Delivery Products

Hydrometer ADB-1 is designed to measure the density of drilling and any other solutions, as well as liquids and slurries, neutral to polyethylene. Hydrometer – in physics is the name of the device, which is used to determine the density and hence, the specific weight of bodies. The device is a hydrometer is based on the hydrostatic law (Archimedean law), in which each body is floating in the liquid so deeply immersed that the weight of the displaced fluid is equal to weight of the floating body. Hydrometer looks like the "float glass", a widening at the bottom and filled with steel shot or a special heavy weight (ballast). Devices that measure the density of large, have great ballast. Besides the usual, there are special hydrometers. They are designed for certain types of liquids: alcohol, sugar solution, etc. In such a hydrometer scale is scaled to the weight or volume percentage is determined product.

To determine the relative weight of the liquid, pour it into a glass vessel (cylinder), and gently lowered back hydrometer. Once the hydrometer will take the correct position, counting is carried out by testimony scale. For the amount of weight takes a value against which to set the level of the liquid, assuming that the top or bottom edge of the meniscus, depending on the performance of a hydrometer. The device consists of a hydrometer and a bucket with a lid. Bucket serves as a reservoir for the working of water into which the hydrometer is immersed with the solution. The cover is designed for sampling the test solution. In the hydrometer includes measuring cup, float, consisting of cover and the bottom, rod deposited on its core (from 0,8 to 2,6) and the correction (from 0.2 to -1) scales, and a removable cargo. Beaker has two cavities: for the measured sample solution and the compensation chamber.

In the compensation chamber is placed a metal ballast needed for the stability of the submerged device. Ballast is isolated from the environment plastic flap. Provides buoyancy float hydrometer. Bottom of a float designed to delete the excess grout from the measuring cup up to the calculated volume. The rod is made of standard tube and attached to a float. Specifications: Measuring range of density, g / cm – with a calibrated weight: 0,8-1,7 – without calibrated load: 1,7-2,6 Scale hydrometer (main and correction), g / cm 0,01 Operating environment – the water density from 0.96 to 1.039 g / cm at 5 to 50 C Capacity of cup hydrometer, cm 78,5 0,3 Absolute error in temperature of test solution, the environment and water (20 2) C, g / cm 0,01 Delivery Products: hydrometer ADB-1, carrying case, manual.

Russian Federation

Accordingly, the cost of restoration costs as directly related to the creation of the object on the basis of paragraph 8 pbu 6 / 01 ‘Accounting for Fixed Assets’ * (1) included in the initial cost of fixed assets. The tax allowance for the costs of restoration, carried out before entering constructed facilities into operation, subject to the provisions of paragraph 1 of Art. 257 of the Tax Code also form the initial tax value of fixed sredstv.Prakticheskie Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation N 525 and the rf Committee for Land Resources and Land N 67 from 22.12.1995 approved by the general provisions on land remediation, removal, preservation and rational use of topsoil (hereinafter – the main provisions of reclamation). According to Section 4 of this document reclamation for agricultural, forestry and other purposes, requiring the restoration of soil fertility, carried out sequentially in two stages: – Technical – biologicheskiy.Tehnichesky phase includes planning, building embankments, removal and application of topsoil, the device of hydraulic and drainage works, dumping of toxic overburden, as well as other work, creating the necessary conditions for the further use of reclaimed land for their intended purpose or for carrying out activities to restore soil fertility (biological stage).

Biological stage includes a set of agricultural and phyto-reclamation activities aimed at improving the physical, chemical, biochemical and other properties pochvy.V paragraph 7 of the Basic Provisions of remediation is a list of expenses included in the cost of reclamation. Among these costs are given, in particular, the costs of: – the elimination of industrial sites, transport and communications, power grids and other objects, in which the need has passed – the purchase and planting saplings – the restoration of fertility of reclaimed land passed to the agricultural, forestry and other uses (cost seeds, fertilizer and ameliorants, fertilizing and ameliorants, etc.) – the activity of the working commissions on acceptance and transfer of reclaimed land (transport costs, payment of experts, conduct field examinations, laboratory tests, etc.) – Other works under reclamation projects, depending on the nature of the violation of land and future use of reclaimed uchastkov.Iz above obvious that the restoration – a complex process, requiring compliance with certain stages, considering the climate zone, which is undergoing construction that takes a sufficiently long period of time..

