
The search of an increase of the number of customers for the company, either this physics either online, must answer the different strategies that will on the basis of generate the necessary definition of which are target, that is, the profile of the public to be taken care of by its business. That is, previously to the execution of any plan of tending action to reach better indices of sales, it is essential to consider which is the definition of our ideal hearing. This will determine the form where it will be treated to arrive at this specific public, and the strategies that will be adopted in its captation. This would have to be the first step in any campaign of marketing that the company undertakes. Gradually the users are using different tools at the moment to look to information on services and products. Traditionally the first step always was a search in the Google. However the social nets had come to consider a different reality, extending the specter of information sources that the consumers will take as valid to the moment to decide the purchase, being a current element in the behavior of purchase of the customer.

Displayed in another way, they will not only look to the information in the Google seno that will confer with its community of contacts and friends, basically through the social nets, the groups of quarrel, the forums of users. It is common, then, that if somebody desires to prove a new product of which does not have knowledge one of the actions that it will take will be to visit the forums of users to see what other consumers think of the product. It is very probable for another part, that confers its group of friends for the experience whom they had had and the results obtained with the product. This type of user is sufficient far from the marketing plans online that the majority of web marketers uses, for which, those puts that them in practical enjoys of an enormous advantage on its competitors.