International Competition

48,000 participants are worldwide with their knowledge of 100 prizes worth a total of EUR 600.000,00. fight. . Now, people from 144 countries participate in the game or are interested in. The response to Stinys private knowledge game is overwhelming, because almost 30,000 participants have registered it. Yet you can sign up for a unique use of only 19 EUR under. The winner has the chance to get an owned house in Mediterranean style with 156 sqm living area and beautiful gardens in Munich/Baldham.

The first prize of the detached House – has a value of approximately 570.000,-euros. The winner can claim at the end of that he fought alone by his knowledge for this House and not just won it. He can be proud of the fact that he has left the players through his knowledge and his nerve in the final behind. Stiny BBs story goes around the world through newspapers, radio and television. Television reports were to be seen in the ARD, ZDF, SAT. 1, RTL, VOX, N24, CNN, and in the Japanese and Russian television.

The report from the satellite. the 6.7.09 1 breakfast television can be found here: Volker Stiny could come with his unique knowledge competition, yet still did not in this dimension, as the largest private quiz master with 48,000 participants even in the Guinness Book of world records. Various TV channels have already expressed their interest to the finals with the 120 finalists in national television ( Give in connection with the competition of knowledge, it is also a donation to the Foundation for children in Africa”.

Lufthansa Technik AG

New line to Bulgaria from December 23 Hamburg, November 03, 2009 international flying airline HAMBURG from December 23, 2009 until March 25, 2010 once a week from the airport Berlin-Schonefeld in the Bulgarian capital Sofia. A ticket costs 89 euro one way including all taxes and fees. Tickets for the new route are now bookable on the Internet at, as well as in the travel office. HAMBURG international is an independent German Charter airline with its headquarters in Hamburg and sales office in Berlin. Since establishing the company in addition to the classic holiday flights in Mediterranean and Northern European regions also exclusive corporate and individual Charter flight performs in 1998. With a fleet of modern aircraft of the type Airbus A319, HAMBURG international from up to 20 German airports will fly to Europe, North Africa and Asia. Own technical operation in cooperation with Lufthansa Technik AG is responsible for the maintenance of the aircraft. Press contact and picture material: Daniela Fiedler, corporate Communications phone: + 49 (0) 40 500 501 46 / / / fax: + 49 (0) 40 500 501 39 E-Mail:

Vinessiowine Fair Starnberg

Wine fair in Starnberg revives the ‘CENTRUM’ in Starnberg in the Hauptstrasse 8 Starnberg, the September 21, 2009 it’s finally here again the wine fair in Starnberg again invites all wine lovers from Starnberg, Munich and the environment to taste and enjoy. For a whole weekend a wide product range of more than 1000 wines, sparkling wines, brandies and delicacies, such as chocolate, bacon, cheese, can again be tried oils and much more and also bought. The event is aimed at consumers and professionals alike. The event is from the 17-18 October unique not in the Schlossberg Hall but in the CENTRUM”main street at 8 instead. The CENTRUM”is in direct proximity to the Schlossberg Hall so that travel remains the same for visitors such as exhibitor. The exhibited products can by visitors every day from 13.00 20.00 are compared and purchased.

The entrance to the event will cost 10 euros per person. It expect the interested visitors free tours and seminars around the subject of wine & pleasure. A special experience is next to a guide on the topic of sherry & Spanish ham”the area by Stefan Herrmann, who presents the finest nougat from Villedieu visitors. Starnberg is always a trip”value. The CENTRUM”, the venue of the fair, is almost ideal. The S6 S-Bahn available is for all who wish to come by public transport.