Getting Enough Relief

According to the June 7 issue of the Wall Street Journal, more Americans are seeking treatment for mental illness than ever before, but most of them do not receive adequate care, according to a major new government study. In the once per decade report funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), researchers found that a quarter of Americans had a psychiatric disorder in the year preceding the survey, and 40% of them sought treatment, compared only 25% of people seeking treatment in the previous report a decade ago. The NIH finding was that only one third of those affected received even "minimally adequate" care – that was defined by researchers as to get at least two months of appropriate medication and see a doctor at least four times, or are at least eight sessions of psychotherapy than 30 minutes or more. Also notable was that only 12% of patients saw a general practitioner have adequate care compared to almost half of those who see a psychiatrist or other specialist. Do yourself a favor and make an appointment with a psychiatrist. If you do not receive a correct diagnosis will not receive the correct treatment. Many patients do not receive adequate relief from antidepressants. Within the next few weeks, the FDA is exected to approve the first long-term treatment option for the treatment of chronic or recurrent, resistant depression: vagus nerve stimulation.

For additional information, visit There is a free electronic newsletter to keep you up to date on the latest developments. Learn more about how this therapy can bring genuine happiness and joy to your life. Also available on the site is the book of the Black Hole: Patient Guide to Vagus nerve stimulation and depression. Do yourself a favor and become fully informed about this extraordinary device. It could change your life. Charles Donovan was a patient in the study of the FDA investigation of VNS as a treatment for chronic or recurrent treatment, resistant depression. Was implanted with the vagus nerve stimulator in April 2001. l a recounts his journey from the clutches of depression thanks to vagus nerve stimulation therapy in his book: Out of the Black Hole: Patient Guide to Vagus nerve stimulation and depression The book was exhibited at the American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, May 21 to May 26 in Atlanta, GA. This was the largest gathering of psychiatrists in the world (25,000 attendees). a l is the founder of the Web Site


Date: Friday January 30, 2009, 7:15 AM CDT The daily analysis Copyright 2009, Core Financial Group, Inc.. and Jason Alan Jankovsky All Rights Reserved. Night view Asia / Europe USD improved in Asia, then reversed in Europe The volumes remain low so that the move was exacerbated The Euro broke the support level at 1.2880, but it remains at 1.2800/10 The day’s events All times EASTERN (-5 GMT 8:30 a.m. USD Advance GDP q / q 8:30 a.m. USD Advance GDP Price Index q / q 8:30 a.m. USD Employment Cost Index q / q 9:45 a.m.

USD Chicago PMI 9:55 a.m. UOM USD Consumer Sentiment 9:55 a.m. revised Inflation Expectations USD UOM revised Third day of the WEF annual meeting for Monday times EASTERN (-5 GMT) 9:59 a.m. USD Existing Home Sales 10:00 a.m. USD CB Leading Index m / m The greenback extended its morning gains, with low operating volumes, while the market looks forward to the publication of the American GDP. The events of yesterday were negative for EURO and GBP.

Both currencies were under pressure in Europe, but recovered the GBP to remain near the top night in the area of 1.4347, while the euro was on the defensive. The minimum registered EURO New York in the 1.2806 area, it is noteworthy that the banking situation in Ireland certainly added pressure. The pair recorded the highest in Asia in the 1.2959 area.

Indoor Versus Outdoor Tanning

The benefits of indoor tanning versus outdoor tanning are widely discussed in the cosmetic and health care is ultimately up to you to decide which method is healthy and convenient for you. When you visit a tanning center, the skin produces a tan the same way as it does when you bask in the sun – through the absorption of ultraviolet light. However, one of the dangers of tanning outdoors is exposed to ultraviolet light too. Climate changes in the atmosphere that has many of us slathering on sunblock and sunscreen before sun exposure. One of the benefits of indoor tanning is that you can control the amount of UV light you are exposed, so that you do not get a sunburn or prepare your epidermis for a predisposition to skin cancer. You can not control the harmful UV rays of the sun as it can control the weather. Compared to indoor tanning, outdoor tanning is actually one of the most reliable ways to achieve that tan perfect.

It is, however, a reliable way to achieve a sunburn. Waiting for a reddish burn to fade to a brown accelerates the aging process. Artificial tanning equipment utilizes the same two types of ultraviolet light, UVA and UVB rays that are emitted by the sun. Indoor tanning procedures are highly regulated by government agencies in Canada and the United States and the equipment is designed to mimic the effect of sunlight. In an indoor tanning salon professional, exposure times are determined by equipment and trained professionals that take into account previous tanning sessions as well as the tanner's skin type.

