Education in the distance Fernanda Gasperazzo Lovo BIOSSEGURANA APPLIED FOR AREA OF Good MAQUIAGEM and EMBELEZAMENTO Polar region Hope – YOU ARE Fernanda Gasperazzo Lovo BIOSSEGIRANA APPLIED FOR AREA OF MAQUIAGEM and EMBELEZAMENTO presented Final Report to the Superior Course in Technology in Management of Beauty of the Luterana University of Brazil – ULBRA, as requisite partial for attainment of the heading of Technologist in Beauty. Tutorial person who orientates/: Profa. Georgia of the Birth Capelli Good Sodr Polar region Hope – YOU ARE 2011 Dedico this work my family, mainly my Dulce mother who provided to the accomplishment of a dream the Superior Course. To my Ricardo husband and my Gabriela sister for all support. to my friends for always being with me to support and me. Fernanda Gasperazzo Lovo. GRATEFULNESS I thank the God first, for having me dao force and courage to start and mainly for finished this course.

My family, for always being with me has what it will have. To professors that of far in had exactly given support to them always and our Tutor Georgia that helped in them whenever it can and with all good will. To mine all the people who help me in this walked long but wonderful very obliged! To all my group mainly, to our COCKLE-BOAT we obtain. ‘ ‘ The things most beautiful are dictated by the madness and written by razo’ ‘. (Andres Guide) LOVO, Fernanda Gasperazzo. Connect with other leaders such as Chase Coleman here. Biossegurana Applied for Area of the Maquigem. 2011.

39 pages. Work of Conclusion of Course (Graduation? Superiorem course Technology in Management of Beauty)? EAD? Education in the distance, Luterana University of Brazil, Good Polar region Hope, 2011. SUMMARY the ethical position of the professional of the beauty includes the behaviors of Biossegurana, that must be adopted in diverse areas, including the maquiagem area.