The train station is a few minutes to the CENTRUM”. With the car you can directly in the parking garage of the CENTRUM”retract. After attending the fair, the lake promenade in Starnberg then invites to a stroll. What gives it special this year? In addition to the permanent exhibition of the Vintners of Southern Wine Road”, there is a presentation of Austrian wine producers from lower Austria and Styria, which provide information about the region and your tourist attractions in addition to your prize-winning products this year. There are tickets to the ticket office. The entrance is located on the main street 8 in Starnberg. Further information to the Event: reader requests and press contact: assessio GmbH – ore Foundry Street 5 80335 Munich 01805 55 52 291 (0,14 euro / min. from a German landline DTAG, from the mobile network to other costs)

International Year

Sky observations in whole Germany, it must be not always the Midsummer night in Scandinavia, the Festival of Bayreuth, or a Wildlife Safari in southern Africa. There are plenty of other reasons to go on trips. The year 2009 is declared as the international year of astronomy. Many observatories provide a wealth of events. Visitors have the possibility to look towards the sky and listen to the lectures by experts. The Internet portal reported the most exciting events in the year of astronomy. Potsdam is with the Castle and the Park Sanssouci always worth a visit.

In September and October, the Exploratorium offers another reason for visiting the capital of Brandenburg. During a half-hour experimental course, children not only have the opportunity to explore the outer space. Looking through a real telescope can be a bit closer to heaven. A model demonstrates the incredible distances within the solar system. The scientists Johannes Kepler considered revolutionary in the Astronomy.

His mathematical findings about the movement of the planets led to their further development. The exhibition dedicated to him in Stuttgart is worthwhile. From September 15 until November 15, the provincial library of Baden-Wurttemberg granted an interesting insight into the life of Kepler’s. Can be visited first prints of his books, letters and historical astronomical instruments. Amateur astronomer Hadia unit from the Saarland Merzig is committed to all the sky observation. From October 9 to 31 with him can Jupiter the planet marvel at. The spectacle increases depending on the weather conditions at the Stadthalle Merzig always on weekends from about 19:30. More information: magazine/showArticle/article/896 contact: Tilo Sommer University first media GmbH barefoot streets 11 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

International Baccalaureate

Nationwide only international school with a boarding school the increasing globalisation provides young parents who want to allow a best education your offspring, faced with the question: what options have we, our child? A possible answer to the question provides the Christian Youth Village at Brunswick. Germany-wide unique, offers an international school with a boarding school the CJD. The international school Braunschweig-Wolf Castle has aligned its pedagogical approach on the fact that children 12 have reached a conclusion at the end of the class, which allow them to enroll in virtually all countries of the world in each university or University of applied sciences. This is made possible by the issuing of the international baccalaureate (IB). The International Baccalaureate Diploma (international baccalaureate) is an internationally recognized, comparable with the German Abitur education given by the Geneva-based International Baccalaureate Organization. In addition, 10 will be with completion of the class the IGCSE (international General Certificate of secondary education), University of Cambride, granted. The IGCSE is recognized in over 100 countries worldwide at the end of the intermediate.

Students can attend the upper stages of the national schools worldwide and in Germany with this conclusion. Reception class set up In the past year, the international school established a so-called reception class to Braunschweig-Wolfsburg. It is a type we don’t know in the German educational system. A destination in the foreground is in the early stages of school education and education: promoting the development of the early personal and intellectual development of young people. The target is the secure foundation of the personal and intellectual factors of that 1 help each child to the reception class and from the class to iterate through a satisfying and successful development in the school. Also in the reception class English, spoken as in all other classes too, from the very beginning. The reception class promotes the development of key qualifications as listening, speaking, concentration, endurance and teamwork.

The Man

' ' The force of the Spirit does not depend on the number; it depends on the degree of firmeza' '. Mahatma Liberating Gandhi of India BREAD OF THE SKY Our parents had eaten the manna in the desert, as he is written: He gave to them to eat it Bread of the Sky. Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 6:31. The Man since its birth in the Paternal Seio if feeds of the Bread of the Sky, but if he deviates from its script spiritual and sequiosamente looks the bread of the land and in this temporary bread he is always incomplete and he finishes dying.