This minimizes the possibility that the type of skin damage that is common with outdoor tanning. Accommodation can also be a consideration when deciding whether indoor tanning tanning outdoors in front is best for you. Depending on weather conditions and government warnings that are issued on the strength of the harmful UV rays emitted by the sun, it may be possible to get this look of polished brass in time for this important meeting. One of the main benefits of indoor tanning is safer than regular doses of ultraviolet light are prescribed for you in a controlled environment that suits their agenda. Indoor tanning is also a great help for those suffering from diseases such as psoriasis or osteoporosis, as UV rays assist the body in the manufacture of vitamin D needed to dispel these conditions. This is a great benefit for people who need to "take their solar vitamins" regularly and are not able to do on a rainy day. One session in a tanning center is a smart way to maximize your health, while simultaneously minimizing the risk of sunburn. You do not want too much exposure to UV rays, but the many benefits of indoor tanning, which also include prevention against wrinkles, you should consider carefully the next time you are tempted to slather on a sunscreen and are in the sun. 2004 Angela Maroevich e. All rights reserved.

Meeting Place

Today the car firmly accustomed to the social life of every person, sometimes to deal with minor questions about this iron horse are very popular. The car is for very many faithful companion and companion around the car and its difficulties can turn lives of large numbers of idle and not personalities. Since the latest cars – this is the extent and attract a beautiful creation of engineering human thought, that does not succumb to the attraction just does not work. Extremely often, but motorists do not know where to go with their topical issues. Previously, garages proved popular destination for communication, there can offer advice and put on the right path for the update and the nuances of driving. At the moment it is absolutely not true.

And garages, and people who attend them, not in a position to become the appropriate environment for communication, if you call yourself a respectable businessman, to the word. This position will save the auto forum. It has everything, without exception, subject matter, questions that appear in the life of motorist. In fact the first steps when you go to driving school, you will need more competent advice of experienced drivers. You will need to understand in what way they can catch on the exam inspectors difficulties particularly difficult to overcome the beginner, and in general the spirit of society motorists, in which you have in mind to enter. Forum will be useful to motorists who choose a car. Here you will learn the advantages and shortcomings of the most various models see testimonials from those who have already purchased this brand.

Annual Meeting: Hamburg

On 25 October in Hamburg pending changes in the electronic toll procedures in the focus of Hamburg at the meeting, 23.09.2011. Upcoming changes in the electronic toll procedures and the exchange of experience by users since the introduction of the procedure are the themes of the first zmv annual meeting of ENTITEC AG on October 25, 2011 in Hamburg. The Hamburg-based company, specializing in complex software solutions for insurance companies, pension funds and provident, invites the decision-makers from the departments and the IT of the number concerned. It refer to customers and experts of ENTITEC AG, as well as external experts on a variety of aspects of the paying agent login procedure. Also the user of the entitec solution zmv.connect will have the opportunity to decide which features should be implemented with priority.

The event will take place at the Adina Apartment Hotel Hamburg Michel. In addition to the lecture, the opportunity for networking and to visit an accompanying exhibition is for the participants. Here are current Solutions of entitec to model-driven software development, document management, data warehouse and business intelligence presents. The coming changes in the paying agency registration process, in particular the social compensation, which must be integrated in the future are a focus of zmv annual meeting. As it is considered from the perspective of the statutory health insurance companies, reported Michael Bernhardt, product manager of AOK Systems GmbH. In addition the participants in the example learn the provincial Rhineland, by entitec developed and certified solution zmv.connect was integrated into the complex system environment the provincial Rhineland and approved for production. In a lecture to the roadmap by zmv.connect the entitec system consultant Jan Crusemann Swen will introduce upcoming technical innovations Doktorczyk and then with the participants discuss, how new features should be prioritized. The paying agent login procedure is binding introduced since July, 2011. Involved in all paying agencies of a pension such as insurance, support and Pension funds, provident and other bodies, whose payments to the recipient represent a source of income.

