heard, and then told him of these words. At this Conference you Monsignor Castro, us has presented many models of the Church. But he has never talked about Mary.

And you He is a member of the Congregation of the Consolata. Monsignor belongs you The Consolata missionaries. The Virgin of the Consolata will reproach not having mentioned his figure as a model of the Church Missionary. And as you It has not done so, I’m going to do myself. Presenting Mary as ecclesial model, highlighting the Marian profile of the Church, and leaving aside many of the models that you explained. And so we began to talk about there Mary model of the Church. Because it is that happens today what it said a great theologian this if we have to put on his knees before the but not to worship him but to tickle, to make you smile a little, because it is a great theologian, but he is a theologian, serious man of aesthetics and beauty.