Then, emptiness, places the guilt in the bread and not in it. BRANCHES OF PALMS It took branches of palms and it left to its meeting, clamando: Hosana! Bendito what it comes on behalf of Mr. and that is King of Israel! Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 12:13. Logically JESUS returns in great glory for all the Peoples, therefore, which the nation that does not belong to it if IT bought with its only sacrifice all the gentes? THE WORLD WILL BE JUDGED The moment of being judged this world arrived, and now its prince will be judged. Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP.

12:31. All the times that we make the Truth of GOD to win in our daily actions, the prince, the king of the world are judged; the missed way to act loses its force. I AM MASTER It call me the MASTER and Mr. and say well; because I it am. Evangelho de JESUS according to Joo, CAP. 13:13. If JESUS glorified every day, months and years, when he passed for the land, why the person goes to blacken them with its frustrations? DAY OF THE GLORIFICAO When it left, said JESUS: Now the Son of GOD was glorified and GOD was glorified In it.


The main agent of the alcohol is etanol (etlico alcohol). The consumption of the alcohol is old, drunk As: wine and beer possuam low alcoholic content, a time that passed for the fermentation process. Other types of alcoholic beverages had appeared later, with the destillation process. Although the alcohol to possess great social acceptance and its consumption to be stimulated by the society, is a psicotrpica drug that acts in the central nervous system, being able to cause dependence and change in the behavior. When consumed in excess, the alcohol is seen As a health problem, therefore This excess is entirely on the traffic accidents, violence and alcoholism (dependence picture). The effect of the alcohol are perceived in two periods, one that it stimulates and another one that gets depressed.

In the first period it can occur euphoria and desinibio. No longer as moment occurs uncontrols, lack of motor coordination and sleep. The acute effect of the consumption of the alcohol are felt in agencies As the liver, heart, vases and stomach. In case of suspension of the consumption, the syndrome of the abstinence, characterized for mental confusion, vises, anxiety, tremors and convulsions can also occur. Metodolgicos procedures to operacionalizar the intervention project ' ' group reflection? in the ad CAPS primavera' ' , that it will be carried through with a group of users, together with the familiar gift in the ad CAPS Spring, situated in the Street Guarapari S/N, quarter: Atalaia, in Aracaju? if.

A dynamics of integration directed toward groups will be applied, therefore the intention is to show the importance of the interaction of groups of people in the daily one. Where we will lock up the activities with a snack, to all the gifts in the meeting. In accordance with (Albigenor and Milito, 1999) the Dynamic expression of Group appeared for the first time in an article published for Kurt Lewin, in 1944 where it dealt with the practical theory and in social Psychology.

Humanity Husband

No activity spiritual. many plans for the future. (Pagliarin, Juanribe the Congregated Evangelho) ' '. ' ' UNTIL THE DAY WHERE NOAH ENTERED IN THE COFFER IN THE DAY IN L HE LEFT SODOMA. Jesus left clearly that, while Noah and L had remained between the people, the Evil did not come. Thus also he will be in the Last Days: while the safe ones will be in the World, nothing it will happen to the Humanity. Therefore the safe ones are the salt of the Land. But, this situation alone will remain until the day where they will be arrebatados.

(Pagliarin, Juanribe the Congregated Evangelho) ' '. ' ' (28) As well as in the same way it happened in the days of L: they ate, they drank, they bought, they vendiam, they planted and they built. (29) But, in the day where L left Sodoma, it rained of the sky fire and sulphur, consuming to all. (30) Thus it will be in the day where the Son of the Man if has to reveal (Lc 17:28 30); ' ' – The necessary Church TO WAKE UP for such Words pronounced for Christ, and US also! ' ' (6) But, to the midnight, a outcry heard: There it comes the husband! I left it to it the meeting! (7) Then, all those virgins if had raised and prepared its light bulbs. (8) and the insane people had said to the cautious ones: Of there – us of your oil, because our light bulbs if erase. (9) But the cautious ones had answered, saying: It is not case that in lacks we to them and you; IDE, before, to they vendem that it and you buy it for you. (10) E, having they IDO to buy it, arrived husband, and the ones that were prepared had entered with it for the weddings, and closed it door.