Flea Market

“The first February has BBs in itself: with great toys and baby clothes from the mommy Web flea market and the first Mommy Web parent meeting in Frankfurt of the first Sunday in February is Frankfurt/Bornheim by Mommy Web under the motto of social commitment promote and thereby contacts”. The mommy Web parent meeting will take place in Frankfurt/Bornheim is the largest virtual mother network Rhein-Main region and is there the Mami Web GmbH headquarters. A get-together in the Cafe is planned prelude that holds a large number of games in addition to healthy organic and thus is tailored to the needs of mothers with children. All Mommy Web members from Frankfurt and its surroundings, as well as their children and also anyone else interested, are invited to come in the time from 10 to 13 h in the Saalburg road 61 (close to Gunther Castle Park), to get to know each other and the mommy Web team. Registration in advance is requested (by email at:).

The charity flea market “is also held on the 1st of February and in the Office of Mami Web GmbH (Arnsburger str. 58 c / d backyard) instead find, which only a five minute walk from the Cafe foreplay and quite close at the Metro station (U4) Bornheim Center” is. Mommy Web had encouraged Austria and the Switzerland since October 2008 its more than 200,000 members in Germany, very successfully within the framework of the toy donation”to send donations. There will be a variety of affordable baby and Childrens items, which can be purchase for a good purpose for very little money. Well preserved, as well as new toys, clothing, books and many more articles are available here for mothers, fathers and children and also Cafe and cakes is provided. The entire proceeds of the flea market will be donated for the benefit of a recognized children’s charity.

FACTS: Mommy Web parent meeting in the Cafe prelude, Saalburg road 61 (on the 1.12.09 from 10 am 1 pm), registration, please contact: Julia Gatscha Mami-Web, mail: baby flea market on the 1.2.09 from 12 o’clock: Mami Web GmbH, Arnsburger str. 58 c / d backyard about Mommy WEB: Mommy Web has over 200,000 registered members (stand: January 7, 2009) the largest German language online network for mothers and women who want to be there. Per day up to 1,500 new members – register a new Member – of the free community that was launched late May 2007 so every minute. Mommy Web offers tips from other mothers and advice from professional women, daily new articles in the mommy Web Magazine and in the lifestyle blog, contact mothers from the region, practical functionalities (E.g. photo albums, ads, chat room) and the ability to create your own Mommy Web groups with subject-specific or regional alignment.


We can "trick" easily … In other words, we make our reality through our emotions, that is, from the way we process our experiences. So, why not pay attention to the transformation process in the area of our feelings? Change how I feel, based on the thoughts, that my action on reality is positive, constructive, creative and effective. The reality, first changing my own essence, my personality. Our emotional responses are "manufactured" in the hypothalamus. On it, are created neurohormones or neuropeptides, which are responsible for the emotions we experience. There is chemistry for rabies, for happiness, for suffering, envy … Every thought or emotion to be repeated, creating connections are strengthened.

So associate situations with emotions. For example: if we remain locked in an elevator, the object "lift" can be associated with the fear of confinement. If that association is not interrupted, the brain associated with emotion and thought, strengthening the partnership and creating such a phobia. All habits and addictions operate with the same mechanics. The good news is that once we break this vicious circle, as we break that connection, the brain creates another bridge between neurons that is the "passage to liberation." Our brain is constantly remaking even in old age. Therefore, you can unlearn and relearn new ways to experience the emotions. Each association of ideas or facts, incubated a thought or memory in the form of neuronal connections, which leads to memory through associative memory. There are people connecting "love" with "disappointment" or "Deception", so when you feel love, the neural network will connect with the excitement for how you felt the last time you felt: anger, grief, anger, etc.

Feng Shui

If you feel that your work and career, there is no progress, you need to change the interior design of your office according to feng shui. You may not believe in feng shui, but you are in any case will not hurt. Guidance on changes One reason for the lack of progress in your work may be stagnant qi. Qi – is the vital energy that permeates the entire universe and surrounds us. The basic principle of qi is as follows: everything that exists in the world, has this vitality and connected to it. How it Onoshi to your work? When you work, qi is blocked. Change interior design your office according to feng shui and qi free.

Placing your desktop: 1. Put your desktop so that before you had a door, and behind you – the wall. No need to put a table directly opposite the door, because that way you will find yourself on the path of "harmful chi. 2. If you can not change the location his desk, put a large plant or on the floor near the table, or a small plant directly on the table. This will protect you and your work from the bad chi. 3. Hang a picture of a landscape on the wall, which is behind you – this will give you the support of the chi, which you will be more productive and successful at work. Be organized – this is an absolute necessity. Mess on the table means a mess in my head.