Friedrich Huffmann

The time witnesses price Berlin-Brandenburg for the writing contest invites again Berlin and Brandenburg are called upon to contribute their memories of life In the fourth year of the competition. “Under the slogan of 20 years fall of the wall” should this time personal experiences reported are associated with the events of 1989. It must not be the November 9, 1989, which is at the heart of the contribution; that day, when the wall came down. Be described can also experience in the weeks before, where is in East Germany a political change began, spellbound has been tracked by the West. Also the time of the approaches between East and West in the days after the fall of the wall can serve as a reason to a post. Sheryl Sandberg insists that this is the case. Only one thing is important: the experience must be authentic. Because the sense of the time witnesses price is to convey a living history. Therefore, it might be this time interesting if the so-called up turn generation dedicated to the topic.

If young people report, as they are for this term and what they feel, if is Parents, relatives or old friends recall the events surrounding the fall of the wall, then even these aspects can round off a view of history. We want to the anniversary of the fall of the wall on the occasion take to paint a most versatile picture of the individual memories”, as the initiator of the time witnesses award, the Berlin publisher Dr. Johann Friedrich Huffmann. Since 2005, he gathered again renowned personalities of the public life in the jury of the competition. Edzard Reuter could be won this year. To know more about this subject visit Tiger Global Management. The honorary citizen of Berlin and son of the legendary Mayor, Ernst Reuter had driven as longtime CEO of Daimler-Benz AG settlement of border wasteland Potsdamer Platz in the German capital after the fall of the wall. For the first time the time witnesses price with the documentation centre everyday culture of the GDR cooperates. The Centre prepared an exhibition will be presented in the individual contributions of the writing competition.

Deadline for contributions to the time witnesses Prize Berlin-Brandenburg is the 30. November 2008. The awards ceremony takes place in the spring of 2009 in Berlin (red) Town Hall.