In particular when purchasing on the Internet parents sure should make sure wooden toys is a important safety standards for babies and wooden toys small children represents a grave danger if it complies with special safety standards. Not every toy is suitable for all ages. Especially in small parts of wooden toys, make sure that playing small children can not swallow parts. But the chemical properties of the toy parts are part of the quality review of toys. The second regulation on the German equipment and product safety Act (regulation concerning the safety of toys) contains the main legal provisions governing the safety of wooden toys. Then toy just in traffic may be placed if it is provided with the CE marking. To get this toy must so be manufactured that it use and use is harmless and cause no body damage, if it is ingested or inhaled or with the skin, the Is mucous membranes and in your eyes. Toys and its components, as well as the removable parts for children under 36 months certain toys must be designed according to the proportions that she swallowed and / or can be inhaled (annex II of Directive 88/378/EEC, paragraph II.
d.). Again very small parts that do not comply with these requirements can be found in particular at the grocery for children. Careful applies here. Only if the legally standardized security requirements are met, wooden toys receives the CE marking. This marking must be visible on the toys or its packaging, legibly and permanently attached; also the name, company, and address of the manufacturer must be always specified. Also in Germany, wooden toys is sold again and again, that indicates that no CE marking. This toy is often imported from Asia and distributed in Germany under unknown brand name.
For parents seem to be tempting the offerings because this Wooden toys are of course much cheaper offered as brand toys. Also available on the Internet, there are often such offers. This is different for online shops that only products from brand-name manufacturers. Therefore care should be taken here necessarily on quality and not necessarily just the price. Sebastian saga