Relief Of Diseases

Conception of God modifies concern levels and estresse The journalist, broadcaster and writer Jose de Paiva Netto, world-wide president of the Institutions of the Good will, introduced in Brazil since the end of century XX, an ample international debate on the existing factors of convergence between religion science. Of this interesting debate, where famous personalities, specialists of these two fields of knowing human being had displayed convergent and divergent facts, were born the World-wide Frum Spirit and Science that palco had as main the ParlMundi of the LBV World-wide Parliament of the Ecumenical Fraternity one of the annexes of the Joint Architectural Temple of the Good will, in South Wing 915, lots 75,76, of Brasilia-DF. The success of the initiative already that height was in such way that of guests, the palestrantes if had become petitioners of reiterated meeting of the type. public has been the beneficiary greater with the debate and the interaction that the World-wide Frum Spirit and Science stimulates. Questioned on the reason of the idea and its accomplishment, Paiva Netto, known champion of biennial book sales in international in Brazil, thus he explained: ' ' What the Religion intui, science one day will prove in laboratory. Science without Religion can become soul dryness. Religion without Science can slide for the fanatism. Therefore, in the ideal day that all we desire to see to appear in the horizon of History, Science, brain, mind, illuminated for the Love (Religion, heart fraterno), will raise the Human being to the conquest of verdade' '.

Covering the world in search of evidence of this convergence science-religion, espiritualidade-science, we find in the Faith stimulaton interesting for the relief of diseases. Religious people are happyer in bad situations. ' ' Religious people are happyer and better surpass the difficult situations of what the people not religiosas' ' , they had affirmed North American researchers.

Healthy Eating Little Fruit

At the dawn of mankind the fig leaf for Adam and Eve took to cover the sexual parts of an important role nowadays there are no fig leaves, but the fruit itself, which not only represent a very popular, but a very valuable fruit. The consumption Got Buy it used mainly dried figs, the figs are now available almost year-round. However, they have their season from summer to autumn. During this time, tasted the most fruits deep violet, which primarily are available from us, clearly the best. Figs, kiwi spoon, as you can eat an apple, as well as confidently in their skins. Even for salads, for dessert, or even grilled taste, combined with a little feta cheese to extremely delicious. Fresh or dried Fresh figs are purchased only a few days in the refrigerator. They are usually picked ripe, because they rarely ripen up, and therefore should not be consumed after making a purchase as soon as possible. Fruits that are more durable, have beenusually unnecessary treatment. As an alternative to the fresh figs, you can enjoy the dried fruit. Enter from 6-times more energy than fresh figs, because they barely contain water, increase the vitamins A and B are around three times and they taste due to the higher fruit sugar content, sweeter than the fresh. It is recommended that more time for dried figs and chocolates, candies and Co to take hold. Caution should be exercised when buying dried figs. Unfortunately, quite often they are treated chemically sulphurised like. Therefore recommended the purchase of untreated fruit in the health food store. Fresh figs and effective ingredients consist of more than 80% water. Minerals such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron are also plentiful, but the vitamin C content in figs is very low, not present in dried figs. Unlike dried figs, fresh fruits are low in calories with 62 calories per 100g, beating the dried after all with just 274 calories per 100g of beech. Calculated on the playare the calories in a fresh fruit only scarce 10th The fruits of work due to the high fiber content and the high proportion of fructose mild laxative for constipation and are therefore likely to positively influence digestion. As early as 2 to 3 fresh fruits are a very natural and pleasant tasting laxative. Dried fruits contain as mentioned in more fruit and stimulate the digestive system, therefore even stronger. To achieve the desired effect, you should additionally take increasingly fluid. Dried figs may also alleviate cough discomfort by being attached to one coughing. The tea is sweetened slightly and thus saves you from adding sugar. Cowardly act because of the relatively high magnesium content also Reduces stress and revitalize our circuit. They also help with fatigue and lack of drive and enhance concentration. Therefore, it should provide in the office as a snack or our children to learn in between one or more of figs.